
International dimension


The School of Medicine at the University of Navarra has a significant international dimension that is enhanced year after year through its agreements with associations and universities in other countries.

The Mobility Service and International Office facilitate exchange programs for University of Navarra students who want to do part of their studies at universities in other countries, as well as students and graduates from other universities who want to do internships in our medical centers.

Developed by the School of Medicine of the Universidad de Navarra, the International Program was created with the purpose of educating doctors with a wider international vision and greater analysis skills, having English as its main learning language. 

This new academic offer implies:

  • Classes are mostly taught in English, with some in German and French.​

  • Five International Core Subjects developed through Clinical Problem Solving and taught entirely by specialized doctors from associated universities from the USA and UK.​

  • International electives: worldwide clinical rotations in top hospitals with exchange agreements with the Universidad de Navarra.​

  • Preparation for residency at the USA:  the School of Medicine will prepare its students to take the International Foundations of Medicine, which is aimed to prepare students to later enroll in the USMLE – the national examination that gives access to the medical residency in the USA and it's organized by the National Board of Medical Examiners.

To drive the internationality of the faculty, two members of the management board (the Dean and the Director of Development) define the strategy and the projects of the faculty's Department of International Relations. This department is concerned with:

  1. Strategic collaboration and the interchange of students and lecturers with top-class universities worldwide.

  2. Clinical rotations in America, Europe and Asia.

  3. International summer courses.

  4. USA medical degree admission exams

  5. Incorporation in international medical associations.

The School has the support and accreditation of stringent rating agencies that certify the quality of its educational offer. Since 2004 our university hospital (the University of Navarra Clinic) has received uninterrupted certification by the Joint Commission International.