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Se publica «The Cosmic Elements in Religion, Philosophy, Art and Literature» en la Colección BIADIG (Biblioteca Áurea Digital del GRISO)

Son las actas de un congreso sobre diálogo interreligioso e intercultural celebrado en Mumbai (India)

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El catedrático Ignacio Arellano es el director del GRISO. FOTO: Manuel Castells
12/02/16 12:34

Se ha publicado el volumen colectivo The Cosmic Elements in Religion, Philosophy, Art and Literature, editado por Kala Acharya, Ignacio Arellano, Mariano Iturbe, Prachi Pathak y Rudraksha Sakrikar. Corresponde al número 34 de la Colección BIADIG (Biblioteca Áurea Digital del GRISO). El libro, que reúne un total de veintidós trabajos, son las actas de un congreso sobre diálogo interreligioso e intercultural celebrado en Mumbai (India) en 2013. Está disponible en Acceso Abierto en la web del GRISO, al tiempo que los trabajos quedan recogidos en DADUN, el Depósito Académico Digital de la Universidad de Navarra.

Kala Acharya, Ignacio Arellano, Mariano Iturbe, Prachi Pathak, Rudraksha Sakrikar (eds.), The Cosmic Elements in Religion, Philosophy, Art and Literature, Pamplona, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Navarra, 2015. Colección BIADIG (Biblioteca Áurea Digital), 34 / Publicaciones Digitales del GRISO. ISBN: 978-84-8081-481-2.

From 31st January to 2nd February 2013 an International Interfaith Dialogue seminar took place at Somaiya Vidyavihar, Mumbai. It continued a fruitful tradition started in 1998. This time the Seminar was jointly organized by K. J. Somaiya Bharatiya Sanskriti Peetham (India) and GRISO from the University of Navarra (Spain). The theme of the seminar was «The Cosmic Elements in Religion, Philosophy, Art and Literature».

Papers were presented by scholars from different countries such as India, Spain, Portugal, UK, Italy, Canada, USA, Mexico, Dominican Republic, and others. The theme of the seminar was focused on the search for the origin of the world, a search that is clearly seen in the various fields of culture. It is a fact that several civilizations have defined a set of ‘classical elements' which are considered as the source of whatever exists. The most traditional are the ones of Water, Fire, Earth and Air, to which Ether is also added. K. J. Somaiya Bharatiya Sanskriti Peetham by organizing Interfaith Dialogue seminars aims at fostering a sincere and enriching dialogue between Hinduism, Christianity and Islam. On this occasion it worked together with GRISO, one of the most prestigious research institutes on the Golden Century of Spanish Literature. The timeless message of the Rigveda, the Hindu scripture is: «Meet together, speak together, let your minds be of one accord… May your counsel be common, your assembly common, common the mind and the thoughts of these unite». And here in the seminar scholars from different cultures and religions came together and shared their thoughts.



