Últimas publicaciones
• A.J. Batista-Leyva, D. Hernández-Delfin, Karol Asencio, R.C. Hidalgo, D. Maza. “Granular convection in a monolayer induced by asymmetric horizontal oscillations”. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. Volume 660, 15 February 2025, 130355.
• J. Burguete, M. García-Cardosa, E. Antolín, B. Aguilar, J.D. Azcona. “Stochastic model for predicting the temporal structure of the plan delivery in a synchrotron-based pencil beam scanning proton therapy system”. Radiation Physics and Chemistry. Volume 226. January 2025, 112276.
• Carmen Torres-Blanc, Jesus Martinez-Mateo, Susana Cubillo, Luis Magdalena, Francisco Javier Talavera, Jorge Elorza. “Subsethood measures based on cardinality of type-2 fuzzy sets”. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 499 (2025) 109174
• Francisco Javier Talavera, Sergio Ardanza-Trevijano, Jean Bragard, Jorge Elorza. “New types of domination to characterize the preservation of T-subgroups under aggregation”. Fuzzy Sets and Systems 498 (2025) 109139
• Marina García-Cardosa, Rosa Meirino, Felipe A Calvo, Elena Antolín, Borja Aguilar, Marta Vidorreta, Roberto Cuevas, Benigno Barbés, Carlos Huesa-Berral, Juan Diego Azcona and Javier Burguete: “FLIP: a novel method for patient-specific dose quantification in circulating blood in large vessels during proton or photon external beam radiotherapy treatments”. Physics in Medicine & Biology, Volumen 69, Number 22 (2024) 225017. DOI 10.1088/1361-6560/ad8ea5
• M Maza-Cuello, D. Maza. "Efficient transport controlled by biharmonic frictional driving". 09 October 2024, in the 11 October 2024 issue of Physical Review Letters (Vol. 133, No. 15). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.133.158201
• A.D. Flippov, P. Sharma, F. Helmendah, J.A. Dijksman, R.C. Hidalgo. “Fibre bundle models as a framework for the detachment dynamics of soft probabilistic fasteners”. Front. Phys., 13 August 2024. Sec. Interdisciplinary Physics. Volume 12 – 2024. Frontiers | Fibre bundle models as a framework for the detachment dynamics of soft probabilistic fasteners
• Bo Fan, Tivadar Pongó, Raúl Cruz Hidalgo, Tamás Börzsönyi. “Effect of Particle Shape on the Flow of an Hourglass”. Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 058201 – Published 31 July 2024. Effect of Particle Shape on the Flow of an Hourglass
• R.Caitano, A.J. Ramirez‑Pastor, E.E. Vogel, G. Saravia. “Competition analysis of grain fow versus clogging by means of information theory”. Granular Matter (2024) 26:77
• Wenchao Fang, Sheng Chen, Shuiqing Li, and Iker Zuriguel. “Clogging transition of granular flow in porous structures”. Phys. Rev. Research 6, 033046 – Published 10 July 2024. Clogging transition of granular flow in porous structures
• Muhammad Ahmed Hanif, Devaraj van der Meer, and Diego Maza. “Discharge of rice-shaped particles from a monolayer flat-bottom silo”. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 109, 064906 (2024)
• Francisco Javier Talavera, Carlos Bejines, Sergio Ardanza-Trevijano, Jorge Elorza. Aggregation of fuzzy graphs. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 172 (2024) 109243
• Laciel Alonso-Llanes, Angel Garcimartín, and Iker Zuriguel. “Single file motion of robot swarms". PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH 6, L022037 (2024)
• Alvaro Teijeira, Saray Garasa, Maria C. Ochoa, Sandra Sanchez-Gregorio, Gabriel Gomis, Carlos Luri-Rey, Rafael Martinez-Monge, Beatrice Pinci, Karmele Valencia, Belen Palencia, Benigno Barbes, Elixabet Bolaños, Arantza Azpilikueta, Marina García-Cardosa, Javier Burguete, Iñaki Eguren-Santamaría, Eneko Garate-Soraluze; Pedro Berraondo, Jose L. Perez-Gracia, Carlos E. de Andrea, Maria E. Rodriguez-Ruiz, Ignacio Melero. “Low-dose ionizing y-radiation elicits the extrusion of neutrophil extracellular traps». Clinical Cancer Research (2024)
• María Victoria Ferreyra, Luis A. Pugnaloni, and Diego Maza. “Self-similarity of pressure profiles during forced granular flows”. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 109, L012901 (2024). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.109.L012901
• R. Urbina & W. González-Viñas [2023] Unified description over time of heterogeneous condensation with quenched disorder. Phys. Rev. E. 108, 065107 (doi: 10.1103/PhysRevE.108.065107)
