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Nested Applications

Nested Applications


Talento académico

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29 de octubre

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Nested Applications

Nested Applications


¿Qué es?

La Escuela de Doctorado es el órgano dependiente del Vicerrectorado de Investigación para la coordinación, planificación y seguimiento de los programas de doctorado de la Universidad. Fija y reglamenta la estrategia general de la universidad para los estudios de tercer ciclo, sirve de apoyo a los Centros y realiza un seguimiento anual de los Programas de Doctorado junto a la Comisión de Garantía de Calidad de cada centro.



Equipo de gobierno

Presidente: Paloma Grau, Vicerrectora de Investigación
Director ejecutivo: Javier Burguete
Adjunta a la dirección: Pilar Recalde

  • Área de Humanidades, Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas: Carolina Montoro

  • Área de Ciencias Experimentales y de la Salud: Ana Rouzaut

  • Área de Técnicas e Ingeniería: Alejandro Rivas

Comisiones académicas

Cada programa de doctorado contará con una comisión encargada de su dirección y gestión académica. Estará compuesta por el coordinador del programa, el vicedecano/subdirector responsable del tercer ciclo en el centro y el correspondiente subdirector de la Escuela de Doctorado.

Nested Applications


Nested Applications


Dadun is the institutional repository destined to gather, preserve and disseminate through open access the documents resulting from the academic and scientific activity of the University of Navarra.


If the thesis you wish to consult is not published in Dadun, you must contact the author of the thesis, request an authorization to have access to consultation and present said authorization at the General Offices of the University (Mª José Erburu:



Nested Applications

Nested Applications



Solicitud de admisión


Application for Admission

The academic year at the University of Navarra begins on September 1 and ends on August 31. The admission application period for this academic year 2020-2021 (September 1, 2020 to August 31, 2021) is closed. You can request admission for the following academic year 2021-22, which will remain open until January 31, 2022 (some doctoral programs such as Nursing, Applied Medicine and Biomedicine and Government and Culture of the Org. Have their own deadlines. , consult directly with the secretariats of the corresponding Faculties).

The application for admission to the doctorate is done online and consists of 4 steps:

Selection of the doctoral program


  • Personal information

  • Academic data (university studies carried out)

  • Professional experience

  • Other data of interest

  • Payment of fees (65 euros)

  • Summary and confirmation

During the process, the following documents will be required:y

  • ID card or passport

  • Photograph

For each academic degree that it includes, two documents will be requested:

Receipt or title that gives access to studies

Certificate of previous university studies (academic record)

Some doctoral programs require a CV, letters of recommendation, a letter of intent, a commitment from a professor to direct the thesis ...

At the end of the 4 steps, the application for admission to the doctorate will arrive at the University. Throughout the entire process, the Doctoral School of the University of Navarra will help you with whatever you need. For any questions you can contact Arancha Urdánoz (, 948-425600 ext. 802452.

The candidate will submit the application through the MiUnav portal. We recommend consulting the Admission Process Manual and these frequently asked questions.

The Academic Commission:

They will interview the candidate and, if this is specified in the admission of the Program, they will submit them to objective tests that assess their abilities and minimum access requirements and, where appropriate, knowledge of languages.

The Thesis Director (s) and, where appropriate, the training complements and the Thesis Reviewer will be established if so established by the program.

It will issue the positive / negative admission report.

It will send all the documentation to the Board of Directors of the center responsible for the program.

The Board of Directors of the Center will submit the request with its approval to the Doctoral School.

Finally, the Doctoral School will verify compliance with the access requirements for admission, by delegation from the Rectorate.

The Technical Research Secretariat will send the candidate by email the admission letter that must include, at least: Name of the Doctorate Program, appointment of the Thesis Director and, where appropriate, the prescribed training supplements.

The admission resolution process takes approximately one month of time.

1. In general, in order to enter into an official doctoral program the candidates must have received his/her Bachelor’s Degree, or the equivalent, and a university Master’s Degree.

