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The club together with the faculty offers a broad range of training resources in order to provide students with the necessary knowledge to solve a case and compete in competitions. We host a junior case competition in the second semester for 1st and second year students who are taking part in the club for the first time.


In the first semester we have weekly sessions with senior students of the club presenting some ways to crack a case and also some sessions for soft skills that are very helpful not only with the case competition, but also with other classes and real life situations.

 In the Junior University of Navarra Undergraduate Case Competition young members of the club and students from other faculties, can participate in the by forming teams of four using what they have learnt through the sessions. It takes place over three rounds and a final. Dates to be confirmed.

In the Senior University of Navarra Undergraduate Case Competition members of the club who have previous experience can take part in groups of 4 which will take place over 2 rounds of 3 hour cases and a 24 hour case which is one of the most challenging parts of competitions amongst universities.