Believing, thinking, and celebrating
according to
J. Ratzinger / Benedict XVI
Pamplona (Spain)
April 28-30, 2025
On the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the conferral of the Honorary Doctorate, the University of Navarra proudly pays tribute to the profound theological legacy of Joseph Ratzinger / Benedict XVI. Inspired by the principles of the Second Vatican Council and the teachings of Pope Francis, this celebration will delve into his visionary understanding of evangelization. The program will be structured as a triptych: first, an exploration of Scripture as the cornerstone of evangelization, with particular attention to the nuances of hermeneutics; second, the liturgy, where Christ becomes present among His people and infuses life into the Church; and third, a reflection on the dialogue between Christian faith and reason, as well as its dynamic engagement with culture throughout history and in the contemporary world.
We are profoundly grateful for the collaboration of the Ratzinger Foundation, whose presence we warmly welcome as we honor our esteemed Doctor honoris causa.
MONDAY, APRIL 28, 2025
Location: School of Theology
10:00 Welcoming remarks
- Profª. María Iraburu, President of the University of Navarra
- P. Federico Lombardi, SJ, President of the Vatican Foundation J.R. Benedict XVI
10:30 Opening lecture: Ecumenism and Evangelization.
- Card. Kurt Koch, Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity
L'ecumenismo nel pontificato di Benedetto XVI
11:15 Coffee break
12:00 Pannel 1: Jesus of Nazareth
- Prof. Vicente Balaguer, University of Navarra
(Catholic Perspective) Jesús de Nazaret, ¿qué historia? - Prof. Sven Grosse, Staatsunabhängigen Theologischen Hochschule Basel
(Lutheran Perspective) The Holy Scripture: word of man and word of God - Prof. Christos Karakolis, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
(Orthodox Perspective) Examining the Relevance of Historical Method in Ecclesial Bible Interpretation
13:00 Dialogue with the speakers
14:00 Lunch
16:00 Group reports: Ratzinger in 15 minutes*
Location: School of Theology
10:00 Inaugural report: Liturgy and Evangelization
- Card. Malcom Ranjith, Archbishop of Colombo
The Treasure of the Church: the Liturgy and the Poor People
11:15 Coffee break
12:00 Pannel 2: The Spirit of the Liturgy
- Prof. José Luis Gutiérrez, Pontificia Università della Santa Croce, Roma.
Dimensión cósmica del culto cristiano - Prof. Michael Lang, St Mary’s University, Twickenham, London
Transforming the World into Communion with God: The Liturgy in the Thought of Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XV - Prof. Juan José Silvestre, University of Navarra
Participar en el misterio pascual, un sueño por realizar
13:00 Dialogue with the speakers
14:00 Lunch
15:30 Group reports: Ratzinger in 15 minutes*
18:00 Concelebration of the Eucharist (St Nicholas’ Church) and tour of the historic center
Location: Aula Magna, Central Building
10:00 Final report: Faith, Reason and University
- Mons. Ganswein, Nunzio apostolico in Lituania, Estonia e Lettonia
Evangelizzazione. L'eredità di Joseph Ratzinger/Benedetto XVI
11:00 Coffee break
11:30 Pannel 3: Faith, Truth and Tolerance
- Prof. Manuel Aroztegui, Universidad Eclesiástica San Dámaso, Madrid
Razón, filosofía y antigüedad según Ratzinger - Prof. Tracey Rowland, Notre Dame University, Australia
Milestones along the Path of Modernity’s Closure of the Rational Mind - Prof. Pierluca Azzaro, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore di Milano
Who are ‘we’? On the European identity in Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI
12:30 Dialogue with the speakers
13:00 Concluding remarks and acknowledgements
- Prof. Pablo Blanco, University of Navarra
- P. Federico Lombardi SJ, President of the Vatican Foundation J.R. Benedict XVI
- Prof. Gregorio Guitián, Dean of the School of Theology
14:00 Lunch
*Short papers (communications) about the general topic of the congress are accepted. The papers may discuss topics related to the writings of Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI, address concrete questions about his theological thinking or contributions, or discuss aspects that relate the thinking of Joseph Ratzinger/Benedict XVI with other authors or with the great questions that characterize the cultural, theological and evangelical context in which his figure is situated. The duration of the presentations will be 15 minutes. According to the number of accepted papers, they will be distributed into groups of topics. The papers may be presented in: Spanish, English or Italian. After the congress, following a review process, the selected papers will be published in the Proceedings. Papers should be sent to jjsilvestrev@unav.es.
Vicente Balaguer
Pamplona, Spain
Sven Grosse
Basel-Stadt, Swiss
Christos Karakolis
Athens, Greece
Tracey Rowland
Perth, Australia
Pierluca Azzaro
Milan, Italy
Manuel Aroztegui
Madrid, Spain
Pablo Blanco
Pamplona, Spain
José Luis Gutiérrez
Rome, Italy
Michael Lang
London, England
Juan José Silvestre
Pamplona, Spain
For “Group reports: Ratzinger in 15’”, we are seeking papers. These are the important dates:
February 14, 2025
Deadline for proposals.
Maximum 200 words. Proposals (Spanish or English) should be sent filling out this form
February 28, 2025
Communication to the authors of the selected presentations.
For questions or more information please contact Prof. Juan José Silvestre (jjsilvestrev@unav.es).
Please fill out the form below to submit your presentation. Thank you.
€80 /
Registrations made before March 14, 2025, as well as alumni of the University of Navarra, will have a fee of €80.
To facilitate organizational matters, participants have to complete the registration and payment of the registration fee (via credit card) through this form.
Prof. Juan José Silvestre
Prof. Pierluca Azzaro
Mr. Eduardo Flandes
Mrs. Trinidad Múgica | tmugica@unav.es | +34 948 42 56 00 - Ext. 802610
School of Theology. University of Navarra