2. Likewise candidates can enter the doctoral program if their circumstances fall into one of the following categories:

a) To have received an official Spanish university degree or degree from some other country within the European Higher Education Area which allows entrance into a Master Program as established by article 16 of the Royal decree 1393/2007, of October 29 and having received a minimum of 300 ECTS credits in the total official university studies, of which at least 60 must correspond to the Master level.

b) To have an official Spanish undergraduate (Bachelor’s) degree, whose duration, conforming to the European Union law, is of at least 300 ECTS credits. Said degrees are required to cover the educational compliments referred to in article 7.2 of the RD 99/2011, unless the study curriculum plan corresponding to the undergraduate degree includes education research credits, equivalent to the research credits in Master studies.

c) The candidates with university degrees that, after having been accepted into specialized health care education have had a positive evaluation during their two years of health care training in a program for obtaining an official degree of one of the specialties in Health Sciences.

d) To have obtained a degree in accordance with foreign educational systems, without the need of having it officially accredited as being equivalent to a Spanish degree, after having the university give its approval, affirming that said foreign degree is equivalent to a Spanish Master’s degree and that in the country where said degree was handed out, the holder of said title has earned the right to enter a Doctoral program. However, in this case where the university has considered the foreign degree to be an equivalent, this does not mean that the university officially accredits the foreign degree or previous foreign degrees nor that it recognizes this foreign degree for any reason other than to gain entrance into a doctoral program.

e) To have obtained another doctoral degree consistent with university organization regulations.

3. Likewise, students with recognized research sufficiency or Diploma of Advanced Studies obtained from previous legal regimens.

The application for admission to the doctorate has fees of 65 euros. For the current academic year 2020-21, the tuition fee for the thesis preparation phase is 1,330 euros per course (plus 95 euros for secretarial fees). The cost of registration is updated each academic year in June.

Nested Applications




Administrative transactions

No. 27 of the "Regulations for Doctoral Programs" provides for the assignment of a thesis director / s for each doctoral student at the time of admission.

The n. 31 of the same regulation provides for the modification of this assignment if there are justified reasons.

This protocol regulates the procedure for requesting changes in the direction of the doctoral thesis.

1. Procedure

Both the doctoral student and their directors may contact the Coordinator of the Doctoral Program to study the possible modification of the assignment of directors.

The Program Coordinator will listen to all the parties involved and will resolve the change, filling in the form for this purpose, which will be sent to the Doctoral School.

The Doctoral School will verify that the assigned professors comply with the requirements of the regulations.

Once the request has been resolved, the Technical Research Secretariat will register it in the Academic Management and will communicate it to the doctoral student and the old and new thesis directors.

2. Academic requirements

Professors must comply with the requirements established by n.28 and n.29 of the regulations for Doctoral Programs for thesis supervision.

Full-time dedication: you will have a period of 3 years for your defense, the Commission responsible for the program may authorize the extension of this period for one more year, which exceptionally could be extended for another additional year, under the conditions established in the corresponding doctoral program.

Partial dedication will have a term of 5 years, extendable for two years and exceptionally a third year with the favorable report of the Academic Commission and the responsible Board of Directors.

The calculation of the term begins with the date of the first enrollment of the student and ends on the date of the application for admission to defense of the thesis.

Printed with full-time dedication:

Request for extension of the deadline for the thesis defense (4th year)

Request for extension of term for thesis defense (5th year)

Printed with part-time dedication:

Request for extension of the deadline for thesis defense (6th and 7th year)

Request for extension of the deadline for thesis defense (8th year)

The doctorate may request the suspension of doctoral studies in two ways:

Interruption of studies: the doctorate may request the interruption of studies for a maximum period of one year, extendable for up to one more year.

Withdrawal from doctoral studies: in addition, in cases of illness, pregnancy or any other cause provided for by current regulations, duly justified, you may request temporary withdrawal from the program for the duration of the cause of withdrawal.


The doctoral student will present the interruption request form or the withdrawal request form at the Technical Research Secretariat.

The Technical Research Secretariat will proceed to register it and send it to the Academic Committee of the program. The Program Coordinator will issue his report and send it to the Executive Director of the Doctoral School for resolution.

The Technical Research Secretariat will communicate the resolution by postal and electronic mail.

