BBVA believes the knowledge derived from financial data can transform the banking industry and its role in the world. Therefore the Advanced Analytics area performs research in the application of AI to the banking industry. It that takes into account aspects such as bias mitigation, fairness and the ethical and secure usage of information. The privacy and protection of personal data is one of the top priorities, surpassing the legal requirements of the countries BBVA operates.
Ariza Mayo, Victor
Risk & Opportunities of the transition to a low carbon economy
Díaz Lanchas, Adrián
Detecting illicit activity to minimize the spread of fraud in dynamic networks
García Muñoz, Luis Manuel
Application of Machine Learning Techniques in Quantitative Finance
Guerrero San Martín, Ainhoa
Sistemas de Recomendación Conversacionales y su aplicación en el ámbito financiero
Gómez Tejerina, Pedro
Búsqueda de un Predictor Universal para Series Temporales Económicas Utilizando Modelos de Lenguaje
Mahari, Thandiwe Irina
Soluciones de Machine Learning para modelos de Riesgo de Mercado complejos
Marin Martínez, Paloma
Predicción de rentabilidad y flujo adverso en mercados financieros y plataformas multi-contribuidas
Ojeda Trejo, Christian
Algorithmic market-making strategies with stochastic optimization techniques and reinforcement learning
Renero Quintero, Jesús Salvador
Adding Causal Inference to Reinforcement Learning learning methods
Rodríguez, Eddy
Métricas de performance para uso de un modelo de machine learning en estimadores de ingresos
Tasar, Emre
Enhancing Fairness in AI Systems: A Study on Uncertainty Quantification for Banking Applications
Stivala, Ignacio José
Modelo bayesiano para estimar precios óptimos en productos bancarios con pocas observaciones en Argentina
Zaballa, Miguel
Estrategias de trading algorítmico para determinación de precios y coberturas mediante matrices de covarianzas con incertidumbre