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BBVA Foundation To Support Universidad de Navarra Project on Immunotherapy

Doctor Ignacio Melero, Hospital Doctor and researcher at CIMA, is leading a clinical trial among patients with advanced solid tumors

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De izda a dcha, el doctor Alfonso Gúrpide, la enfermera Mapi Andueza, los doctores Carlos Alfaro y María Rodríguez, la enfermera Leyre Resano, la doctora Susana Inogés y el doctor Ignacio Melero.
FOTO: Manuel Castells
17/03/15 10:11

BBVA Foundation will support a study from the Universidad de Navarra Hospital about cancer immunotherapy lead by doctor Ignacio Melero Bermejo, researcher at CIMA (Center for Applied Medical Research) and Universidad de Navarra Hospital. This is one of the six biomedicine projects chosen by the 600 applications that have been submitted during the first edition of BBVA Foundation Aids to research projects in Socioeconomy, ecology, conservation biology, digital humanities and biomedicine.

"This project will be developed in the next three years and is focused on a clinical trial in phase II that will apply immunotherapy to patients with solid advanced tumors", said Doctor Melero. The goal of this research is to "evaluate the efficiency of this combination of immunotherapies".

The research is part of one of the strategic goals of translational research on immunotherapy that a group of experts from the Universidad de Navarra Hospital and CIMA are developing.