When the student wishes to resume studies, she must submit the corresponding request for readmission to the Technical Research Secretariat.

Impreso para la solicitud de cambio de dedicación al doctorado. Se debe presentar en la Escuela de Doctorado.

Se presentará en la Secretaría de la Facultad en el momento del depósito de la tesis. Impreso de solicitud de admisión a defensa de tesis.

Impreso para otras solicitudes relacionadas con doctorado. Se debe presentar en la Escuela de Doctorado.

Todos los proyectos de investigación que impliquen el uso de muestras o datos de personas deben ser evaluados y aprobados por el CEI. La tarea del CEI es evaluar y asegurar que la recogida de las muestras y/o datos, su uso, manejo y conservación se realice de acuerdo con las normas éticas y la legislación vigente.

La documentación básica que se debe remitir al CEI para la evaluación ética de un Proyecto es la siguiente:

  1. Formulario de solicitud de evaluación del CEI, cumplimentado y firmado (Ciencias Biosanitarias y Ciencias Sociales).
  2. La Memoria del Proyecto.
  3. Memoria económica si la hubiera.
  4. Hoja de información y consentimiento informado si procede.


Nested Applications



Tesis doctorales


Tesis Doctoral theses

The title of Doctor will include on its obverse the diligence "Thesis under joint supervision with the U University", provided that the following circumstances concur:

  1. That the doctoral thesis is supervised by two or more Doctors from two Universities, one Spanish and one foreign, who must formalize a co-supervision agreement in the first months of the thesis.

  2. That during the period of training necessary to obtain the title of Doctor, the doctoral student has carried out a minimum stay of six months in the institution with which the co-supervision agreement is established, carrying out research work, either in a single period or in various. The stays and activities will be reflected in the co-supervision agreement.

The Industrial Doctorate involves the completion of a doctoral thesis within the framework of a research project of a company, which is part of one of the research lines of a University Doctoral Program.

It will be necessary to sign a collaboration agreement between the company and the Doctoral School according to the established model.

Academic regime: a) The student will request admission to a Doctoral Program offered by the UN and will be governed by the provisions of RD 99/2011.

b) Your thesis supervisor will be part of one of the research groups of the Doctoral Program and will meet the requirements established by the regulations of the Doctoral School.

c) The doctoral student will have a tutor in the company who will act as an advisor on matters related to the professional field. If the tutor meets the established requirements, he may be appointed director of the thesis.

d) The doctoral student will have the status of full-time student except for training activities, since they must pass those provided for part-time students.

Recruitment regime: The doctoral student must be hired by the company for at least the time established in the agreement for the completion of the doctoral thesis.

Confidentiality: In the event that the collaboration agreement incorporates the confidentiality clause with the company or the possibility of generating patents, the doctoral thesis will be subject to the protocol established for that purpose by the Doctoral School.

Mention of "Industrial Doctorate": Once the doctoral thesis has been defended within the framework established in the agreement, a mention of "Industrial Doctorate" will be incorporated into the student's official file.


Once the thesis has been defended, the student may request the Mention "International Doctor" at the Technical Research Secretariat, for which he must justify compliance with the following requirements:

  • a) Having carried out a minimum uninterrupted stay of three months outside of Spain during their training period in a prestigious higher education institution or research center, studying or carrying out research work. The stay and the activities must be endorsed by the director and authorized by the academic Commission, and must be recorded in the doctoral student's Activity Registration Document. In addition, the doctoral student must present a certificate from the institution in which they have made the stay that proves the duration and that the activity carried out is related to the doctoral thesis.

  • b) That part of the doctoral thesis, at least the summary and the conclusions, has been written and presented in one of the usual languages ​​for scientific communication in their field of knowledge, different from any of the official languages ​​in Spain. This rule will not apply when the stays, reports and experts come from a Spanish-speaking country. The doctoral student must present a certificate from the president or secretary of the court that accredits it.

  • c) That the thesis has been reported by a minimum of two expert doctors belonging to a non-Spanish higher education institution or research institute.

