EU Migration and Asylum Policies-EUMIGR
The main goal of Jean Monnet Chairs is to support higher education institutions in deepening the teaching in European studies embodied in the official curriculum and to offer a more specialised teaching in this field by specialist academics.
Jean Monnet Chairs are awarded by the European Union and they are open to academics from all over the world who show a pathway of excellence in teaching and research in European Studies. Professor María-Teresa Gil-Bazo was awarded the Jean Monnet Chair ad personam in 2024 with a view to undertake teaching and research on asylum and migration and the EU’s New Pact.
EU Migration and Asylum Policies
This Chair will promote excellence in teaching and research on the challenges faced by the EU and its Member States in relation to asylum and migration issues with a view to allowing students to acquire skills in this field of EU Studies, so to facilitate career development on EU studies for next generations, and by actively engaging with relevant actors and the media at local, regional, state and EU level. It will bring in specific asylum and migration components into the curriculum and will conduct outreach activities with other actors in Academia and beyond.
El nuevo Pacto de Migración y Asilo de la UE: más control fronterizo y acción exterior reforzada