

1st year students

In order for a thesis to be accepted for processing, it is necessary to request approval of the research topic during the first year of studies. The professor directing the work is also in charge of advising the student in all matters related to the progress of his or her studies.

Once the report has been reviewed and signed by the Director of the work, it must be submitted to the Director of the Department for approval. Once these procedures have been completed, you can submit the report (in PDF) along with the application through the student portal miUNAV. You will receive the answer about the approval of the proposed topic in your UNAV e-mail.

2nd year students

The deadline for uploading the thesis to ADI* is April 22 so that it can be evaluated in the ordinary examination, and before June 10 for the re-sit examination. In order for the thesis to be graded, it is required to have passed all the subjects corresponding to the two years of the Cycle II specialty.

The presentation and evaluation of the dissertation will be carried out according to the following rules and criteria:

1. The thesis, signed by the director of the work, will be deposited in the corresponding ADI subject. The work will have a length of between 27,000-34,000 words (60-70 A4 size pages). The formal aspects of the copies will follow the instructions for the formal aspects of the thesis.

2. The research paper will be read by each of the three professors who are members of the panel appointed for its evaluation.

3. On a date and at a time set by the Directorate of Studies, the examining board will be constituted and will proceed as follows. After the deliberation of its members behind closed doors, the President will transmit to the student the appropriate observations on his work. The student, if he/she wishes, may request the floor to comment briefly on these observations. Finally, the Chairman, if no further deliberation by the panel is required, will inform the student of the grade and will close the session.

*Links to load in ADI the thesis according to the degree type:

Licentiate Thesis (Dogmatic), Licentiate Thesis (Bible), Licentiate Thesis (Moral).