• MU. Shettar, M. Rudraiah, J. Bragard, D. Laroze. "Induced Navier’s Slip with CNTS on a Stretching/Shrinking Sheet under the Combined Effect of Inclined MHD and Radiation". Energies, 16(5), (2023), 2365. https://doi.org/10.3390/
• MI. Barberá, J.L. Hernández-Verdejo, J. Bragard, L. Morales-Fernández, L. Rodríguez-Carrillo, F. Martínez Galdón, P. Tañá, M.A. Teus. "Bleb geometry and morphology after Preserflo Microshunt surgery: Risk factors for surgical failure". Plos One, 18(6), (2023), e0286884. https://doi.org/10.1371/
• A. Sancho-Araiz, ZP. Parra-Guillen, J. Bragard, S. Ardanza, V. Mangas-Sanjuan, IF. Trocóniz. "Mechanistic characterization of oscillatory patterns in unperturbed tumor growth dynamics: The interplay between cancer cells and components of tumor microenvironment". Plos Comput. Biology, 19(10), (2023), e1011507. https://doi.org/10.1371/
• Jing Wang, Bo Fan, Tivadar Pongó, Tamás Börzsönyi, Raúl Cruz Hidalgo, and Ralf Stannarius. “Force on a sphere suspended in flowing granulate”. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 108, L062901 (2023). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.108.L062901
• Bo Fan, Iker Zuriguel, Joshua A. Dijksman, Jasper van der Gucht, and Tamás Börzsönyi. “Elongated particles discharged with a conveyor belt in a two-dimensional silo”. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 108, 044902 (2023). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.108.044902
• Iñaki Echeverría-Huarte, Alexandre Nicolas. “Body and mind: Decoding the dynamics of pedestrians and the effect of smartphone distraction by coupling mechanical and decisional processes». Transportation Research Part C 157 (2023) 104365. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.trc.
• F.J.Talavera, S.Ardanza-Trevijano, J.Bragard, J.Elorza. “Aggregation of T-subgroups of groups whose subgroup lattice is a chain». Fuzzy Sets and Systems 473 (2023) 108717. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fss.
• Rodrigo Caitano, Angel Garcimartín, and Iker Zuriguel. “Anchoring Effect of an Obstacle in the Silo Unclogging Process". Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 098201 – Published 31 August 2023
• A.A. Torres, R. Caitano, A.J. Ramírez-Pastor. « A technique for the estimation of percolation thresholds in lattice systems: Application to a problem of granular flow through an orifice ». Physica A : Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. Volume 625, 1 Septembre 2023, 128992.
• S.Ardanza-Trevijano, M.J.Chasco, J.Elorza, M.deNatividade, F.J.Talavera. “Aggregation of T-subgroups”. Fuzzy sets and systems. 463 (2023) 108390 . https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fss.
• Pedro Arce, Juan Ignacio Lagares, Juan Diego Azcona, Carlos Huesa-Berral, Javier Burguete. "Precise dosimetric comparison between GAMOS and the collapsed cone convolution algorithm of 4D DOSE accumulated in lung SBRT treatments. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, Volume 208, July 2023, 110891. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.
• A. F. Vallone, R. O. Uñac, D. Maza, A. M. Vidales. «On the dynamics of a liquid bridge between a sphere and a vertically vibrated solid Surface». Granular Matter (2023) 25:28. https://doi.org/10.1007/
• Nuno A. M. Araújo, Liesbeth M. C. Janssen, Thomas Barois, Guido Boffetta, Itai Cohen, Alessandro Corbetta, Olivier Dauchot, Marjolein Dijkstra, William M. Durham, Audrey Dussutour, Simon Garnier, Hanneke Gelderblom, Ramin Golestanian, Lucio Isa, Gijsje H. Koenderink, Hartmut Löwen, Ralf Metzler, Marco Polin, C. Patrick Royall, Andela Saric, Anupam Sengupta, Cécile Sykes, Vito Trianni, Idan Tuval, Nicolas Vogel, Julia M. Yeomans, Iker Zuriguel, Alvaro Marin and Giorgio Volpe. “Steering self-organisation through confinement”. Soft Matter. 2023. DOI: 10.1039/d2sm01562e
• Carlos Huesa-Berral, Celia Juan-Cruz, Simon van Kranen, Maddalena Rossi, José Belderbos, Juan Diego Azcona, Javier Burguete and Jan-Jakob Sonke. «Detailed dosimetric evaluation of inter-fraction and respiratory motion in lung stereotactic body radiation therapy based on daily 4D cone beam CT images». Phys. Med. Biol. 68 (2023) 015005.
