

If you wish, request subscription from one of our journals, complete the following form:


Subscription bulletin

Personal data (1 of 4)

Type of document null
Number null
Country of issue of Passport
Name and Surnames / Trading as null
Address null
Town null
Post Code null
Province null
Country null
Email null

The University of Navarra will process personal data for the purpose of managing subscriptions, legitimate on the basis of the need to complete the process for the execution of a contract for the application of pre-contractual measures at the request of the interested party. These data will continue to be processed while the student remains enrolled. You have the right to access your personal data, amend them or erase them when you wish, or request their portability, among other rights listed on the Data Protection page, where you may obtain further details on the privacy policy of the University of Navarra. If you wish to clarify or exercise your rights, please contact dpo@unav.es, putting “Publishing Service Subscriptions” in the subject line.

The University of Navarra will process personal data for the purpose of managing subscriptions, legitimate on the basis of the need to complete the process for the execution of a contract for the application of pre-contractual measures at the request of the interested party. These data will continue to be processed while the student remains enrolled. You have the right to access your personal data, amend them or erase them when you wish, or request their portability, among other rights listed on the Data Protection page, where you may obtain further details on the privacy policy of the University of Navarra. If you wish to clarify or exercise your rights, please contact dpo@unav.es, putting “Publishing Service Subscriptions” in the subject line.

I wish to subscribe to
I wish to subscribe to null

The University of Navarra will process personal data for the purpose of managing subscriptions, legitimate on the basis of the need to complete the process for the execution of a contract for the application of pre-contractual measures at the request of the interested party. These data will continue to be processed while the student remains enrolled. You have the right to access your personal data, amend them or erase them when you wish, or request their portability, among other rights listed on the Data Protection page, where you may obtain further details on the privacy policy of the University of Navarra. If you wish to clarify or exercise your rights, please contact dpo@unav.es, putting “Publishing Service Subscriptions” in the subject line.

The University of Navarra will process personal data for the purpose of managing subscriptions, legitimate on the basis of the need to complete the process for the execution of a contract for the application of pre-contractual measures at the request of the interested party. These data will continue to be processed while the student remains enrolled. You have the right to access your personal data, amend them or erase them when you wish, or request their portability, among other rights listed on the Data Protection page, where you may obtain further details on the privacy policy of the University of Navarra. If you wish to clarify or exercise your rights, please contact dpo@unav.es, putting “Publishing Service Subscriptions” in the subject line.

Type of subscription null
Type of access null
IP Range

The University of Navarra will process personal data for the purpose of managing subscriptions, legitimate on the basis of the need to complete the process for the execution of a contract for the application of pre-contractual measures at the request of the interested party. These data will continue to be processed while the student remains enrolled. You have the right to access your personal data, amend them or erase them when you wish, or request their portability, among other rights listed on the Data Protection page, where you may obtain further details on the privacy policy of the University of Navarra. If you wish to clarify or exercise your rights, please contact dpo@unav.es, putting “Publishing Service Subscriptions” in the subject line.

The University of Navarra will process personal data for the purpose of managing subscriptions, legitimate on the basis of the need to complete the process for the execution of a contract for the application of pre-contractual measures at the request of the interested party. These data will continue to be processed while the student remains enrolled. You have the right to access your personal data, amend them or erase them when you wish, or request their portability, among other rights listed on the Data Protection page, where you may obtain further details on the privacy policy of the University of Navarra. If you wish to clarify or exercise your rights, please contact dpo@unav.es, putting “Publishing Service Subscriptions” in the subject line.

Payment method null
Cardholder name
IBAN or Card Number
Expiry date of card

The University of Navarra will process personal data for the purpose of managing subscriptions, legitimate on the basis of the need to complete the process for the execution of a contract for the application of pre-contractual measures at the request of the interested party. These data will continue to be processed while the student remains enrolled. You have the right to access your personal data, amend them or erase them when you wish, or request their portability, among other rights listed on the Data Protection page, where you may obtain further details on the privacy policy of the University of Navarra. If you wish to clarify or exercise your rights, please contact dpo@unav.es, putting “Publishing Service Subscriptions” in the subject line.

The University of Navarra will process personal data for the purpose of managing subscriptions, legitimate on the basis of the need to complete the process for the execution of a contract for the application of pre-contractual measures at the request of the interested party. These data will continue to be processed while the student remains enrolled. You have the right to access your personal data, amend them or erase them when you wish, or request their portability, among other rights listed on the Data Protection page, where you may obtain further details on the privacy policy of the University of Navarra. If you wish to clarify or exercise your rights, please contact dpo@unav.es, putting “Publishing Service Subscriptions” in the subject line.