  • d) That at least one expert belonging to a non-Spanish higher education institution or research center, with a doctorate degree, and other than the person responsible for the stay mentioned in section a), has been part of the thesis evaluation panel .

  • The Technical Research Secretariat will send the documentation to the Executive Director of the Doctoral School for resolution, which will be communicated to the student by postal and electronic mail.

International Doctorate application form

Nested Applications



Premios extraordinarios de doctorado


Extraordinary doctorate awards

An Extraordinary Prize may be awarded for each Doctoral Program and academic year, provided that during it at least five doctoral theses have been approved; If the number of approved theses is greater than ten, another prize may be awarded for every ten theses or a fraction of ten. Prizes cannot be increased or those declared void in previous years or in other Centers may not be accumulated. However, if the number of theses approved during an academic year is less than five, the approved theses will be accumulated with those of the following course or courses until a minimum of five theses are collected.

In the event that in an academic year, despite having a sufficient number of theses, the extraordinary prize is not awarded, it will be deemed declared void and those theses may not compete for the extraordinary prize of subsequent courses

In the computation of theses referred to in the previous number, all approved theses are taken into consideration. However, only those who have deserved the qualification of “Apto cum laude” have an option for the Extraordinary Prize.

The awarding of the Extraordinary Awards will be made by the Board of Directors of each Center at the proposal of a tribunal of five Ph.D. members appointed by the Board of Directors. The board will prepare its proposal by means of a reasoned report and previous analytical and comparative examination of the theses, of the scientific publications that have been the subject of the thesis, without in any case being able to agree to the celebration of exercises or special tests.

The Extraordinary Doctorate Award will be reflected in the corresponding academic certificate.




Nested Applications




Nested Applications

Nested Applications


Registro de actividades formativas del Doctorado (RAFD)

La Universidad cuenta con una aplicación informática que permite que el alumno vaya introduciendo todas las actividades formativas que va realizando a lo largo de su formación.

Incluye la información en texto libre en base a unas categorías preestablecidas, y ofrece la posibilidad de adjuntar la documentación que se precise para cada actividad.

El alumno debe compartir su contenido con su Director de Tesis y ciertos usuarios autorizados que además podrán proponer la realización de actividades (Coordinador del PD, Comité Directivo de la Escuela).

Existe la posibilidad de exportar todos los datos a un documento PDF que configurará el documento de actividades del alumno.

Todos los alumnos matriculados en el doctorado ya cuentan con el acceso a la aplicación vía web.




Once the enrollment in the first year of the doctorate has been formalized, the student must upload to the miUNAV portal the “Documentary Follow-up Commitment” with all the signatures.

The student will present before May 1 to their Thesis Directors the Application for admission of the research plan (according to the attached application template) and the PDF with the document of activities carried out to date.

The student must obtain approval of the plan before the start of the next academic year.



Nested Applications

Nested Applications


Calls for pre-doctoral grants

Abierta todo el año para nuevas solicitudes. Adaptada al EPIF.

Plazo y lugar de presentación RENOVACIONES. La solicitud se enviará escaneada a la siguiente dirección de email:

Oferta de un plaza predoctoral, vinculada al proyecto: 

Estudio sobre los factores que afectan el cierre estomático y Control del vigor bajo niveles de co2 elevado para adaptar cultivos al Cambio climático (CARVITRANS).

Referencia proyecto: PID2023-151816OA-I00– Convocatoria: Proyectos de Generación de Conocimiento 2023

Se buscan candidatas o candidatos para contrato predoctoral FPI vinculado a proyecto CARVITRANS financiado por la agencia estatal de investigación. Se ofrece la posibilidad de estar vinculado a otros proyectos del grupo.

Fecha límite:  6 de septiembre de 2024.


