Our current research interests are:
· Lime mortars for various applications (air lime and hydraulic lime mortars). Building materials for restoration of Cultural Heritage modified with additives and admixtures. Compatibility studies between different additives and admixtures in lime mortars.
· Polymer-modified binders: study of both cement mortar and lime mortar with improved properties upon the addition of various polymeric additives. Performance assessment on the properties of mortars.
· Retention of toxic metals in cement matrices. Use as agents for solidification / stabilization in aluminate cement. Aluminate cement and phosphate as retaining agents. Leaching tests. Polymer-added matrix behavior to improve the degree of retention of toxic metals. Complexation
· Matrices of cement and lime with decontaminating properties. Self-cleaning mortars. Detoxifying greenhouse gas emissions through photocatalytic agents and CO2 retention. Recovery of industrial waste.
Title of project / contract |
Principal investigator |
Funding institution and reference | Effective period or date of application |
Self-heating eco-concrete system with integration of phase change materials |
Dr. J.I. Álvarez in Collaboration with L'Urederra |
Gobierno de Navarra, |
01.01.2025 to 31.12.2027 |
Diseño y desarrollo de un sistema de control del amasado para la obtención de hormigones de alta homogeneidad, durabilidad y sostenibilidad. | Dr. Germán Ramos (School of Architecture, University of Navarra, UNAV) | Gobierno de Navarra. “Ayudas para realizar proyectos de I+D. Transferencia del Conocimiento. Convocatoria 2024. Project reference 0011-1365-2024-000222 (HDS-CONCRETE) | 01.07.2024 to 01.07.2026 |
“Antimicrobial photocatalytic coatings on sustainable construction materials carriers” |
Dr. S. Pavía (Trinity College Dublin, TCD) & Dr. J.I. Álvarez (University of Navarra, UNAV) |
European Union’s Horizon 2020 and hosted by the Irish Research Council (IRC) in partnership with the Health Research Board (HRB) and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) COFUND, DTHY/2023/448, DOROTHY |
2024-2026 |
The second life of modern period architecture: Resilient and adaptive renovation towards net-zero carbon heritage buildings | Dr. I. Karatasios (Project Coordinator) & Dr. J.I. Álvarez (University of Navarra) |
European Union. HORIZON-CL5-2022-D4-02 "Sustainable and resource-efficient solutions...(Built4People)"; Project reference 101123293-SINCERE |
01.09.2023 to 31.08.2026 |
Plan de control de calidad de los materiales de construcción con tierra | Dr. J.I. Álvarez | MICINN, Proyectos de Transición Ecológica y Digital. TED2021-129705B-C33 Terra-Cycle | 01.12.2022 to 30.09.2025 |
Nuevos morteros de cal con aditivos y materiales microencapsulados de cambio de fase para mejorar la eficiencia energética y confort térmico del patrimonio arquitectónico |
Dr. J.I. Álvarez & Dr. Í. Navarro |
Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, |
01.09.2021 |
Ayudas para la contratación de personal investigador y tecnológico 2020 |
Dr. J.I. Álvarez & Dr. Í. Navarro |
Gobierno de Navarra |
31.07.2021 to 31.07.2022 |
High efficiency multifunctional nano coatings for decontamination of volatiles and protection of porous substrates. |
Dr. J.I. Álvarez & Dr. Í. Navarro in Collaboration with L'Urederra |
Gobierno de Navarra, |
01.01.2020 |
Multifunctional coatings with photocatalytic and hydrophobic effect for environmental decontamination and protection against humidity in urban areas |
Dr. J.I. Álvarez in Collaboration with L'Urederra |
Gobierno de Navarra, PC066 RECURBAN |
01.02.2018 |
Optimization of new lime restoration mortars by the combined action of admixtures and pozzolanic materials |
Dr. J.I. Álvarez |
Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness MAT2015-70728-P |
01.01.2016 |
New photocatalytic materials for air pollution control and applications for the preservation of the Architectural Heritage of Navarre (PhotoN) |
Dr. J.I. Álvarez |
Foundation Caja Navarra PhotoN |
2014-2015 |
Incorporation of new photocatalysts in construction mortars for environmental sustainability |
Dr. J.I. Álvarez |
2013-2016 |
Development and application of GeoSilex® as agent for atmospheric CO2 uptake in bio-sustainable construction systems |
Dr. J.I. Álvarez |
Contract with Trenzametal S.L. |
2010-2012 |
Use of chitosan ethers as rheology modifiers and toxic metals complexing agents in cement mortars |
Dr. J.I. Álvarez |
2010-2013 |
Natural resins as additives in cement matrices. Combined mechanical and microstructural modification with retaining effect of toxic metals |
Dr. J.I. Álvarez |
Contract with LURESA, La Unión Resinera Española, S.A. |
2010-2013 |
New cement-chitosan composites: rheological characterization, physico-mechanical properties and retention of heavy metals |
Dr. J.I. Álvarez |
Ministry of Education and Science. MAT2007-65478 |
2007-2010 |
Study of the application of natural resins as additives in cement and lime mortars. Evaluation of rheological and physico-mechanical properties: setting time changes and binding function |
Dr. J.I. Álvarez |
Contract with LURESA, La Unión Resinera Española, S.A. |
2007-2010 |
Chemical and Physico-mechanical characterization of repointing and bedding lime mortars for restoration purposes: Compatibility studies between repair and old mortars and analysis of the stone-mortar masonry. |
Dr. J.I. Álvarez |
Spanish Government: National Plan for Scientific Research, Development and Technological Innovation (I+D+I). MAT2000-1347 PIUNA (Plan de Investigación de la Universidad de Navarra) |
01.12.2000 |
Characterization of binding materials used in Romanesque monuments of Navarra |
Dr. J.I. Álvarez |
PIUNA (Plan de Investigación de la Universidad de Navarra) |
01.12.1998 |
Analysis and characterization of ancient mortars from Pamplona’s cathedral, San Cernin’s tower and Santo Sepulcro’s church (Torres del Río) (Navarra) |
Dr. A. Martín |
Government of Navarra: Department of Education |
01.01.1997 |
• Coxem EM-30N Scanning Electron Microscope
• Coxem SPT-20 Ion Coater
• AFM Workshop Atomic Force Microscope
• Bruker D8 Advance ECO X-ray Diffractomer
• Mettler 851 TGA-SDTA Thermal Differential and Thermogravimetric Analyser
• MicromeriticsAutopore IV 9500 Mercury Intrusion Porosimeter
• Micromeritics ASAP 2020 Physisorption
• Struers cutter-grinding & polishing
• CCI-FCH Xenolab Climatic Chamber
• CCI SO2 Exposure Chamber
• Haake VT 550 co-axial Viscosimeter
• Colloidal Dynamics ZetaProbe Analyzer and Acoustosizer
• TAM Air 8-channel Isothermal Calorimeter, TA Instruments
• Dataphysics OCA 15E video-based optical contact angle measuring instrument
• Environnement AC32M Chemiluminescence Nitrogen Oxides Analyzer
• Metrohm 747 VA Stand 746 VA Trace Analyzer with Autosampler
• Perkin-Elmer AAnalysit 800 AAS
• Malvern Mastersizer 2000 Particle Size Analyzer
• Lleal V Mixer
• Paddles and beads Mill
• Mixers, presses, curing chambers under controlled humidity and temperature, and all the equipment in general necessary for application of the UNE EN standards in both fresh and hardened mortars measurements
Published papers
• Rubio-Aguinaga A, Fernández JM, Navarro-Blasco I, Alvarez JI. Air lime renders with microencapsulated phase change materials: assessment of microstructural and thermal properties. Constr Build Mater 2024;452: 138862, 1-19 <DADUN>
• Rubio-Aguinaga A, Fernández JM, Navarro-Blasco I, Alvarez JI. Study on the interaction of polymeric chemical additives with phase change materials in air lime renders. Polymers 2024;16(8):1121,1-23 <DADUN>
• González-Sánchez JF, Fernández-Villagómez G, Loredo Jasso AU, Fernández JM, Navarro-Blasco I, Alvarez JI. Increasing the sustainability of the stabilization-solidification of potentially toxic elements contained in tailings from an active mine using a modified lime mortar. Sustainability 2024;16(6):2320,1-23 <DADUN>
• Sánchez Calvillo A, Alonso Guzmán EM, Navarro Ezquerra A, Ruiz Mendoza M, Martínez Molina W, Álvarez Galindo JI, Rincón L. Physical-chemical, mechanical and durability characterization of historical adobe buildings from the State of Michoacan, Mexico. J. Build. Eng. 2024; 86:108802,1-18
• Tena-Santafé VM, Fernández JM , Fernández-Acevedo C, Oroz-Mateo T, Navarro-Blasco I, Álvarez JI. Development of Photocatalytic Coatings for Building Materials with Bi2O3-ZnO Nanoparticles. Catalysts 2023; 13(11) , 1412 <DADUN>
• García-Mina JM, Aranaz J, De Hita D, Indaburu MO, Urrutia O,Fuentes M, Baigorri R, Garnica M, Movila M, Arregui, AZ, GArcés JE, Baquero E, González-Gaitano G, Álvarez JI. The molecular conformation, but not disaggregation, of humic acid in water solution plays a crucial role in promoting plant development in the natural environment. Front. Plant Sci 2023; 14
• Maravelaki PN, Kapetanaki K, Papayianni I, Ioannou I, Faria P, Alvarez JI, Stefanidou M, Nunes C, Theodoridou M, Ferrara L, Toniolo L, RILEM TC 277-LHS report: additives and admixtures for modern lime-based mortars, Mater Struct 2023, 56, 106.
