

carrusel_noticia_Procedimientos de inmigración

Nested Applications

Inmigración del estudiante

We know that applying for the right immigration procedure can be confusing, which is why we have a team dedicated to helping make the process as easy as possible. Please take a look at the information below for some direction.




NIE: Número de Identidad de Extranjero (Foreigner's Identity Number). A number assigned to you individually by the Spanish government. 

TIE: Foreigner's Identity Card. Physical card containing the NIE.

Student Visa: Document required to enter Spain as a student.

DNI: "Documento Nacional de Identidad" Spanish Identity Card.

European Union Citizen Registration Certificate: Physical card containing the NIE for students from the European Union and the European Economic Area.


The Immigration Offices depend on the Spanish Government. Most immigration documents are processed there.

To know more about the Immigration Office in Pamplona click here.

In San Sebastián, processes are conducted at the following address:

SUBDELEGACION DE GOBIERNO, Plaza Pio XII, nº 6. (entrada por un lateral del edificio)

Student responsibility for immigration status

We are at the student's disposal to help him/her as much as possible, but it is essential that the student is responsible for his/her situation at all times. In order to do so, he/she must:

Be aware of the expiration date of your visa and/or TIE.

Apply for renewal of your TIE before it expires.

Always keep a scanned copy of your immigration documents.

Memorize the NIE (Foreigner Identification Number)

Provide a copy of the TIE to the Office of the Registrar when required.

For more information contact us at

All students with passports from outside the European Union or European Economic Area must apply for a student visa in order to cross the border into Spain.

Types of visas the student will receive:

 One-semester programs (Exchange or International Foundation Semester): 180-day visa.

Programs of more than 6 months: 90-day visa, which requires a TIE (Foreigner Identification Card).

 Typical visa application process

 Please note that the consulate in your area may require additional documents. For more information on the specific requirements of your local consulate, click here to find your consulate.

My visa is being delayed. How can I check its status?

You can check it here.

What if I have a 180-day visa and want to continue studying?

The stay can be extended, and if it is longer than 6 months it will entitle the holder to a Foreigner's Identity Card (TIE). See the corresponding section here.

Can I enter the country on a tourist visa and then change my legal status to student while in Spain?

It is possible only for students beginning their studies, but if authorization to study is not granted upon arrival in Spain, the student will have to return to his or her country. It is therefore very important to apply for the visa at the Spanish consulate in the country of origin to avoid unpleasant surprises.

I am a student from the European Union, do I need a visa?

No, but it is necessary to obtain the Certificate of Registration of European Union Citizen if the stay exceeds one semester.

What if I am from the UK?

After Brexit (December 31, 2020), British citizens wishing to study in Spain must apply for a student visa at the Spanish Consulate.

This document is required for stays of more than 90 days for students from outside the European Union (also full-academic-year exchange students).  It is only issued to students holding a 90-day visa and never to students holding a 180-day visa. The TIE must be applied for within the first month of your arrival and it is imperative that you renew this card annually.

Throughout September, the International Office of the Pamplona campus offers a documentation collection service. It is essential to deliver the documentation before the date indicated, as after that date the student will have to process the documentation directly with the Immigration Office. For more information on specific dates and times, please see the document checklist below.

If you are a minor at the time of applying for the TIE, you will need to have a "Legal Guardian" who can sign for you during this process.


What is the NIE?

The NIE is the "Número de Identidad Extranjero". You can find this number on the student visa in your passport, although not always. This number is your identification number in Spain; however, it is not sufficient to stay in Spain. To study legally in Spain you must apply for the TIE.

What is the TIE?

The TIE is the "Tarjeta de Identidad Extranjero" (Foreigner Identity Card). It is a physical card.

Why do you need the Foreigner Identification Card (TIE)?

To identify yourself in Spain.

For example, you need it to:

Open and maintain a bank account

Obtain a telephone (contract, prepaid is not necessary) / wifi at home.

To move within the European Union (Schengen area), always together with your passport.

To participate in the Erasmus program

How to apply for the TIE?

Click here for requirements.

When do I apply?

Your application must be submitted within 30 days of your arrival in Spain. It is very important to do it as soon as possible to avoid delays.

What happens if I go home on vacation but have not received my card yet?

It is necessary to have the TIE for the return to Spain after the vacation. In the event that you have not received the TIE before returning home you must apply for a Autorización de Regreso (Authorization to Return). Click here for more information about the Return Authorization. Click here for more information on the Autorización de Regreso.

Si continuas estudiando en la Universidad de Navarra, deberás renovar tu TIE cada año.

How long does the Residence Card last?

European Union students: It is not necessary to renew the card, only if your student status changes.

Non-European Union students: The Residence Card is valid for one full year. It is necessary to renew it every year. Check the expiration date carefully to renew it on time.

When do I need to renew my Residence Card?

You have 60 days before its expiration and 90 days after its expiration to submit the documentation to the Immigration Office.

I am a student and I am going to do an exchange and I need to renew my residency card, what should I do?

You should be sure to apply for renewal of your card before going on exchange. For more specific questions, please contact

El "padrón" es la lista de habitantes de una ciudad o provincia en España. Cuando empiezas a vivir aquí es muy importante empadronarse para ser registrado como habitante de la zona. Este trámite asegura que el Ayuntamiento y Extranjería puedan localizarte y actualizar tus datos en el sistema.

El volante de empadronamiento ya no es un requisito para solicitar la TIE por primera vez. Necesitarás empadronarte para renovar tu TIE, sin embargo siempre recomendamos empadronarse cuando llegas a vivir a España pues es extremadamente útil para trámites de sanidad pública, vacunas, aplicar para becas o programas, certificar arraigo, etc.

Para saber cómo realizar el empadronamiento pincha aquí

El Certificado de Registro de Ciudadano de la Union Europea is for European Union students studying in Spain.  It is advisable to apply for it within the first month of arrival, and it is not necessary to renew this card annually.

National Identity Card (DNI)

The DNI is the national identity card for Spanish citizens. Spanish citizens residing abroad must apply for the DNI upon arrival in Spain. It is not necessary to carry out further formalities, or to renew it every year (it expires after 5 years).

For more information on the process and where to apply, please see the link:


To find out how to follow these procedures in Madrid, you can check this Guide.

If you have applied for the first TIE or renewal but have not yet received the physical TIE, you cannot leave Spain and re-enter. The solution is to apply for an autorización de regreso, which allows re-entry into Spain within 90 days. To find out how to apply for it, click aquí.

La empresa navarra IQL, especializada en materia de Extranjería, proporciona asesoramiento jurídico a los estudiantes de la Universidad de Navarra en caso de situaciones complejas. 

Contacto para consultar servicios y tarifas:

Nested Applications



Nested Applications

video-Immigration part 2: TIE first time

video-Immigration part 3: EU Citizens

video-Immigration part 4: DNI