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Biblioteca - Unidad de Bibliometria - cientificacvn - Texto inicial



Access to the application

Biblioteca - Unidad de Bibliometria - cientificacvn - Texto libre

científicacvn is the University of Navarra's academic and research information system. Functions:

  • An official single record of the R&D activities of faculty staff and researchers at the University of Navarra
  • A tool for researchers to manage and export their résumés.

científicacvn has the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) certificate, so it is now possible to obtain the CVN résumé through the application.

The Bibliometrics Unit provides training sessions and on-demand help on científicacvn, as well as on web visualization of the research currículums.

Investigación y aprendizaje - Bibliometría - Cientificacvn - FAQ - Título

Frequently asked questions

Unidad Bibliometria - Contacto CVN - Boton

Biblioteca - Unidad de Bibliometría - Cientificacvn - Enlaces de interes

Enlaces de interés

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