• Pavia S, Veiga R, Hughes J, Pesce G, Valek J, Alvarez JI, Faria P, Padovnik A. RILEM TC 277-LHS report: How hot are hot-lime-mixed mortars? A review. Mater Struct 2023; 56:87, 1-16
• Lozano-Lunar A, Otero R, Alvarez JI, Jiménez JR, Fernández-Rodríguez JM. Application of layer double hydroxide in cementitious matrices for the improvement of the double Barrier Technique in the immobilisation of lead waste. Appl Clay Sci 2023; 238:106938
• Groot C, Veiga R, Papayianni I, Van Hees R, Secco M, Álvarez JI, Faria P, Stefanidou M. RILEM TC 277-LHS report: lime-based mortars for restoration–a review on long-term durability aspects and experience from practice. Mater Struct 2022; 55: 245, 1-33
• Recent Progress in Materials Editorial Office. An Interview with Prof. José Ignacio Álvarez Galindo. Recent Progress in Materials 2022; 4:3, 16
• Álvarez Galindo JI, Veiga R, Martínez-Ramírez S, Secco M, Faria P, Maravelaki N, Ramesh M, Papayianni I, Válek J. RILEM TC 277-LHS report: a review on the mechanisms of setting and hardening of lime-based binding systems. Mater Struct 2021; 54: 63, 1-30
• Lozano-Lunar A, Álvarez JI, Navarro-Blasco I, Jiménez JR, Fernández-Rodriguez JM. Optimisation of mortar with Mg-Al-Hydrotalcite as sustainable management strategy lead waste. Appl Clay Sci 2021; 212: 106218, 1-15
• González-Sánchez JF, Taşcı B, Fernández JM, Navarro-Blasco I, Alvarez JI. Improvement of the depolluting and self-cleaning abilities of air lime mortars with dispersing admixtures. J Cleaner Prod 2021; 292: 126069,1-17 <DADUN>
• González-Sánchez JF, Fernández JM, Navarro-Blasco I, Alvarez JI. Improving lime-based rendering mortars with admixtures. Constr Build Mater 2021;271:121887, 1-22<DADUN>
• González-Sánchez JF, Taşcı B, Fernández JM, Navarro-Blasco I, Alvarez JI. Combination of polymeric superplasticizers, water repellents and pozzolanic agents to improve air lime-based grouts for historic masonry repair. Polymers, 2020, 12(4), 887. <DADUN>
• Speziale A, González-Sánchez JF, Taşcı B, Pastor A, Sánchez L, Fernández-Acevedo C, Oroz-Mateo T, Salazar C, Navarro-Blasco I, Fernández JM, Alvarez JI. Development of Multifunctional Coatings for Protecting Stones and Lime Mortars of the Architectural Heritage. Int J Archit Herit 2020; 14(7): 1008-1029 <DADUN>
• Alvarez JI. Historic Mortars and New Repair Materials for the Architectural Heritage: Selected Papers from the 5th Historic Mortars Conference (HMC 2019). Int J Archit Herit 2020; 14(7): 943-947 <DADUN>
• Lozano-Lunar A, da Silva PR, de Brito J, Alvarez JI, Fernandez JM, Jimenez JR. Performance and durability properties of self-compacting mortars with electric arc furnace dust as filler. J Cleaner Prod2019; 219: 818-832
• Esquinas AR, Alvarez JI, Jimenez JR, Fernandez JM. Durability of self-compacting concrete made from non-conforming fly ash from coal-fired power plants. Constr Build Mater 2018;189:993-1006
• Santos AR, Veiga MR, Silva AS, de Brito J, Alvarez JI. Evolution of the microstructure of lime based mortars and influence on the mechanical behaviour: The role of the aggregates.Constr Build Mater 2018;187:907-922
• Esquinas AR, Alvarez JI, Jimenez JR, Fernandez JM, de Brito J. Durability of self-compacting concrete made with recovery filler from hot-mix asphalt plants. Constr Build Mater 2018;161:407-419
• Duran A, González-Sánchez JF, Fernández JM, Sirera R, Navarro-Blasco I, Alvarez JI. Influence of Two Polymer-Based Superplasticizers (Poly-naphthalene Sulfonate, PNS, and Lignosulfonate, LS) on Compressive and Flexural Strength, Freeze-Thaw, and Sulphate Attack Resistance of Lime-Metakaolin Grouts. Polymers 2018; 10(8): 824. <DADUN>
• Pérez-Nicolás M, Plank J, Ruiz-Izuriaga D, Navarro-Blasco I, Fernández JM, Alvarez JI. Photocatalytically active coatings for cement and air lime mortars: enhancement of the activity by incorporation of superplasticizers. Constr Build Mater 2018;162:628-648. <DADUN>
• Pérez-Nicolás M, Navarro-Blasco I, Fernández JM, Alvarez, JI.The effect of TiO2 doped photocatalytic nano-additives on the hydration and microstructure of Portland and high hlumina cements. Nanomaterials 2017; 7(10):329. <DADUN>
• Pérez-Nicolás M, Navarro-Blasco I, Fernández JM, Alvarez JI. Atmospheric NOx removal: study of cement mortars with iron- and vanadium-doped TiO2 as visible light-sensitive photocatalysts. Constr Build Mater 2017;149:257-271. <DADUN>
• Pérez-Nicolás M, Duran A, Navarro-Blasco I, Fernández JM, Sirera R, Alvarez JI. Study on the effectiveness of PNS and LS superplasticizers in air lime-based mortars. CemConcr Res 2016;82:11-22. <DADUN>
• Duran A, Sirera R, Pérez-Nicolás M, Navarro-Blasco I, Fernández JM, Alvarez JI. Study of the early hydration of calcium aluminates in the presence of different metallic salts. CemConcr Res 2016;81:1-15. <DADUN>
• Navarro-Blasco I, Duran A, Pérez-Nicolás M, Fernández JM, Sirera R, Alvarez JI. A safer disposal of hazardous phosphate coating sludge by formation of an amorphous calcium phosphate matrix. J Environ Manage 2015; 159:288-300. <DADUN>
• Pérez-Nicolás M, Balbuena J, Cruz-Yusta M, Sánchez L, Navarro-Blasco Í, Fernández JM, Álvarez JI. Photocatalytic NOx abatement by calcium aluminate cements modified with TiO2 : improved NO2 conversion. CemConcr Res 2015;70:67-76. <DADUN>
• Navarro-Blasco I, Pérez-Nicolás M, Fernández JM, Duran A, Sirera R, Alvarez JI. Assessment of the interaction of polycarboxylate superplasticizers in hydrated lime pastes modified with nanosilica or metakaolin as pozzolanic reactives. Constr Build Mater 2014;73:1-12. <DADUN>
• Fernández JM, Navarro-Blasco I, Duran A, Sirera R, Alvarez JI. Treatment of toxic metal aqueous solutions: encapsulation in a phosphate-calcium aluminate matrix. J Environ Manage 2014;140:1-13. <DADUN>
• Duran A, Navarro-Blasco I, Fernández JM, Alvarez JI. Long-term mechanical resistance and durability of air lime mortars with large additions of nanosilica. Constr Build Mater 2014;58:147-158. <DADUN>
• Sugrañez R, Alvarez JI, Cruz-Yusta M, Mármol I, Morales J, Vila J, Sánchez L. Enhanced photocatalytic degradation of NOx gases by regulating the microstructure of mortar cement modified with titanium dioxide. BuildEnviron 2013;69:55-63
• Sugrañez R, Alvarez JI, Cruz-Yusta M, Mármol I, Morales J, Sánchez L.Controlling microstructure in cement based mortars by adjusting the particle size distribution of the raw materials. Constr Build Mater 2013;41:139-145
• Navarro-Blasco I, Fernández JM, Duran A, Sirera R, Alvarez JI. A novel use of calcium aluminate cements for recycling waste foundry sand (WFS). Constr Build Mater 2013;48:218-228 <DADUN>
• Navarro-Blasco I, Duran A, Sirera R, Fernández JM, Alvarez JI. Solidification/stabilization of toxic metals in calcium aluminate cement matrices. J Hazard Mater 2013;260:89-103 <DADUN>
• Alvarez JI, Fernández JM, Navarro-Blasco I, Duran A, Sirera R. Microstructural consequeances of nanosilica addition on aerial lime binding materials: influence of different drying conditions. Mater Charact 2013;80:36-49 <DADUN>
