

carrusel_noticiaAlumnos internacionales

Aplicaciones anidadas

Healthcare and Emergency information

The Spanish healthcare system is ranked among the best in the world. As an international student at the Universidad de Navarra, you have certain access to the systemBelow you will find valuable information to help you throughout your stay.



Public and private healthcare in Spain

Public and private healthcare in Spain

Spanish healthcare consists of both private and public healthcare, with some hospitals (hospitales) and healthcare centres (centros de salud) offering both private (privado) and state healthcare services (asistencia sanitaria pública). The Centros de Salud can be found in each neighborhood in Pamplona. If you need to go to a Centro de Salud, you must go the center within the zone where you live.

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desplegables-Pharmacies and dentist

You can take a prescription to any pharmacy (farmacia). Look for a shop with a large green cross sign outside. Services:

  • Registered pharmacists can provide health consultations and guidance on health matters such as cold and flu medicine recommendations.

  • Most medicine is over the counter and priced relatively low. However for prescription (receta) medicine you must receive a note from a doctor.

Pharmacies are usually open Monday to Friday from 9.30am to 2pm and 5pm to 9.30pm, and Saturdays 9.30am to 2pm. There's usually a notice on the pharmacy window or door with details of the nearest 24-hour pharmacy (farmacia de guardia).

Dental treatment is not covered by the state healthcare system unless in an emergency. You must either pay for dental treatment unless you have private health insurance. Find a dentist by looking in the phonebook or by personal recommendation. Just call up and make an appointment.

In a serious, life-threatening emergency, call the pan-European number 112 free of charge from any mobile/cell phone or landline. The Spanish word for A&E or ER is urgencias.

Off campus emergency contacts:

  • Municipal Police: 092 - 948 420 640
  • SOS Navarra: 112 / 848 423 010
  • National Police: 091
  • Civil Guard: 062

Lost Objects Office: 948 420 612

On campus emergency contacts (.pdf):

  • Contact the hall porter for any abnormality on campus. They can be found at the entrance of any building.

  • On campus security: +34 948 42 56 00  ext. 802154

For any International Committee Event  that requires bus transportation, it is important to fill out the online emergency contact information

Useful terms

  • Accident: Accidente

  • Emergency: Emergencia/Urgencia

  • I need an ambulance: Necesito una ambulancia

  • I need a doctor: Necesito un médico

  • Heart attack: Ataque cardiaco/Infarto

  • Stroke: El accidente vascular cerebral

  • I need a dentist: Necesito un dentista

Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas

Insurance for European Union students

Insurance for European Union students

Insurance for European Union students tex

If you have an European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) issued by an EU-member state and you are in Spain on a short exchange/ stay ­– that is, you are not yet a resident in Spain – you can use your EHIC to access state healthcare in Spain.

You can use the EHIC to get any medically necessary treatment (as determined by the doctor you see) through the state system either at a reduced cost or free. This could be routine or specialist treatment – for a new or an ongoing condition – which cannot wait until you return home. It does not give access to private healthcare.

It is advisable not to totally rely on the EHIC and to take out medical insurance to have wider coverage.

Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas

Aplicaciones anidadas

Insurance for non-European Union students tex

It is required for non european students to have some form of insurance.

Insurance for non-European Union students desplegable

The travel insurance that is required for the student visa application generally only covers incidents that occur during the trek from your home country to Spain. Please make sure to read the conditions before consulting with a doctor.

Overseas Insurance can be quite costly but should cover most accidents or illnesses that occur while you are studying abroad in Spain. International insurance is accepted in any hospital but be sure to check the conditions of your policy. Not all treatments will be covered and additional fees could be charged.

This type of insurance can be acquired in your home country and, in some cases, through your home university. Check what options are available to you previous to your departure.

If you are planning on staying at the university for a year or more, it is highly recommended to acquire a local insurance policy. The local policies will be able to cover you for more.

We recommend Acunsa insurance if you are here for at least a year  and Expat&Co (information, application), if you are less than a year in Navarra.

The Universidad de Navarra has a general accident coverage that allows students to be cared for at the private Clinica Universidad de Navarra.

Insurance for non-European Union students

Insurance for non-European Union students