Estás en:
Europe, 2013
Eastern Mediterranean, 2017
Africa, 2017
Europe, 2019
Latinamerica, 2020
WHO Europe, 2020
From static snapshots to dynamic panoramas: the evolution and future vision of palliative care atlas in cross-national perspectives
Enhancing Global Development of Palliative Care: Insights from Country Experts on ATLANTES Observatory's Role
How to Advance Palliative Care Research in South America? Findings From a Delphi Study
Availability and accessibility of opioids for pain and palliative care in Colombia: a survey study
Region-specific macro-indicators on Palliative Care development in the Eastern Mediterranean region: A Delphi study
Review of European Guidelines on Palliative Sedation: A Foundation for the Updating of the European Association for Palliative Care Framework
(Capítulo) International progress in the development of palliative medicine
Palliative care coverage across european national health systems: Proposal of a synthetic indicator
Consensus Building on Health Indicators to Assess PC Global Development With an International Group of Experts
How to evaluate the integration of palliative care in national health systems? The search for new indicators of advanced palliative care development
Mapping Levels of Palliative Care Development in 198 Countries: The Situation in 2017
Trends analysis of specialized palliative care services in 51 countries of the WHO European region in the last 14 years
Mapping paediatric palliative care development in the WHO-European region: Children living in low-middle income countries are less likely to access it
Palliative care in Africa: a scoping review from 2005–16
Brief Manual of Health Indicators Monitoring Global Palliative Care Development, 2019
Report on palliative care development in Uruguay based on the WHO indicators
Report on palliative care development in Benin based on the WHO indicators
Assessing the development of palliative care worldwide: a set of actionable indicators, 2021
White Book for Global Palliative Care Advocacy. Recommendations from the PAL-LIFE expert advisory group of the Pontifical Academy for Life, Vatican City
Additional Indicators to Assess Palliative Care Development