• Fernández JM, Duran A, Navarro-Blasco I, Lanas J, Sirera R, Alvarez JI. Influence of nanosilica and a polycarboxylate ether superplasticizer on the performance of lime mortars. Cem Concr Res 2013 1;43(0):12-24. <DADUN>
• Lasheras-Zubiate M, Navarro-Blasco I, Fernández JM, Alvarez JI. Encapsulation, solid-phases identification and leaching of toxic metals in cement systems modified by natural biodegradable polymers. J Hazard Mater 2012 9/30;233–234(0):7-17. <DADUN>
• Lasheras-Zubiate M, Navarro-Blasco I, Fernández JM, Alvarez JI. Effect of the addition of chitosan ethers on the fresh state properties of cement mortars. Cem Concr Compos 2012 9;34(8):964-973. <DADUN>
• Lasheras-Zubiate M, Navarro-Blasco I, Alvarez JI, Fernández JM. Interaction of carboxymethylchitosan and heavy metals in cement media. J Hazard Mater 2011 10/30;194(0):223-231. <DADUN>
• Lasheras-Zubiate M, Navarro-Blasco I, Fernández JM, Alvarez JI. Studies on chitosan as an admixture for cement-based materials: Assessment of its viscosity enhancing effect and complexing ability for heavy metals. J Appl Polym Sci 2011;120(1):242-252. <DADUN>
• Izaguirre A; Lanas J; Alvarez JI. Effect of a biodegradable natural polymer on the properties of hardened lime-based mortars. Mater Construcc 2011;61:257-274. <DADUN>
• Izaguirre A, Lanas J, Alvarez JI. Effect of a polypropylene fibre on the behaviour of aerial lime-based mortars.Constr Build Mater 2011 2;25(2):992-1000. <DADUN>
• Izaguirre A, Lanas J, Álvarez JI. Characterization of aerial lime-based mortars modified by the addition of two different water-retaining agents. Cem Concr Compos 2011 2;33(2):309-318. <DADUN>
• Izaguirre A, Lanas J, Álvarez JI. Ageing of lime mortars with admixtures: Durability and strength assessment.Cem Concr Res 2010 7;40(7):1081-1095. <DADUN>
• Izaguirre A, Lanas J, Álvarez JI. Behaviour of a starch as a viscosity modifier for aerial lime-based mortars.Carbohydr Polym 2010 3/25;80(1):222-228. <DADUN>
• Izaguirre A, Lanas J, Álvarez JI. Effect of water-repellent admixtures on the behaviour of aerial lime-based mortars.CemConcr Res 2009 11;39(11):1095-1104. <DADUN>
• Arandigoyen M; Alvarez JI. Pore structure and mechanical properties of cement-lime mortars. Cem Concr Res 2007;37(5):767-775. <DADUN>
• Arandigoyen M, Álvarez JI. Carbonation process in lime pastes with different water/binder ratio. Mater Construcc 2006;56(281). <DADUN>
• Arandigoyen M, Álvarez JI. Pore structure and carbonation in blended lime-cement pastes. Mater Construcc 2006;56(282). <DADUN>
• Arandigoyen M, Bicer-Simsir B, Alvarez JI, Lange DA. Variation of microstructure with carbonation in lime and blended pastes. Appl Surf Sci 2006 8/15;252(20):7562-7571. <DADUN>
• Lanas J, Pérez Bernal JL, Bello MA, Alvarez JI. Mechanical properties of masonry repair dolomitic lime-based mortars. Cem Concr Res 2006 5;36(5):951-960. <DADUN>
• Lanas J, Sirera R, Alvarez JI. Study of the mechanical behavior of masonry repair lime-based mortars cured and exposed under different conditions. Cem Concr Res 2006 5;36(5):961-970. <DADUN>
• Arandigoyen M; Alvarez JI. Blended pastes of cement and lime: pore structure and capilary porosity. Appl Surf Sci 2006;52(23):8077-8085. <DADUN>
• Arandigoyen M, Bernal JLP, López MAB, Alvarez JI. Lime-pastes with different kneading water: Pore structure and capillary porosity. Appl Surf Sci 2005;252(5):1449-1459. <DADUN>
• Lanas J, Sirera R, Alvarez JI. Compositional changes in lime-based mortars exposed to different environments. ThermochimicaActa 2005 5/15;429(2):219-226. <DADUN>
• Lanas J, Alvarez JI. Dolomitic lime: thermal decomposition of nesquehonite. Thermochimica Acta 2004 11/1;421(1–2):123-132. <DADUN>
• Lanas J, Alvarez JI. Dolomitic limes: evolution of the slaking process under different con ditions. Thermochimica Acta 2004 12/1;423(1–2):1-12. <DADUN>
• Lanas J, Pérez Bernal JL, Bello MA, Alvarez Galindo JI. Mechanical properties of natural hydraulic lime-based mortars.Cem Concr Res 2004 12;34(12):2191-2201. <DADUN>
• Montoya C, Lanas J, Arandigoyen M, García Casado PJ, Alvarez JI. Mineralogical, chemical and thermal characterisations of ancient mortars of the church of Santa María de Irache Monastery (Navarra, Spain). Mater Struct 2004 2004-07-01;37(270):433-439. <DADUN>
• Lanas J, Alvarez-Galindo JI. Masonry repair lime-based mortars: factors affecting the mechanical behavior. Cem Concr Res 2003 11;33(11):1867-1876. <DADUN>
• Montoya C, Lanas J, Arandigoyen M, Navarro I, García Casado PJ, Alvarez JI. Study of ancient dolomitic mortars of the church of Santa María de Zamarce in Navarra (Spain): comparison with simulated standards. Thermochimica Acta 2003 3/5;398(1–2):107-122. <DADUN>
• Alvarez JI, Navarro I, García Casado PJ. Thermal, mineralogical and chemical studies of the mortars used in the cathedral of Pamplona (Spain). Thermochimica Acta 2000 12/29;365(1–2):177-187. <DADUN>
• Alvarez JI, Navarro I, Martín A, García Casado PJ. A study of the ancient mortars in the north tower of Pamplona's San Cernin church. Cem Concr Res 2000 9;30(9):1413-1419. <DADUN>
• Alvarez JI, Martín A, García Casado PJ, Navarro I, Zornoza A. Methodology and validation of a hot hydrochloric acid attack for the characterization of ancient mortars. Cem Concr Res 1999 7;29(7):1061-1065. <DADUN>
• Alvarez JI, Martín A, García-Casado PJ. Historia de los morteros. Boletín informativo. Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico 1995; 13: 52-59
Álvarez Galindo, J.I.; Fernández Álvarez, J.M.;Lasheras-Zubiate, M.; Navarro-Blasco, I
• WIPO Pub. No.: WO/2012/042090
• International Application No.: CPCT/ES2011/070682
• Publication Date: 05.04.2012
• International Filing Date: 28.09.2011
• Priority Data: P201031445 29.09.2010 ES
• Número de Patente: ES 2379329 B1
• Fecha de la concesión: 07.03.2013
• Fecha de publicación de la concesión: 20.03.2013
Pub. No US 2013/0186305 A1
Pub. Date: Jul. 25, 2013
Application No: 13/876,393
Patent No.: US 8,864,905 B2
Issue Date of Patent: Oct. 21, 2014
A. Rubio-Aguinaga, J.M. Fernández Álvarez, Í. Navarro-Blasco, J.I. Álvarez
Incorporación de materiales de cambio de fase
Fórum Ibérico de la Cal_VII
Santiago de Compostela, 23-28/09/2024
J.I. Álvarez, J.F. González-Sánchez, Í. Navarro-Blasco, J.M. Fernández Álvarez, A. Durán Benito, R. Sirera Bejarano
Propiedades de los morteros a través de análisis químicos. Del mortero antiguoal cemento moderno
Seminario Internacional: El empleo de morteros y cales en la arquitectura romana. Desus antiguas propiedades a las nuevas técnicas de análisispara su caracterización
Universidad de Sevilla – Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico
Sevilla, España
J.I. Álvarez, M. Pérez-Nicolás, Í. Navarro-Blasco, A. Durán Benito, R. Sirera Bejarano, J.M. Fernández Álvarez
Aditivos y adiciones para la mejora de los morteros de cal
V Jornadas FICAL
Laboratorio Nacional de Engenharia Civil, LNEC
Lisboa, Portugal
ISBN 978-972-49-2281-2
J.I. Álvarez
Cementos y morteros de diversas matrices conglomerantes con aditivos fotocatalíticos nanoestructurados: aplicaciones al Patrimonio Edificado
Cómo reducir la contaminación del aire con la tecnología Light2CAT.
