


The School of Medicine at the University of Navarra believes that it is of utmost importance to ensure the quality of its degree programs and the services it offers. This commitment is reflected, on the one hand, in its participation in the Institutional Assessment Plan overseen by the National Agency for Quality Assessment and Accreditation (ANECA), under which the degree program in Medicine has been evaluated.

In addition, the School of Medicine has instituted Internal Quality Control Standards (SGIC) as part of the first edition of ANECA's AUDIT program. This program systematically covers the activities that the School carries out to strengthen the quality and ensure the continuous improvement of all the official degree programs (undergraduate, master's and doctoral degrees) and services it offers. Through the incorporation of strategies for review and continuous improvement, the School seeks to develop and monitor its actions, and to review and redefine them based on the needs and expectations of stakeholders until the planned results are obtained.

The School of Medicine has a Quality Assurance Committee that was created and is regulated by the School's Board of Management. This committee is responsible for monitoring and ensuring the quality of the School and coordinating the planning and follow-up tasks of the SGIC. The Quality Assurance Committee also acts as a vehicle for communication of the School's quality policies and objectives by ensuring compliance and dissemination to the university community.


The following values have been provided by the Integrated System for University Information (Sistema Integrado de Información Universitario; SIIU), a platform developed by the Secretary General of Universities.


Calidad: tabla

Year Success score Evaluation score
10-11 93,31% 98,80%
11-12 94,97% 99,21%
12-13 95,43% 99,40%
13-14 96,21% 99,32%
14-15 98,48% 99,48%
15-16 96,75% 99,71%
16-17 97,7% 99,7%
17-18 96,66% 97,19% 99,45%
Year 10-11
Success score 93,31%
Evaluation score 98,80%
Year 11-12
Success score 94,97%
Evaluation score 99,21%
Year 12-13
Success score 95,43%
Evaluation score 99,40%
Year 13-14
Success score 96,21%
Evaluation score 99,32%
Year 14-15
Success score 98,48%
Evaluation score 99,48%
Year 15-16
Success score 96,75%
Evaluation score 99,71%
Year 16-17
Success score 97,7%
Evaluation score 99,7%
Year 96,66%
Success score 97,19%
Evaluation score 99,45%

Calidad: texto-2

Performance Score: This is the relationship (expressed as a percentage) between the number of credits passed by enrolled students in a given year and the maximum number of credits available for that year.

Success Score: This is the relationship (as a percentage) between the number of credits passed by enrolled students in a given year and total number of credits from examinations for that year.

Evaluation Score: This is the relationship (as a percentage) between number of credits from examinations by enrolled students in a given year and the maximum number of credits available for that year