
Lines of Research

Líneas de investigación - Doctorado en Ciencias Naturales y Aplicadas

The main lines of research available in the doctoral program are presented below, along with their associated research teams and information on each member of the team:

1. Cellular and molecular alterations that lead to neurodegeneration

2. Alterations of the cortical and behavioral functions

3. Genetic mechanisms of neurodegenerative diseases 

4. Physiology and disorders of movement

5. Epidemiology, etiopathogeny and treatment of neurovascular disorders

6. Physiology and disorders of balance and the auditory pathways and centers

7. Neurooncology

8. Sleep disorders

9. Neuronal differentiation and neuroregeneration

10. Effectiveness and safety of neuropharmaceuticals

11. Neuroimaging in cognitive neuroscience and as a biomarker of disease and of the effectiveness of new therapies

12. Dynamics of neural networks in epilepsy and other conditions



Contacto general

C/ Irunlarrea, 1. 
31008 Pamplona
+34 948 42 56 00



Doctoral School
Doctoral School
Find out about the doctoral degree programs at the University of Navarra
Doctoral School Doctoral School