Valencia, España
J.I. Álvarez
Admixtures as modifiers of the performance of air lime mortars: an overview
15th Anniversary International Scientific Conference Modern Technologies of Dry Mixtures in Construction MixBuild 2014.Academic Science-Technical Center "Alit"
Moscow, Russia
J.I. Álvarez
Mortars in the Built Heritage
Studies on Conservation Science
EU- Lifelong Learning Programme
Seville, Spain
J.I. Álvarez
The use of admixtures to improve the properties of air lime mortars
IV Jornadas del Foro Ibérico de la Cal. FICAL2014
Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid, Escuela Técnica Superior de Edificación, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
Madrid, España
• V.M. Tena, J.M. Fernández, J.I. Álvarez and I. Navarro-Blasco
Optimización de morteros de cal y cal-cemento con nanopartículas fotocatalíticas para la protección y descontaminación de superficies
XVII Jornada de Investigación en Ciencias Experimentales y de la Salud (XVII JICES 2025).
Pamplona, 30/01/2025. Poster. >DADUN
• E. Çam, L. Kyriakou, J.M. Fernández, I. Navarro-Blasco and J.I. Álvarez
Enhancing the Performance of Air Lime Concrete and Air Lime-Based Ternary Mixes with Sustainable Additives for Improved Use in Heritage Buildings
XVII Jornada de Investigación en Ciencias Experimentales y de la Salud (XVII JICES 2025).
Pamplona, 30/01/2025. Poster. >DADUN
• A. Rubio, L. Kyriakou, J.M. Fernández, I. Navarro-Blasco and J.I. Álvarez
Optimización de morteros de cal con materiales de cambio de fase para una construcción sostenible
XVII Jornada de Investigación en Ciencias Experimentales y de la Salud (XVII JICES 2025).
Pamplona, 30/01/2025. Poster. >DADUN
• M.H. Nofalah, L. Kyriakou, J.M. Fernández, I. Navarro-Blasco and J.I. Álvarez
Synthesis of Vaterite as a supplementary cementitious material
XVII Jornada de Investigación en Ciencias Experimentales y de la Salud (XVII JICES 2025).
Pamplona, 30/01/2025. Poster. >DADUN
• A. Navarro, L. Rincón, M. Rodríguez-Vázquez, J.I. Alvarez, I. Navarro-Blasco, J.M. Fernández and A. Sánchez
La tierra de excavación: Utilización como material de construcción para contribuir a la economía circular en el sector de la construcción
Congreso de Sostenibilidad y Economía Circular Aplicada (CSECA2024)
Madrid, Spain, 11-12/12/2024. Oral Presentation. >DADUN
• G. Kaur, J.M. Fernández, I. Navarro-Blasco, S. Pavía and J.I. Alvarez
Transforming waste red mud into sustainable cementitious materials for self-cleaning applications
Congreso de Sostenibilidad y Economía Circular Aplicada (CSECA2024)
Madrid, Spain, 11-12/12/2024. Poster Presentation. >DADUN
• A. Rubio-Aguinaga, J.M. Fernández, I. Navarro-Blasco and J.I. Alvarez
Green way of improving the thermal efficiency of mortars by the addition of biobased phase change materials.
SUBLime International Conference
Funchal, 11-12/11/2024. Oral Presentation ID 288. >DADUN
• A. Rubio-Aguinaga, L. Kyriakou, J.M. Fernández, I. Navarro-Blasco and J.I. Alvarez
Optimized Phase Change Material-Enhanced Lime Renders for Energy-Efficient Building Envelopes: Thermal and Durability Characterization
3rd International Conference on Green Construction (ICGC2024)
Córdoba, Spain, 21-23/10/2024. Oral Presentation. >DADUN
• G. Kaur, J.M. Fernández, I. Navarro-Blasco, J.I. Alvarez and S. Pavía
Potential use of red mud in cementitious materials for environmental remediation
3rd International Conference on Green Construction (ICGC2024)
Córdoba, Spain, 21-23/10/2024. Oral Presentation. >DADUN
• M.H. Nofalah, L. Kyriakou, A. Rubio-Aguinaga, J.M. Fernández, I. Navarro-Blasco and J.I. Alvarez
Vaterite Calcined Clay Cement (VC3) as a Low-Carbon Solution
3rd International Conference on Green Construction (ICGC2024)
Córdoba, Spain, 21-23/10/2024. Poster Presentation. >DADUN
• V.M. Tena-Santafé, J.M. Fernández, I. Navarro-Blasco and J.I. Alvarez
Preparation of multifunctional superhydro- and hydro-oleophobic coatings with self-cleaning capacities for construction materials
3rd International Conference on Green Construction (ICGC2024)
Córdoba, Spain, 21-23/10/2024. Oral Presentation. >DADUN
• E. Çam, L. Kyriakou, J.M. Fernández, I. Navarro-Blasco and J.I. Alvarez
Optimization of Air Lime Concrete and Air Lime-based Ternary Mixtures with Sustainable Additives for Enhanced Performance in Heritage Buildings
3rd International Conference on Green Construction (ICGC2024)
Córdoba, Spain, 21-23/10/2024. Poster Presentation. >DADUN
• E. Tziviloglou, C. Stentoumis, J.I. Alvarez, E. Stathopoulos, S. Diplaris, A. Sfetsos, D. Vlachogiannis and I. Karatasios
Resilient and adaptive renovation of 20th century buildings towards net-zero carbon built heritage – The approach of the SINCERE research project.
11th International Symposium on the Conservation of Monuments in the Mediterrenean Basin (MONUBASIN2024)
Athens, Greece, 17-19/06/2024. >DADUN
• A. Rubio-Aguinaga, J.M. Fernández, I. Navarro-Blasco and J.I. Alvarez
Optimización del diseño y formulación de revocos de cal área con materiales de cambio de fase para la restauración del patrimonio histórico usando aditivos químicos
XVI Jornada de Investigación en Ciencias Experimentales y de la Salud (XVI JICES 2024).
Pamplona, 23/01/2024. Poster #37. >DADUN
• V.M. Tena Santafé, J.M. Fernández, J.I. Alvarez and I. Navarro-Blasco
Optimización de morteros de cal y cal-cemento mediante nanopartículas de interés en la conservación del patrimonio construido
XVI Jornada de Investigación en Ciencias Experimentales y de la Salud (XVI JICES 2024).
Pamplona, 23/01/2024. Poster #34. >DADUN
• A. Rubio-Aguinaga, J.M. Fernández, I. Navarro-Blasco and J.I. Alvarez
Obtaining and characterization of air lime renders with phase change materials
2nd International Conference on Construction, Energy, Environment & Sustainability (CEES 2023)
Funchal, 27-30/06/2023. Oral Presentation # 168. >DADUN
• V.M. Tena Santafé, J.M. Fernández, I. Navarro-Blasco and J.I. Alvarez
Preparation of multifunctional hydrophobic- and hydro-oleophobic coatings with self-cleaning capacities for stone construction materials.
2nd International Conference on Construction, Energy, Environment & Sustainability (CEES 2023)
Funchal, 27-30/06/2023. Oral Presentation # 171. >DADUN
• V.M. Tena Santafé, J.M. Fernández, J.I. Alvarez and I. Navarro-Blasco
Optimización de recubrimientos con nanopartículas de interés en la conservación de patrimonio histórico-artístico-cultural
XV Jornada de Investigación en Ciencias Experimentales y de la Salud (XV JICES 2023).
Pamplona, 24/01/2023. Poster #32. >DADUN
• A. Rubio-Aguinaga, J.M. Fernández, I. Navarro-Blasco and J.I. Alvarez
Formulación y obtención de morteros de cal con materiales de cambio de fase para la mejora de la eficiencia energética del patrimonio arquitectónico
XV Jornada de Investigación en Ciencias Experimentales y de la Salud (XV JICES 2023).