• “Commissioning of a synchrotron-based proton beam therapy system for use with a Monte Carlo treatment planning system”. Juan-Diego Azcona, Borja Aguilar, Álvaro Perales, Ramón Polo, Daniel Zucca, Leticia Irazola, Alberto Viñals, Pablo Cabello, José-Miguel Delgado, Diego Pedrero, Rocío Bermúdez, Roser Fayos-Solá, Carlos Huesa-Berral, Javier Burguete. Radiation Physics and Chemistry204 (2023) 110708. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.
• Jean Bragard, Leire Moriones, Blas Echebarria, Susana Ravassa, Javier Ibero, Ignacio García-Bolao. "Using High-Resolution Voltage Maps to Predict “redo” in the Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation (AF)". IEEE, 2022 Computing in Cardiology (CinC), Vol. 498 (pg1-4), 2022.
• Igor Emanuel Goncalves De Oliveira; Rodrigo Caitano Barbosa Da Silva; Pedro Hugo de Figueiredo; Jose Ferraz. “Anomalous diffusion on a two-particle quantum walk”. 2022 SBFoton International Optics and Photonics Conference (SBFoton IOPC). DOI: 10.1109/sbfotoniopc54450.2022.
• «IL-6/STAT3 signaling in tumor cells restricts the expression of frameshift-derived neoantigens by SMG1 induction». Daniel Meraviglia‑Crivelli, Helena Villanueva, Angelina Zheleva, Maria Villalba‑Esparza, Beatriz Moreno, Ashwathi Puravankara Menon, Alfonso Calvo, Javier Cebollero, Martin Barainka, Igor Ruiz de los Mozos, Carlos Huesa‑Berral and Fernando Pastor. Molecular Cancer (2022) 21:211. Open Access. https://doi.org/10.1186/
• D. Hernández-Delfin, D. R. Tunuguntla, T. Weinhart, R. C. Hidalgo, and A. R. Thornton. “Shape matters: Competing mechanisms of particle shape segregation”. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 106, 054614 (2022).
• Tivadar Pongó, Tamás Börzsönyi, Raúl Cruz Hidalgo. "Discharge of elongated grains in silos under rotational shear". Physical Review E 106, 034904 (2022). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.106.
• Tivadar Pongó, Bo Fan, Dariel Hernández-Delfin, János Török, Ralf Stannarius, Raúl Cruz Hidalgo, Tamás Börzsönyi. "The role of the particle aspect ratio in the discharge of a narrow silo". New Journal of Physics 24 103036 (2022). DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/ac9923
• Iñaki Echeverría-Huarte, Zhigang Shi, Angel Garcimartín, and Iker Zuriguel. “Pedestrian bottleneck flow when keeping a prescribed physical distance”. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 106, 044302 (2022). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.106.044302
• J.Elorza, J.Recasens. “Consequence operators, interior operators and fuzzy relations”. Fuzzy sets and systems. 2022. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fss.2022.07.007
• Jai Aslam, Sergio Ardanza-Trevijano, Jingwei Xiong, Javier Arsuaga and Radmila Sazdanovic. «TAaCGH Suite for Detecting Cancer—Specific Copy Number Changes Using Topological Signatures». Entropy 2022, 24, 896. https://doi.org/10.3390/e24070896
• Moscoso-Barrera, W.D.; Urrestarazu, E.; Alegre, M.; Horrillo-Maysonnial, A.; Urrea, L.F.; Agudelo-Otalora, L.M.; Giraldo-Cadavid, L.F.; Fernández, S.; Burguete, J. "Simple and Autonomous Sleep Signal Processing System for the Detection of Obstructive Sleep Apneas". Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022, 19, 6934. https://doi.org/10.3390/
• Iñaki Echeverría Huarte, Alexandre Nicolas, Raúl Cruz Hidalgo, Angel Garcimartín, Iker Zuriguel. Spontaneous emergence of counterclockwise vortex motion in assemblies of pedestrians roaming within an enclosure. Scientific Reports.(2022) 12:2647. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-022-06493-0
• Arthur Genthon, Reinaldo García-García, and David Lacoste, Branching processes with resetting as a model for cell division, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 55, 074001 (2022).