Los interesados deberán enviar la siguiente documentación a :

  • CV
  • Breve carta de motivación
  • Certificación académica detallada de los estudios realizados (puede enviarse tras la entrevista)
  • Adecuación del candidato/a a las actividades de investigación a desarrollar (puede enviarse tras la entrevista)
  • Conocimiento de inglés (puede enviarse tras la entrevista)

Oferta de un plaza predoctoral, vinculada al proyecto: 

Disección del Microambiente Inmune en los Síndromes Mielodisplásicos (DIMAI-SMD)

Referencia proyecto: PID2023-153270OA-I00– Convocatoria: Proyectos de Generación de Conocimiento 2023

Se buscan candidatas o candidatos para contrato predoctoral FPI vinculado a proyecto DIMAI-SMD financiado por la agencia estatal de investigación. 

Fecha límite:  1 de octubre de 2024.


Los interesados deberán enviar la siguiente documentación a :

  • CV
  • Certificación académica detallada de los estudios realizados 

Oferta de un plaza predoctoral, vinculada al proyecto: 

Competición entre escalas temporales en flujos con interés biológico (TIMESFLOW)

Referencia proyecto: PID2023-148853OB-I00– Convocatoria: Proyectos de Generación de Conocimiento 2023

Se buscan candidatas o candidatos para contrato predoctoral FPI vinculado a proyecto TIMESFLOW financiado por la agencia estatal de investigación. 

Fecha límite:  15 de noviembre de 2024.


Los interesados deberán enviar la siguiente documentación a :

  • CV
  • Breve carta de motivación
  • Certificación académica detallada de los estudios realizados 
  • Adecuación del candidato/a a las actividades de investigación a desarrollar
  • Conocimiento de inglés (mínimo B2, deseable C1)

Oferta de un plaza predoctoral, vinculada al proyecto: 

Dynamics of many particle systems: from passive grains to macroscopic active matter.

Referencia proyecto: PID2023-146422NB-I00 – Convocatoria: Proyectos de Generación de Conocimiento 2023

Se buscan candidatas o candidatos para contrato predoctoral FPI vinculado a proyecto: "Dynamics of many particle systems: from passive grains to macroscopic active matter", financiado por la agencia estatal de investigación.

Fecha límite: 30 de noviembre de 2024.


OFERTA DE LA PLAZA (English version)

Los interesados deberán enviar la siguiente documentación a: y

  • CV (formato libre)
  • Certificación académica detallada de los estudios realizados 
  • En caso de disponer de él, certificado de conocimientos de inglés

Oferta de un plaza predoctoral, vinculada al proyecto: 

Avanzando en vacunas seguras contra la brucelosis ovina: eficacia de candidatos vacunales mejorados de B. melitensis y B. ovis y modelos in vitro innovadores (BruVac-Cell)

Referencia proyecto: PID2023-146797OB-C31 – Convocatoria: Proyectos de Generación de Conocimiento 2023

Se buscan candidatas o candidatos para contrato predoctoral FPI vinculado a proyecto PID2023-146797OB-C31 financiado por la agencia estatal de investigación. Se ofrece la posibilidad de estar vinculado a otros proyectos del grupo.

Fecha límite:  15 de septiembre de 2024.


Los interesados deberán enviar la siguiente documentación a :

  • CV
  • Certificación académica detallada de los estudios realizados 
  • Adecuación del candidato/a a las actividades de investigación a desarrollar
  • Conocimiento de inglés 

Oferta de un plaza predoctoral, vinculada al proyecto: 

Hacia una arquitectura descarbonizada y preparada para el clima. Evaluación del potencial de los vidrios transparentes fotovoltaicos para su uso en colegios y Viviendas (CLIMAREADY+TPV).

Referencia proyecto: PID2023-150988OB-I00 – Convocatoria: Proyectos de Generación de Conocimiento 2023

Se buscan candidatas o candidatos para contrato predoctoral FPI vinculado a proyecto CLIMAREADY+TPV financiado por la agencia estatal de investigación. 

Fecha límite:  15 de septiembre de 2024.


Los interesados deberán enviar la siguiente documentación a :

  • CV
  • Certificación académica detallada de los estudios realizados.
  • Carta de presentación donde se exponga la adecuación del candidato/a a las actividades de investigación a desarrollar
  • Justificación oficial de conocimiento de inglés (mínimo B2, deseable C1)

Plazo: desde el 15/04/2021 hasta 14/05/2021


Se enviará la solicitud completa, escaneada, a la siguiente dirección de email: indicando en el asunto “Solicitud ayuda ADA curso 2021-22” y seguido del nombre y apellidos del solicitante.