Pamplona, 24/01/2023. Poster #30. >DADUN
• A. Rubio-Aguinaga, J.M. Fernández, I. Navarro-Blasco and J.I. Alvarez
Obtaining of repair lime renders with microencapsulated phase change materials: Influence of the substrates, mechanical and durability studies.
6th Historic Mortars Conference (HMC 2022)
Ljubljana, 21-23/09/2022. Oral Presentation.
Book of Abstracts of the 6th Historic Mortars Conference (HMC 2022), University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2022, p 77. >DADUN
• A. Rubio-Aguinaga, J.M. Fernández, I. Navarro-Blasco and J.I. Alvarez
Enhancement of latent heat storage capacity of lime rendering mortars.
6th Historic Mortars Conference (HMC 2022)
Ljubljana, 21-23/09/2022. Oral Presentation.
Book of Abstracts of the 6th Historic Mortars Conference (HMC 2022), University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2022, p 76. >DADUN
J.F. González-Sánchez, I. Navarro-Blasco, J.M. Fernández, A. Duran, R. Sirera and J.I. Alvarez
Hydrophobized lime grouts prepared with microsilica and superplasticizers
5th Historic Mortars Conference (HMC 2019)
Pamplona, 19-21/06/2019. Oral Presentation.
Book of Abstracts of the 5th Historic Mortars Conference (HMC 2019), University of Navarra, Pamplona, 2019, p 45. ISBN: 978-84-09-09077-8. >DADUN
J.F. González-Sánchez, B. Taşci, G. Martínez de Tejada, J.M. Fernández, I. Navarro-Blasco and J.I. Alvarez
Lime-based rendering mortars with photocatalytic and hydrophobic agents: assessment of the water repellency and biocide effect
5th Historic Mortars Conference (HMC 2019)
Pamplona, 19-21/06/2019. Oral Presentation.
Book of Abstracts of the 5th Historic Mortars Conference (HMC 2019), University of Navarra, Pamplona, 2019, p 50. ISBN: 978-84-09-09077-8. >DADUN
A. Speziale, J.F. González-Sánchez, I. Navarro-Blasco, J.M. Fernández and J.I. Alvarez
Active photocatalytic-superhydrophobic coating with TiO2-ZnO nano-heterostructures for lime mortars
5th Historic Mortars Conference (HMC 2019)
Pamplona, 19-21/06/2019. Oral Presentation.
Book of Abstracts of the 5th Historic Mortars Conference (HMC 2019), University of Navarra, Pamplona, 2019, p 24. ISBN: 978-84-09-09077-8. >DADUN
J.F. González-Sánchez, J.M. Fernández, J.I. Álvarez and I. Navarro-Blasco
Morteros de relleno para restauración de patrimonio cultural, con base cal con adición puzolánica y diversos aditivos
XII Jornada de Investigación en Ciencias Experimentales y de la Salud (XII JICES 2019).
Pamplona, 11/04/2019. Poster Presentation. >DADUN
M. Pérez-Nicolás, I. Navarro-Blasco, J.M. Fernández and J.I. Álvarez
Cal como sustrato para incorporación de agentes fotocatalíticos
VI Jornadas FICAL-Fórum Ibérico de la Cal (FICAL2018).
Pamplona, 28-30/05/2018. Presentación Oral. >DADUN
J.F. González-Sánchez, I. Navarro-Blasco, A. Durán, R. Sirera, J.M. Fernández and J.I. Álvarez
Morteros de relleno con base cal con adición puzolánica y diversos aditivos
VI Jornadas FICAL-Fórum Ibérico de la Cal (FICAL2018).
Pamplona, 28-30/05/2018. Presentación Oral. >DADUN
A. Durán, J.F. González-Sánchez, I. Navarro-Blasco, R. Sirera, J.M. Fernández and J.I. Álvarez
Estudio del comportamiento en estado endurecido de morteros de cal aérea con metacaolín y superplastificantes
VI Jornadas FICAL-Fórum Ibérico de la Cal (FICAL2018).
Pamplona, 28-30/05/2018. Presentación Oral. >DADUN
J.F. González-Sánchez, J.M. Fernández, J.I. Álvarez and I. Navarro-Blasco
Solification/Stabilization of arsenic in different cement matrices
XI Jornada de Investigación en Ciencias Experimentales y de la Salud (XI JICES 2018).
Pamplona, 23/03/2018. Poster Presentation. >DADUN
M. Pérez-Nicolás, A. Durán, R. Sirera, I. Navarro-Blasco, J.M. Fernández and J.I. Álvarez
The use of a lignosulfonate superplasticizer in repair air lime-metakaolin mortars
4th Historic Mortars Conference (HMC2016).
Santorini, 10-12/10/2016. Oral Presentation. >DADUN
A. Durán, R. Sirera, M. Pérez-Nicolás, I. Navarro-Blasco, J.M. Fernández and J.I. Álvarez
Behaviour of air lime-metakaolin mortars modified with polynaphthalene sulfonate as superplasticizer
4th Historic Mortars Conference (HMC2016).
Santorini, 10-12/10/2016. Oral Presentation. >DADUN
J.I. Álvarez, I. Navarro-Blasco, R. Sirera, A. Durán, M. Pérez-Nicolás and J.M. Fernández
Design of repair air lime mortars combining nanosilica and different superplasticizers
4th Historic Mortars Conference (HMC 2016).
Santorini, 10-12/10/2016. Oral Presentation. >DADUN
M. Pérez-Nicolás, I. Navarro-Blasco, A. Durán, R. Sirera, J.M. Fernández and J.I. Álvarez
Obtaining of self-cleaning repair air lime mortars with photocatalysts
4th Historic Mortars Conference (HMC 2016).
Santorini, 10-12/10/2016. Oral Presentation. >DADUN
J.I. Álvarez,M. Pérez-Nicolás, I. Navarro-Blasco, A. Durán, R. Sirera and J.M. Fernández
Aditivos y adiciones para la mejora de morteros de cal
V Jornadas FICAL
Lisbon, 23-25/05/2016. Invited lecture. >DADUN
J.F. González-Sánchez, J.M. Fernández, J.I. Álvarez and I. Navarro-Blasco
Solidification / Stabilization of hazardous wastes from the mine "La Prieta" in Hidalgo del Parral, Chihuahua, México
X Jornada de Investigación en Ciencias Experimentales y de la Salud (X JICES 2017).
Pamplona, 06/04/2017. Poster Presentation. >DADUN
A. Durán, I. Navarro-Blasco, M. Pérez-Nicolás, R. Sirera, J.M. Fernández and J.I. Álvarez
Role of different superplasticizers on hydrated lime pastes and mortars
14th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement (ICCC).
Beijing, 13-16/10/2015. Oral Presentation. >DADUN
I. Navarro-Blasco, R. Sirera, M. Pérez-Nicolás, A. Durán, J.M. Fernández and J.I. Álvarez
Calcium aluminate cements as an effective matrix for encapsulation of hazardous materials
14th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement (ICCC).
Beijing, 13-16/10/2015. Poster Presentation. >DADUN
M. Pérez-Nicolás, I. Navarro-Blasco, A. Durán, R. Sirera, J.M. Fernández and J.I. Álvarez
Photocatalytic performance of calcium aluminate cements modified with TiO2
14th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement (ICCC).
Beijing, 13-16/10/2015. Poster Presentation. >DADUN
M. Pérez-Nicolás, I. Navarro-Blasco, A. Durán, R. Sirera, J.M. Fernández and J.I. Álvarez
Visible light-sensitive photocatalytic aditives to render cement-based materials suitable depolluting agents
VIII JICES at the University of Navarra.
Pamplona, 26/03/2015. Oral Presentation. >DADUN
M. Pérez-Nicolás, I. Navarro-Blasco, A. Durán, R. Sirera, J.M. Fernández and J.I. Álvarez
NOx dispositive installation for photocatalytic activity measurements
VIII JICES at the University of Navarra.
Pamplona, 26/03/2015. Poster and Oral Discussion. >DADUN
M. Pérez-Nicolás, J.M. Fernández, J. Balbuena, M. Cruz-Yusta, L. Sánchez, I. Navarro-Blasco and J.I. Álvarez
Study of NOx abatement by calcium aluminate cements modified with TiO2
VII JICES at the University of Navarra.
Pamplona, 11/04/2014. Poster and Oral Discussion.>DADUN
I. Navarro-Blasco, A. Durán, J.M. Fernández, R. Sirera, J. Lanas and J.I. Álvarez
Obtaining repair lime mortars by mixing aerial lime and nanosilica
3rd Historic Mortars Conference, University of the West of Scotland.