• I. Fonceca, R. C. Hidalgo, D. Maza. Motion of a sphere in a viscous fluid towards a wall confined versus unconfined conditions. Granular Matter (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10035-021-01203-5
• Gella, D., Yanagisawa, D., Caitano, R. et al. On the dual effect of obstacles in preventing silo clogging in 2D. Commun Phys 5, 4 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s42005-021-00756-4
P.Díaz, L.M.Pérez, L.I.Reyes, D.Laroze, J.Bragard. "Taming Faraday waves in binary fermionic clouds: The effect of Zeeman interaction". Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Volume 153, 2021, pp.111416. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chaos.2021.111416
J. Bragard, J.A. Vélez, J.A. Riquelme, L.M. Pérez, R. Hernández-García, R. Barrientos, and D. Laroze. "Study of type-III intermittency in the Landau–Lifshitz-Gilbert equation". Phys. Scr. 96 (12) 4045, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1088/1402-4896/ac198e
AC. Sankarankutty, J. Greiner, J. Bragard, J. R. Visker, T. S. Shankar, C.P. Kyriakopoulos, S. G. Drakos, and F. B. Sachse. "“Etiology-Specific Remodeling in Ventricular Tissue of Heart Failure Patients and Its Implications for Computational Modeling of Electrical Conduction”. Front Physiol. 2021; 12: 730933, 2021. 10.3389/fphys.2021.730933
Kiwing To, Yi-Kai Mo, Tivadar Pongó, and Tamás Börzsönyi. "Discharge of elongated grains from silo with rotating bottom". Phys. Rev. E 103, 062905 (2021).
Jean Bragard, Anna Witt, David Laroze, Claudia Hawks, Jorge Elorza, Inmaculada Rodríguez Cantalapiedra, Angelina Peñaranda y Blas Echebarria. "Conductance heterogeneities induced by multistability in the dynamics of coupled cardiac gap junctions". Chaos. Vol.31, Issue 7 pp. 31-44, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.
C. Bejines, S. Ardanza-Trevijano, J. Elorza. "On Self Aggregations of min-subgroups". Axioms 2021, 10, 201. https://doi.org/10.3390/
Daniel R. Parisi, Alan G. Sartorio, Joaquín R. Colonnello, Angel Garcimartín, Luis A. Pugnaloni, and Iker Zuriguel. «Pedestrian dynamics at the running of the bulls evidence an inaccessible region in the fundamental diagram”. PNAS 2021 Vol. 118 No. 50 e2107827118.
Jean R Bragard, Oscar Camara, Blas Echebarria, Luca Gerardo Giorda, Esther Pueyo, Javier Saiz, Rafael Sebastián, Eduardo Soudah, Mariano Vázquez. "Cardiac computational modelling". Revista Española de Cardiología (English Edition) Volume 74, Issue 1, January 2021, Pages 65-7.
Rodolfo Blanco‑Rodríguez, Raúl Cruz Hidalgo, Gabriel Pérez‑Ángel, Diego Maz. "Critical numerical analysis of quasi‑two‑dimensional silo‑hopper discharging". Granular Matter (2021).
D. Gella, D. Maza, and I. Zuriguel. "Granular internal dynamics in a silo discharged with a conveyor belt". J. Fluid Mech. (2021), vol. 925, A24, doi:10.1017/jfm.2021.663.
A Vamsi Krishna Reddy, K Anki Reddy, Iker Zuriguel and Hioraki Katsuragi. "Clogging phenomena in a system of asymmetric dumbbells". J. Stat. mech. (2021) 06201.
A Garcimartín, BV Guerrero, A Nicolas, RC Barbosa da Silva and I Zuriguel. "On the broad tails in breaking time distributions of vibrated clogging arches". EPJ Web of Conferences 249, 03009 (2021). Powders and Grains 2021.
