30 ECTS (750 hours)
9 months
6.000 €
When young researchers have concluded their doctoral studies through the defense of their theses, they begin a new phase of research activities. A doctoral degree merits recognition as a capable researcher, empowered to direct research autonomously, champion research projects, and participate in competitive calls for papers. However, in reality, the formation process continues. Experience is essential. To achieve this end, many PhD graduates undertake short-term periods of research in prominent research and development centers, often electing to research in a non-native country, to the actively advance their skills and knowledge.
A postdoctoral degree, as specified by the National Postdoctoral Association (NPA) of the United States, serves to:
- Facilitate the transition of new PhD graduates, or postdocs, towards full professional independence, through the development of skills that allow them to progress in their career.
- Provide the guidance of at least one senior researcher to each postdoc, promoting the professional development of the scholar’s work.
- Establish an individual development plan, which includes both the career and formation objectives of the postdoc and the research objectives of the mentor.
- Orient and focus the development of concrete research projects.
- Promote the publication of research results.
In summary, this period of professional development of postdoctoral scholars is aimed at improving their qualifications, as well as facilitate the development of high-level projects and publications supported by the mentorship of experienced researchers.
The University of Navarra, with the commitment to achieve the above objectives, has launched a pioneer program in Pamplona, Spain: Postdoctorate in Communication. Under the School of Communication, this program is open to postdoctoral scholars of any prior field of study. The program consists of 30 ECTS (750 hours) over the course of 9 months, costing, in total, € 6,000.
The Postdoctorate in Communication can be completed full-time or part-time (distributed over up to three years), structuring the content in a manner that accommodates the lifestyle of each scholar. During the program, the postdoc has the supervision and support of a senior researcher of the School of Communication, assigned according to area of interest and/or expertise. Under the guidance of a mentor, the postdoctoral researcher carries out one or more research projects, with an objective to contribute to conference papers and high-level scientific publications. At the end of the program, the scholars present their portfolios of work and results before a panel comprised of senior researchers of the School of Communication, who certify the title being granted to each candidate.
Ana Azurmendi Adarraga
Associate dean of Research
aazur@unav.esCampus universitario
31008 Pamplona, Spain
+34 948 42 56 00 Ext. 802094
Key concentrations
Number of sessions: 35
Duration: 35 hours (1h / session)
Description: Meetings of the postdoctoral scholar with mentor; ordinarily held once a week for the nine months of the program. These meetings are focused to:
1) Advise the postdoctoral scholar in choosing research activities.
2) Define a research plan, mutually agreed upon, for the postdoc during the program period.
3) Support and guide the postdoctoral scholar in resolving logistical issues posed by the activities undertaken.
4) Plan, orient, and monitor the research developed by the postdoctoral scholar.
5) Provide supervision, follow-up, and certification of satisfactory completion of the activities of the program, culminating in the final recognition as qualified to receive a postdoctoral title.
6) Upon completion of the program, offer advice and guidance to the postdoctoral researcher for the publication of results.
Number of sessions: 5
Duration: 5 hours (1h / session)
Description: With the guidance and support of the mentor, the postdoctoral researcher will maintain throughout the program period at least 5 meetings with additional researchers from the School of Communication or, if justified by the research area, with researchers from other centers of the University of Navarra. These meetings will have the purpose of expanding the postdoctoral researcher’s access to knowledge and available resources on specialized subjects.
Number of sessions: 18
Duration: 18 hours (1h / session)
Description: With the guidance of the mentor, the postdoctoral researcher will select and have access to the research seminars organized regularly (ordinarily, biweekly) by the four departments of the School of Communication (Department of Public Communication; Department of Culture and Audiovisual Communication; Department of Marketing and Communication companies; and Department of Journalistic Projects), as well as by @digitalunav-Center for Internet Studies and Digital Life. Of the available conferences and seminars, the postdoctoral researcher must attend at least 18 (or its equivalent in hours) throughout the program.
At least two research seminars will be prepared by the postdoctoral researcher and will consist of the presentation of his/her research project, at the beginning of the program, and of the results obtained, at the end of the program.
Number of sessions: 4
Duration: 4 hours (1h / session)
Description: The postdoctoral researcher will conduct the following 4 training sessions for researchers: 1) Introduction to the library; 2) Unika: catalog, electronic journals and databases; 3) Specific sessions on databases: Scopus, Web of Science, SciFinder, Pubmed, Dialnet; 4) Mendeley: bibliographic manager.
Number of sessions: 9
Duration: 9 hours (1h / session)
Description: With the guidance of the mentor, the postdoctoral scholar will select and be given access to open research seminars organized by any center of the University of Navarra. It is intended that these activities be a consistent and enriching component of the general framework of the program. Of the available conferences and seminars of the University, the postdoctoral researcher must attend at least 9 (or its equivalent in hours) throughout the program.
Number of sessions: Undefined
Duration: 675 hours (75h / month)
Description: With the guidance of the mentor, the postdoctoral scholar carries out one or more research projects, aimed at obtaining basic and / or applied research results. This activity constitutes the majority of postdoctoral researcher’s attention during the program and translates into an individual work, aimed toward high-quality academic publications. A specific area of the library of the University of Navarra or a location within the department of the School of Communication will be available to the postdoctoral researcher as work space. Additionally calculated within these academic credit hours is attendance at or participation in congresses and/or academic forums that take place during the program.