Glasgow, 11-14/09/2013. Oral Presentation. >DADUN
R. Sirera, J.I. Álvarez, A. Durán, J.M. Fernández, G. González-Gaitano, J.R. Isasi, I. Navarro-Blasco
Estrategias de innovación docente en el aprendizaje de materias universitarias de química
Twentieth International Conference on Learning.
University of the Aegean, Rhodes, Greece.11-13/07/2013 >DADUN
R. Sugrañez; J.I. Álvarez; M. Cruz-Yusta; I. Mármol; J. Morales; L. Sánchez
Control de la micro-estructura de morteros de cemento a través de una precisa distribución de tamaño de partícula de sus materias primas
XII Congreso Nacional de Materiales, XII Congreso Iberoamericano de Materiales
Alicante, España, 30/05/2012.
M. Lasheras-Zubiate, I. Navarro-Blasco, J.I. Álvarez, J.M. Fernández
Biopolymer-cement composites for building purposes: performance of chitosan and some of its derivatives as cement admixtures
2ndInternational Conference on Natural Polymers (ICNP 2010).
Kottayam, India, 24-26/09/2010. Invited Lecture.>DADUN
A. Izaguirre Eseverri, J. Lanas González, I. Navarro-Blasco, J.M. Fernández, J.I. Álvarez
Biocomposites for building purposes: effect of a guar gum derivative and a potato starch as viscosity modifiers for aerial lime-based mortars
2ndInternational Conference on Natural Polymers (ICNP 2010).
Kottayam, India, 24-26/09/2010. Invited Lecture. >DADUN
M. Lasheras-Zubiate, I. Navarro-Blasco, J.M. Fernández, J.I. Álvarez
Chitosan-cement matrices for solidification-stabilization of heavy metals
30th Cement and Concrete Science Conference (CCSC 2010).
University of Birmingham, 13/09/2010. Poster and Oral Discussion. >DADUN
J.M. Fernández, M. Lasheras-Zubiate, B. Bessard, I. Navarro-Blasco, J.I. Álvarez
Assessment of the effect of pH values on the complexing ability of two etherified derivatives of chitosan with a view to improving retention of heavy metals into cement mortars
13th International Conference on Electroanalysis (ESEAC 2010)
University of Oviedo, Gijón, 20/06/2010. Poster and Oral Discussion .>DADUN
J.M. Fernández, M. Lasheras-Zubiate, B. Bessard, I. Navarro-Blasco, J.I. Álvarez
An etherified derivative of chitosan as an improved complexing agent for solidification / stabilisationod heavy metals into cementitious matrices
13th International Conference on Electroanalysis (ESEAC 2010)
University of Oviedo, Gijón, 20/06/2010. Poster and Oral Discussion. >DADUN
M. Lasheras-Zubiate, J.M. Fernández, I. Navarro-Blasco
Distinct complexing trends of chitosan with toxic metals
Euchis 2009 - 9th International Conference of the European Chitin Society.
Venice, Italy , 23-26/05/2009
A. Izaguirre, J. Lanas, J.I. Alvarez
Efecto de aditivos hidrofugantes en el comportamiento de morteros de cal aérea
II Jornada de Investigación en Ciencias Experimentales y de la Salud, Facultad de Ciencias de la Universidad de Navarra
Pamplona, España, 03/04/ 2009. Comunicación Oral
M. Lasheras-Zubiate, J.M. Fernández, I. Navarro-Blasco
Voltammetric evaluation of Chitosan as an effective complexing ligand for the removal of toxic heavy metals
59th Annual Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry (ISE ’08).
Seville, Spain, 07-12/09/2008 >DADUN
A. Izaguirre; J. Lanas; J.I. Alvarez
Studies on a water-repellent agent and a thickener as additives for lime-based mortar
1st Historic Motars conference.
Lisbon, Portugal, 24-26/09/2008
J.I. Alvarez
Caracterización fisicoquímica, mecánica y de durabilidad de morteros de cal en monumentos del Románico en Navarra
V Jornada “Técnicas de Restauración y Conservación del Patrimonio.
La Plata, Argentina, 09/2006. Invitedlecture.
J Lanas; J.I. Alvarez
Preparación y ensayos de morteros de cal de nueva factura para su empleo en restauración del Patrimonio
V Jornada “Técnicas de Restauración y Conservación del Patrimonio.
La Plata, Argentina, 09/2006. Invitedlecture.
J Lanas; P.J. García-Casado; J.I. Alvarez
Evolución mecánica y microestructural de morteros de cal aérea e hidráulica sometidos a ensayosde durabilidad
11ª Reunión Científica Plenaria de Química Inorgánica, 5ª Reunión Científica Plenaria de Química del Estado Sólido.
Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 09/2004.
M. Arandigoyen; J Lanas; J.I. Alvarez; J.L. Pérez Bernal; M.A. Bello
Carbonation of lime-cement mortars: a description of this process through the fractal dimension
10th International Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone.
Stockholm, Sweden , 27/06-02/07/2004. Oral Presentation.
J. Lanas; M. Arandigoyen; J.I. Alvarez; J.L. Pérz Bernal; M.A. Bello
Mechanical behavior of masonry repair mortars: aerial and hydraulic lime-based mixtures
10th International Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone.
Stockholm, Sweden , 27/06-02/07/2004. Oral Presentation.
J.L. Pérez Bernal; M.A. Bello; J.I. Alvarez
The effect of relative humidity and foreign matter on the reaction between sulphur dioxide and calcium carbonate
10th International Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone.
Stockholm, Sweden , 27/06-02/07/2004. Oral Presentation.
C. Montoya, J. Lanas, M. Arandigoyen, I. Navarro, P.J. García Casado, J.I. Alvarez
Simulated standards for the characterization of dolomitic mortars
Materials Research Society
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 712, 61-67 (2002)
C. Montoya, J. Lanas, M. Arandigoyen, I. Navarro, P.J. García Casado, J.I. Alvarez
Characterization of ancient dolomitic binding materials from Zamarce, in Navarre, Spain
Materials Research Society
Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 712, 53-59 (2002)
J.I. Álvarez, C. Montoya, I. Navarro, A. Martín
Preliminary studies about the ancient mortars of the church of Santa María de Irache monastery (Navarra, Spain)
9th International Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone
Elsevier Science B.V., 2, 873-880 (2000)
J.I. Álvarez, A. Martín, P.J. García Casado
Analysis of the mortars used in the Cathedral of Pamplona, Spain
Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone (Berlin)
Ed. Josef Riederer, 3 1471-1487 (1996)
J.I. Álvarez, A. Martín, P.J. García Casado
Methodologie employée dans la caractérisation de mortiers de la Cathédrale de Pampelune (Espagne)
Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone (Berlin)
Ed. Josef Riederer, 3 1457-1470 (1996)
J.I. Álvarez, A. Martín, P.J. García Casado
Caracterización rápida de morteros de la catedral de Pamplona
III Congreso Internacional de Rehabilitación del Patrimonio Arquitectónico y Edificación
Libro de comunicaciones del III Congreso Internacional de Rehabilitación del Patrimonio Arquitectónico y Edificación,Ed. E.M.Sebastián Pardo, I. Valverde, U. Zezza, CEHOPU-CEDEX (MOPTMA) y Universidad de Granada
256-260 (1996)
Contributed chapters & books
A. Rubio-Aguinaga, J.M. Fernández, I. Navarro-Blasco and J.I. Alvarez
Green Way of Improving the Thermal Efficiency of Mortars by the Addition of Biobased Phase Change Materials
P.B. Lourenço, M. Azenha and J.M. Pereira (Eds.) “SUBLime Conference 2024 - Towards the Next Generation of Sustainable Masonry Systems: Mortars, Renders, Plasters and Other Challenges”. MATEC Web Conf. 403 03007 (2024).
DOI: 10.1051/matecconf/202440303007
Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, November, 2024.
A. Rubio-Aguinaga, J.M. Fernández, I. Navarro-Blasco and J.I. Alvarez
Obtaining and characterization of air lime renders with phase change materials, CEES 2023 - International Conference on Construction, Energy, Environment and Sustainability, Editor: Itecons - Instituto de Investigação e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico para a Construção, Energia, Ambiente e Sustentabilidade, p. ID 168, pp.1-7.
ISBN: 978-989-54499-3-4 7.
V.M. Tena Santafé, J.M. Fernández, I. Navarro-Blasco and J.I. Alvarez
Preparation of multifunctional hydrophobic- and hydro-oleophobic coatings with self-cleaning capacities for stone construction materials. CEES 2023 - International Conference on Construction, Energy, Environment and Sustainability, Editor: Itecons - Instituto de Investigação e Desenvolvimento Tecnológico para a Construção, Energia, Ambiente e Sustentabilidade, p. ID 171, pp.1-8.
