Detalle Profesor

Our researchers

María Jesús Moreno Aliaga

Academic Center(s)
Ciencias de la Alimentación y Fisiología
Facultad de Farmacia y Nutrición Universidad de Navarra
Research lines
Genómica nutricional del tejido adiposo en obesidad: metabolismo lipídico y glucídico, secreción de adipoquinas, pardeamiento, Papel de Cardiotrofina-1 y otras citoquinas de la familia de IL-6 en tejido adiposo e intestino en obesidad y complicaciones metabólicas asociadas, Ácido lipoico y obesidad: análisis de los mecanismos moleculares implicados, Ácidos grasos omega-3 y mediadores lipídicos bioactivos derivados en obesidad, inflamación e insulino-resistencia, Sexenios CNEAI: 4 (1995-2003; 2004-2009; 2010-2015; 2016-2021), Tejido adiposo disfuncional en obesidad, inflamación y envejecimiento

Dr. Moreno-Aliaga, is Full Professor of Human Physiology at University of Navarra (UNAV) and Director of the Molecular Nutrition and Metabolism Area in the Center for Nutrition Research (UNAV). She has developed her research activity at the University of Navarra and at the University of California, Davis. During the last 20 years her research has been focused mainly in the study of obesity, adipose tissue physiology and metabolism. Her group has investigated the nutritional regulation of adipose tissue function, as well as the mechanisms linking obesity, inflammation, insulin resistance and fatty liver. They have focused in analyzing the mechanisms relating the dysfunction of adipose tissue with the chronic unresolved inflammation that occurs in obesity and aging, and they have studied the effects of physical exercise and omega-3 fatty acids dietary supplementation. Her studies have also focused in characterizing the potential therapeutic action of omega-3-derived specialized pro-resolving lipid mediators, such as Maresin 1 and the cytokine cardiothrophin-1 in obesity and related-metabolic disorders. She is accomplishing a translational research in Nutrition and Obesity, integrating mechanistic studies in cell cultures and animal models of obesity with omics-technologies and nutritional intervention studies in humans. She has published around 160 scientific articles (more than 137 in JCR-indexed peer-reviewed Journals) and 23 book chapters. Prof. Moreno-Aliaga has extensive experience in supervising/mentoring students, postdocs and staff. Prof. Moreno-Aliaga has participated in around 25 research projects and contracts (16 as Principal Investigator). She is an active member in several research networks, and has developed an extensive interaction and collaboration with other national and international researchers. Currently, she is member of the Working Group in Methodologies of the International Bone Marrow Adiposity Society. Prof. Moreno-Aliaga has been invited speaker in a relevant number of national and international Scientific Meetings and also actively participated in the organization of Meetings and Seminars. Currently, she is the PI of a Ciberobn, ISCIII group (CB12/03/30002) and of the Research group `Personalized Nutrition and Metabolic Syndrome' of the University of Navarra and the Navarra Institute for Health Research. For almost 10 years, Prof. Moreno-Aliaga was Associate-Dean for Research in the School of Pharmacy. Currently, she is the Editor-in-Chief of J Physiol Biochem.