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Jesús San Miguel, winner of the Gregorio Marañon National Research Award in Medicine

In addition, the director of Clinical and Translational Medicine of the University has received the "Academy´s Bob Pinedo Cancer Care Award" of the Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences of the Netherlands.

PhotoManuel Castells/Dr. Jesús San Miguel.

23 | 11 | 2021

Dr. Jesús San Miguel Izquierdo, Director of Clinical and Translational Medicine at the University of Navarra, Medical Director of the Clínica Universidad de Navarra and Scientific Director of Cima, has been awarded the Gregorio Marañón Prize for Medicine, one of the national research awards granted by the Ministry of Science and Innovation.

These awards were created in 1982 and are considered one of the most important in Spain in the field of scientific research. Their aim is to recognize the merit of Spanish researchers who perform outstanding professional work of international relevance, and who make an exceptional contribution to the advancement of science, to a better understanding of human beings and their coexistence, to the transfer of technology and to the progress of mankind. The total amount awarded is €300,000 with an endowment of €30,000 for each of the categories.

Dr. San Miguel has also received the "Academy Bob Pinedo Cancer Care Award 2020", a prestigious international award from the Royal Dutch Academy of Arts and Sciences (Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, KNAW), which recognizes his contribution to the diagnosis and treatment of multiple myeloma. The Dutch Academy's prize is awarded every two years and goes to a researcher or research team for their significant contribution to cancer research and cancer patient care.

Jesús San Miguel Izquierdo has a PhD in Medicine from the University of Navarra and is Professor of Hematology. He has published more than 800 papers in international journals and contributed to more than 20 international guidelines on diagnosis and treatment of myeloma. He has also received numerous awards such as those awarded by the European and American Societies of Hematology or, at the national level, the King Jaime I Award, which he received in 2013. Recently, and for the fourth consecutive year, he has appeared on Clarivate's 'Highly Cited Researches 2021' list, which recognizesg the 6,602 most cited scientists in the world, of which 109 are Spanish.

On the occasion of the Gregorio Marañón and Bob Pinedo awards, Dr. San Miguel recalled the professionals and hospitals with whom he has shared his professional career: "These awards, more than the reflection of a personal story, represent the stories of a group of people closely linked to my professional and personal career, who have shared their ideas, their intelligence and their willingness to work to improve the future of myeloma patients, both during my time at the University Hospital of Salamanca and now at the Clínica Universidad de Navarra".