ISBN: 978-989-54499-3-4
A. Rubio-Aguinaga, J.M. Fernández, I. Navarro-Blasco and J.I. Alvarez
Obtaining of Repair Lime Renders with Microencapsulated Phase Change Materials: Optimization of the Composition, Application, Mechanical and Microstructural Studies. In: Bokan Bosiljkov, V., Padovnik, A., Turk, T. (eds) Conservation and Restoration of Historic Mortars and Masonry Structures. HMC 2022. RILEM Bookseries, vol 42. Springer, Cham., 2023, p 582-598.
ISBN: 978-3-031-31471-1
A. Rubio-Aguinaga, J.M. Fernández, I. Navarro-Blasco and J.I. Alvarez
Enhancement of Latent Heat Storage Capacity of Lime Rendering Mortars. In: Bokan Bosiljkov, V., Padovnik, A., Turk, T. (eds) Conservation and Restoration of Historic Mortars and Masonry Structures. HMC 2022. RILEM Bookseries, vol 42. Springer, Cham., 2023, p 567-581.
ISBN: 978-3-031-31471-1
A. Rubio-Aguinaga, J.M. Fernández, I. Navarro-Blasco and J.I. Alvarez
“Obtaining of repair lime renders with microencapsulated phase change materials: Influence of the substrates, mechanical and durability studies” in V. Bokan Bosiljkov, A. Padovnik, T. Turk, P. Štukovnik (Editors) “Proceedings of the 6th Historic Mortars Conference – HMC 2022”, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2022, p 634-648.
ISBN: 978-961-6884-77-8
A. Rubio-Aguinaga, J.M. Fernández, I. Navarro-Blasco and J.I. Alvarez
“Enhancement of latent heat storage capacity of lime rendering mortars” in V. Bokan Bosiljkov, A. Padovnik, T. Turk, P. Štukovnik (Editors) “Proceedings of the 6th Historic Mortars Conference – HMC 2022”, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2022, p 620-633.
ISBN: 978-961-6884-77-8
J.I. Alvarez, J.M. Fernández, Í. Navarro-Blasco, A. Duran and R. Sirera (Editors)
“5th Historic Mortars Conference. Book of Proceedings”, RILEM Publications S.a.r.l., Paris, 2019, RILEM Proceedings PRO 130, p 1-1412.
ISBN: 978-2-35158-221-3
J.F. González-Sánchez, B. Taşcı, G. Martínez de Tejada, J.M. Fernández, I. Navarro-Blasco and J.I. Álvarez
“Lime-based rendering mortars with photocatalytic and hydrophobic agents: assessment of the water repellency and biocide effect” in J.I. Alvarez, J.M. Fernández, Í. Navarro-Blasco, A. Duran, R. Sirera (Editors) “5th Historic Mortars Conference. Book of Proceedings”, RILEM Publications S.a.r.l., Paris, 2019, RILEM Proceedings PRO 130, p 359-372.
ISBN: 978-2-35158-221-3
J.F. González-Sánchez, I. Navarro-Blasco, A. Duran, R. Sirera, J.M. Fernández and J.I. Álvarez
“Hydrophobized lime grouts prepared with microsilica and superplasticizers” in J.I. Alvarez, J.M. Fernández, Í. Navarro-Blasco, A. Duran, R. Sirera (Editors) “5th Historic Mortars Conference. Book of Proceedings”, RILEM Publications S.a.r.l., Paris, 2019, RILEM Proceedings PRO 130, p 330-345.
ISBN: 978-2-35158-221-3
A. Speziale, J.F. González-Sánchez, I. Navarro-Blasco, J.M. Fernández and J.I. Álvarez
“Active photocatalytic-superhydrophobic coating with TiO2-ZnO nano-heterostructures for lime mortars” in J.I. Alvarez, J.M. Fernández, Í. Navarro-Blasco, A. Duran, R. Sirera (Editors) “5th Historic Mortars Conference. Book of Proceedings”, RILEM Publications S.a.r.l., Paris, 2019, RILEM Proceedings PRO 130, p 155-168.
ISBN: 978-2-35158-221-3
J.I. Alvarez, J.M. Fernández, Í. Navarro-Blasco, A. Duran and R. Sirera (Editors)
“Book of Abstracts of the 5th Historic Mortars Conference (HMC 2019)”, Heritage, Materials and Environment (MIMED) Research Group, University of Navarra, Pamplona, 2019
ISBN: 978-84-09-09077-8
M. Pérez-Nicolás, I. Navarro-Blasco, J.M. Fernández and J.I. Álvarez
Cal como sustrato para incorporación de agentes fotocatalíticos
Tradición, versatilidad e innovación en la cal: un material de excelencia. Libro de Actas de las VI Jornadas Fical-Fórum Ibérico de la Cal
Editores: J.I. Alvarez, J.M. Fernández, Í. Navarro-Blasco, A. Duran, R. Sirera, Universidad de Navarra, 2018, 268-279.
ISBN: 978-84-8081-604-5
J.F. González-Sánchez, I. Navarro-Blasco, A. Durán, R. Sirera, J.M. Fernández and J.I. Álvarez
Morteros de relleno con base cal con adición puzolánica y diversos aditivos
Tradición, versatilidad e innovación en la cal: un material de excelencia. Libro de Actas de las VI Jornadas Fical-Fórum Ibérico de la Cal
Editores: J.I. Alvarez, J.M. Fernández, Í. Navarro-Blasco, A. Duran, R. Sirera, Universidad de Navarra, 2018, 251-262.
ISBN: 978-84-8081-604-5
A. Durán, J.F. González-Sánchez, I. Navarro-Blasco, R. Sirera, J.M. Fernández and J.I. Álvarez
Estudio del comportamiento en estado endurecido de morteros de cal aérea con metacaolín y superplastificantes
Tradición, versatilidad e innovación en la cal: un material de excelencia. Libro de Actas de las VI Jornadas Fical-Fórum Ibérico de la Cal
Editores: J.I. Alvarez, J.M. Fernández, Í. Navarro-Blasco, A. Duran, R. Sirera, Universidad deNavarra, 2018, 228-240.
ISBN: 978-84-8081-604-5
J.I. Alvarez, J.M. Fernández, Í. Navarro-Blasco, A. Duran and R. Sirera (Editores)
Tradición, versatilidad e innovación en la cal: un material de excelencia. Libro de Actas de las VI Jornadas Fical-Fórum Ibérico de la Cal
ISBN: 978-84-8081-604-5
J.I. Alvarez, J.M. Fernández, Í. Navarro-Blasco, A. Duran and R. Sirera (Editores)
Libro de Resúmenes de las VI Jornadas FICAL - Fórum Ibérico de la Cal
ISBN: 978-84-09-02249-6
M. Pérez-Nicolás, A. Durán, R. Sirera, I. Navarro-Blasco, J.M. Fernández and J.I. Álvarez
The use of a lignosulfonate superplasticizer in repair air lime-metakaolin mortars
Proceedings of the 4th Historic Mortars Conference HMC2016.
Editors: Ioanna Papayianni, Maria Stefanidou, Vasiliki Pachta. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 2016, 375-382.
ISBN: 978-960-99922-3-7
A. Durán, R. Sirera, M. Pérez-Nicolás, I. Navarro-Blasco, J.M. Fernández and J.I. Álvarez
Behaviour of air lime-metakaolin mortars modified with polynaphthalene sulfonate as superplasticizer
Proceedings of the 4th Historic Mortars Conference HMC2016.
Editors: Ioanna Papayianni, Maria Stefanidou, Vasiliki Pachta. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 2016, 383-390.
ISBN: 978-960-99922-3-7
M. Pérez-Nicolás, I. Navarro-Blasco, A. Durán, R. Sirera, J.M. Fernández, and J.I. Álvarez
Obtaining of self-cleaning repair air lime mortars with photocatalysts
Proceedings of the 4th Historic Mortars Conference HMC2016.
Editors: Ioanna Papayianni, Maria Stefanidou, Vasiliki Pachta. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 2016, 688-696.
ISBN: 978-960-99922-3-7
J.I. Álvarez, I. Navarro-Blasco, R. Sirera, A. Durán, M. Pérez-Nicolás and J.M. Fernández,
Design of repair air lime mortars combining nanosilica and different superplasticizers
Proceedings of the 4th Historic Mortars Conference HMC2016.
Editors: Ioanna Papayianni, Maria Stefanidou, Vasiliki Pachta. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 2016, 721-728.