Fecha fin:  05/05/2023

Se enviará la solicitud completa, escaneada, a la siguiente dirección de email: indicando en el asunto NOMBRE Y APELLIDOS - SOLICITUD AYUDA ESTRATEGIA 20/25.

Bases convocatoria

Impresos de solicitud

Oferta de un plaza predoctoral, vinculada al proyecto: 

Identificación de mecanismos transcripcionales de progresión y resistencia al tratamiento en pacientes con Síndromes mielodisplásicos de alto riesgo

Se busa una persona candidata para solicitar una Ayuda predoctoral P-FIS, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, para el desarrollo de su doctorado en el laboratorio de Hematología Traslacional, en el Cima Universidad de Navarra y CCUN, Pamplona

Fecha límite:  15 de Febrero de 2024, pero las solicitudes se evaluarán cuando se reciban


Los interesados deberán enviar el CV y expediente académico a:

Plazo: desde 01/04/2021 hasta 23/04/2021

Objeto: Con el fin de promover la actividad divulgadora entre el alumnado de Doctorado, el grupo de trabajo de “actividades conjuntas” de la Red de Divulgación y Cultura Científica (RedDivulga) de CRUE propone la convocatoria de la “I Edición del Concurso Tu Tesis Doctoral en un Hilo de Twitter: #HiloTesis” a la que se suma La Universidad de Navarra. Los participantes deberán divulgar su tesis doctoral en un hilo de no más de 20 tuits con las limitaciones y posibilidades que ofrece la red social Twitter.


Oferta de un plaza predoctoral, vinculada al proyecto: 

Volumetric biofabrication and 3D printing for the design and fabrication of a human biological ventricular assist device. VOLVAD

Ref. PID2022-1425620B-I00 - Convocatoria: Proyectos de Generación de Conocimiento 2022

Plazo:  Fecha fin para la presentación de solicitudes el 14 de septiembre de 2023.


Los interesados deberán enviar su documentación a: investigació




Convocatorias de ayudas de movilidad

Becas para cursar estudios de posgrado (máster, doctorado o investigación predoctoral) con una duración máxima de 24 meses.


Ayudas para estancias en centros distintos al de aplicación del Programa Predoctoral de Formación de Personal Investigador 2025

Más información

Un programa impulsado por la Universidad de Navarra.

Objeto: destinada a doctorandos con contrato predoctoral. Estancias en el extranjero con el fin de obtener la mención "Doctor Internacional".

Novedad: Se han establecido DOS convocatorias con distintos plazos. 

Plazo y lugar de presentacion: 

  • PRIMERA CONVOCATORIA: plazo de presentación de solicitudes, del 29 de octubre al 27 de noviembre de 2024.
  • SEGUNDA CONVOCATORIA: plazo de presentación de solicitudes, del 17 de marzo al 16 de abril de 2025.

Se presentarán en la Escuela de Doctorado o por mail en la dirección:

Convocatoria [PDF en español]

A. Impreso de solicitud [DOC en español]
B. Memoria justificativa [DOC en español]
C. Informe del Director de la tesis [DOC en español]
D. Justificante de admisión del centro receptor [DOC en español]



Información sobre descuentos, estancias y movilidad, legislación y normativa, etc.

Nested Applications


Information and resources for personnel with a predoctoral contract

The applicant will fill in the travel communication form, collect the corresponding signatures, and deliver it to the Secretary of his Faculty / Center, who will send it to the Technical Secretary for Research through the Communications Application.

Non-EU foreign personnel with a Predoctoral contract


First: "The employee undertakes to carry out the necessary steps to update and renew the residence permit as a student 60 days prior to its expiration".

Second: "In accordance with the provisions of article 49.b of the Workers' Statute, by which the non-renewal by the worker of the authorizations and administrative residence and work permits will be a valid cause of termination of their employment contract. that allowed and made possible their hiring in Spain by the company ".

NIE renewal commitment [PDF in Spanish]