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‘Duty, Virtue and Practical Reason in Kant's Metaphysics of Morals' is the the latest volume from the Reason and Normativity series that is edited by the ICS

It's authored by Vicente de Haro Romo, Professor at the School of Philosophy of the Pan-American University (Mexico)

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24/09/15 10:50 Macarena Izquierdo

Duty, Virtue and Practical Reason in Kant's Metaphysics of Morals es el nuevo título de la colección ‘Reason and Normativity', promovida por el Instituto Cultura y Sociedad (ICS) de la Universidad de Navarra. Su autor es Vicente de Haro Romo, profesor de la Escuela de Filosofía de la Universidad Panamericana (México), y está publicada por OLMS, una casa editorial de prestigio académico internacional que distribuye en Alemania, Suiza, EE. UU. y Francia.

Duty, Virtue and Practical Reason in Kant's Metaphysics of Morals is the newest volume in the Reason and Normativity collection, which is edited by the Institute for Culture and Society of the University of Navarra. It's authored by Vicente de Haro Romo, Professor at the School of Philosophy of the Pan-American University (Mexico), and it's published by OLMS, a publishing house with international academic prestige distributed in Germany, Switzerland, the United States and France.

The "Metaphysical Principles of the Doctrine of Virtue" (Metaphysische Anfangsgründe der Tugendlehre) is the second part of the "Metaphysics of Morals" (Metaphysik der Sitten), published by Kant in 1797. This monographic study comments Kant´s Tugendlehre as a refutation of the "formalist" vision of Kant´s Ethics. This late writing is shown as consistent with the moral philosophy already presented in the "Groundwork" and the second "Critique".

The "Doctrine of Virtue" offers Kant´s application of the categorical imperative and acknowledges the conditions of moral motivation and, in general, of human agency. Kant´s derivation of duties of virtue (Tugendpflichten) is attentive to the fundamental characteristics of human nature, therefore it generates a system of ends that reason itself shows to be obligatory for the human faculty of choice. This book shows that Kant´s "Doctrine of Virtue" is worthy of being taken into a greater philosophical consideration.

The Reason and Normativity collection is edited by Ana Marta González, principal investigator of the Emotional Culture and Identity project, and Alejandro G. Vigo, investigator of the Project.

More information about the author, Vicente de Haro