ISBN: 978-960-99922-3-7
A. Durán, I. Navarro-Blasco, M. Pérez-Nicolás, R. Sirera, J.M. Fernández, and J.I. Álvarez
Role of different superplasticizers on hydrated lime pastes and mortars
Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement.Section 4: Admixtures.
October 2015
I. Navarro-Blasco, R. Sirera, M. Pérez-Nicolás, A. Durán, J.M. Fernández, and J.I. Álvarez
Calcium aluminate cements as an effective matrix for encapsulation of hazardous materials
Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement.Section 6: Alternative binders.
October 2015
M. Pérez-Nicolás, I. Navarro-Blasco, A. Durán, R. Sirera, J.M. Fernández, and J.I. Álvarez
Photocatalytic performance of calcium aluminate cements modified with TiO2
Proceedings of the 14th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement.Section 4: Admixtures.
October 2015
I. Navarro-Blasco, A. Durán, J.M. Fernández, R. Sirera, J. Lanas and J.I. Álvarez
Obtaining of repair lime mortars by mixing aerial lime and nanosilica.
Proceedings of the 3rd Historic Mortars Conference HMC13. University of the West of Scotland, Glasgow. December 2013. Published on-line at http://invenio.itam.cas.cz/record/2223/
M. Lasheras-Zubiate, J.M. Fernández, Í. Navarro-Blasco
Distinct Complexing Trends of Chitosan with Toxic Metals
In: F. Rustichelli, C. Caramella, S. Senel, K.M. Vaarum (Eds.)
“Advances in Chitin Sciences” European Chitin Society, Venice, 2009. Vol. XI: 425-430.
A. Izaguirre; J. Lanas; J.I. Alvarez
A research on different additives for lime-based mortars to be applied to historical monuments restoration.
In: J. W. Łukaszewicz, P. Niemcewicz (Eds.)
11th International Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone. Proceedings. Nicolaus Corpernicus University Press,Toruń, Poland, 2008. Vol I: 661-668.
ISBN: 978-83-231-2236-4
J.I. Alvarez; E. Ontiveros
En: E. Ontiveros (Eds.)
Programa de normalización de estudios previos aplicado a bienes inmuebles. PH Journals, Seville, Spain, 2006. Vol 19: 92-145.
ISBN: 84-8266-588-X
M. Arandigoyen; J. Lanas; J.I. Alvarez; J.L. Pérez Bernal; M.A. Bello
Carbonation of lime-cement mortars:a description of this process through the fractal dimension.
In: D. Kwiatkowski, R. Löfvendahl (Eds.)
10th International Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone. ICOMOS Sweden, International Council on Monuments and Sites. Elanders Gotab, Stockholm, 2004. Vol. 2: 1057 – 1064.
ISBN: 91-631-1458-5
J. Lanas; M. Arandigoyen; J.I. Alvarez; J.L. Pérez Bernal; M.A. Bello
Mechanical behavior of masonry repairmortars: aerial and hydraulic lime-based mixtures.
In: D. Kwiatkowski, R. Löfvendahl (Eds.)
10th International Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone. ICOMOS Sweden, International Council on Monuments and Sites. Elanders Gotab, Stockholm, 2004. Vol. 2: 1049-1056.
ISBN: 91-631-1458-5
J.L. Pérez Bernal; M.A. Bello; J.I. Alvarez
The effect of relative humidity and foreign matter on the reaction between sulphur dioxide and calcium carbonate.
In: D. Kwiatkowski, R. Löfvendahl (Eds.)
10th International Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone. ICOMOS Sweden, International Council on Monuments and Sites. Elanders Gotab, Stockholm, 2004. Vol. 1: 51-58.
ISBN: 91-631-1458-5
C. Montoya; J. Lanas; M. Arandigoyen; I. Navarro-Blasco ; P. J. García Casado; J.I. Alvarez
Characterization of ancient dolomitic binding materials from Zamarce, in Navarre, Spain.
In: P.M. Vandiver; M. Goodway; J.L. Mass (Eds.)
Materials Issues in Art and Archaeology VI. Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. Materials Research Society, Warrendale, 2002. Vol. 712: 53-59.
ISBN: 1-55899-648-6
C. Montoya; J. Lanas; M. Arandigoyen; I. Navarro-Blasco ; P.J. García Casado; J.I. Alvarez
Simulated standards for the characterization of dolomitic mortars.
In: P.M. Vandiver; M. Goodway; J.L. Mass (Eds.)
Materials Issues in Art and Archaeology VI.Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings. Materials Research Society, Warrendale, 2002. Vol. 712: 61-67.
ISBN: 1-55899-648-6
J.I. Alvarez; C. Montoya; I. Navarro-Blasco ; A. Martín
Preliminary studies about the ancient mortars of the church of Santa María de Irache Monastery (Navarra, Spain).
In: V. Fassina (Ed.)
Book of Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on Deterioration of Stone.Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2000. Vol. 2: 873-880.
ISBN: 0-444-50517-2
J.I. Alvarez; I. Navarro-Blasco ; A. Martín; P.J. García Casado
Análisis de los morteros antiguos de la Iglesia del Santo Sepulcro de Torres del Río (Navarra).
En: ICOMOS (Ed.)
Libro Madera-Tierra-Piedra. Instituto Michoacano de Cultura, México, 1999. 177-198.
ISBN: 0-444-50517-2
J.I. Alvarez; A. Martín; P.J. García Casado
Analysis of the mortars used in the Cathedral of Pamplona, Spain
In: J. Riederer (Ed.)
Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone. Möller Druck, Berlín, 1996. Vol. 3: 1471-1488.
ISBN: 3-000-00779-2
J.I. Alvarez; A. Martín; P.J. García Casado
Methodology used for the chemical analysis of the ancient mortars of the Cathedral of Pamplona
In: J. Riederer (Ed.)
Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Deterioration and Conservation of Stone. Möller Druck, Berlín, 1996. Vol. 3: 1457-1470.
ISBN: 3-000-00779-2
J.I. Alvarez; A. Martín; P.J. García Casado
Caracterización rápida de morteros de la catedral de Pamplona
In: E.M. Sebastián; I. Valverde Espinosa; U. Zezza (Eds.)
Rehabilitación del Patrimonio Arquitectónico y Edificación. Arco Impresores, Santa Fe (Granada), 1996. 256-260.
ISBN: 84-600-9328-X
Educational papers
• Sirera R, Alvarez JI, Duran A, Fernández JM, González-Gaitano G, Isasi JR, Navarro-Blasco I.
Innovative Teaching Strategies Applied to University Courses in Chemistry.
EDU REVIEW. International Education and Learning Review / Revista Internacional de Educación y Aprendizaje 2014, 2(1) 83-92. <DADUN>
PhD Theses
• Desarrollo de nuevos morteros de restauración de cal con aditivos
Dr, González Sánchez. Dec. 2020
• Incorporación de aditivos fotocatalíticos en materiales conglomerantes para la descontaminación ambiental
Dr. Pérez-Nicolás. Sep 2017
• Estudio de la interacción quitosano-metales pesados y su inmovilización en matrices cementicias
Dr. Lasheras. May 2011 DADUN
• Comportamiento de morteros de cal aérea con aditivos
Dr. Izaguirre. Feb 2010
• Pastas y morteros de cal y cemento: carbonatación y propiedades fisicoquímicas y mecánicas. Aplicación al patrimonio edificado
Dr. Arandigoyen. Jan 2006
• Morteros de cal. Preparación y estudio fisicoquímico, mecánico y de durabilidad para su empleo en restauración
Dr. Lanas. Jun 2004
• Estudio mineralógico, fisicoquímico, mecánico y de durabilidad de morteros de cal del Románico en Navarra
Dr. Montoya. Apr 2002
• New lime-based repair mortars with phase change materials to improve the energy efficiency of the Buit Heritage
Author: Andrea Rubio Aguinaga
Supervisors: Dr. Iñigo Navarro Blasco and Dr. José Ignacio Álvarez Galindo
• Multifunctional superhydrophobic and photocatalytic coatings to preserve building materials
Author: Víctor Manuel Tena Santafé
Supervisors: Dr. José Ignacio Álvarez Galindo and Dr. Iñigo Navarro Blasco
• Integrating phase change materials into vaterite-based binders: towards eco-friendly mortars with improved thermal performance
Author: Mohammad-Hossein Nofalah
Supervisors: Dr. José Ignacio Álvarez Galindo and Dr. José María Fernández Álvarez
• Optimization of limecrete and lime-based ternary mortars by incorporating additives and phase change materials for enhancing sustainability and energy efficiency in heritage building restoration
Author: Elif Çam
Supervisors: Dr. José Ignacio Álvarez Galindo and Dr. Iñigo Navarro Blasco