D Puzyrev, D Fisher, K Harth, T Trittel, RC Hidalgo, E Falcon, M Noirhomme, E Opsomer, N Vandewalle, Y Garrabos, C Lecoutre, F Palencia and R Stannarius. "Visual analysis of density and velocity profiles in dense 3D granular gases". Scientific Reports (2021) 11:10621.
Carlos Bejines, María Jesús Chasco y Jorge Elorza. "Aggregation of fuzzy subgroups". Fuzzy Sets and Systems. Vol. 418 (2021) pp.170-184.
C Bejines, S Ardanza-Trevijano, MJ Chasco, J Elorza. "Aggregation of indistinguishability operators". Fuzzy Sets and Systems. (2021).
C Bejines, M Brutenicova, MJ Chasco, J Elorza, V Janis. "The number of the t-norms on some special lattices". Fuzzy Sets and Systems. Vol. 408 (2021) pp. 26-43.
DR Moreno, TF Murias, J Elorza. "La formación de árbitros y asistentes de fútbol desde el enfoque flipped learning". Retos. Nuevas Tendencias en Educación Física, Deporte y Recreación. Nº39, pp. 794-804 (2021).
R. Urbina, S. Lefavrais, L. Royon, A Mongruel, W. González-Viñas, D. Beysens: "Gel-induced dew condensation". Journal of Hydrology. Volume 599, August 2021, 126263
I. Zuriguel, A. Garcimartín and R. C. Hidalgo (Eds.). “Traffic and Granular Flow 2019”, Springer Proceedings in Physics Vol. 252. Ed. Springer (Cham, Switzerland). ISBN 978-3-030-55972-4. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-55973-1.
Iker Zuriguel, Ángel Garcimartí. "Statistical Mechanics of Clogging". Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science. 2020.
T.Borsich, M.J.Chasco, X.Domínguez, E.Martín-Peinador. "On g-barrelled groups and their permanence properties". Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. Volume 473, Issue 2,1203-1214 (2019).
C Bejines, MJ Chasco, J Elorza, S Montes. "Equivalence Relations on Fuzzy Subgroups".Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 11160 (LNAI 11160) 143-153.
L. Pérez, J. Bragard, P. Díaz, HL. Mancini, D. Laroze, H. Pleiner. "Magneto-viscous effect on thermal convection thresholds in an Oldroyd magnetic fluid". Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, vol. 444. pgs. 432-438, 2017.
A. Collet, J. Bragard, PC. Dauby. "Temperature, geometry and bifurcations in the numerical modeling of the cardiac mechano-electric feedback". Chaos, vol 27(9), pgs. 093924 (2017).
R. Aslam, W. González-Viñas. "Spin-coating of moderately concentrated superparamagnetic colloids in different magnetic field configurations". Colloids Surf. A 532 (Suppl. C), 530 (2017).
J.D. Azcona. B. Barbés. L. Wang, J. Burguete. "Experimental pencil beam kernels derivation for 3D dose calculation in flattening filter free modulated fields". Phys. Med. Biol. 61 50 (2016).
Iker Zuriguel, Ángel Garcimartín. "La universalidad de los atascos". Revista Investigación y Ciencia. Mayo 2015.
M.A. Miranda, J. Burguete, W. González-Viñas, H. Mancini. "Exploring the Kibble-Zurek mechanism in a secondary bifurcation". International Journal Bifurcation Chaos 22, 1250165 (2012).
G. Vidal, M.S. Baptista, H. Mancini. "Fundamentals of a Classical ChaosBased Cryptosystem with some Quantum Cryptography Features". International Journal Bifurcation Chaos 22, 1250243 (2012).
M.J. Chasco, E. Martín Peinador, D. Dikranjan. "A survey on reflexivity of abelian topological groups". Topology Appl. 159, 2290-2309 (2012).
S. Ardanza-Trevijano, M.J. Chasco, K. Hofmann, E. Martín-Peinador, D. Shakmatov. Preface. Topology Appl. 159, 2233-2234 (2012).
A. Peñarada, I.R. Cantalapiedra, J. Bragard, B. Echebarria. "Cardiac Dynamics: A Simplified Model for Action Potential Propagation". Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling 9 (2012).
R.C. Hidalgo, D. Kadau, T. Kanzaki, H.J. Hermann. "Granular packings of cohesive elongated particles". Granular Matter 14, 191-196 (2012).
J. Elorza, R. Fuentes-González, J. Bragard y P. Burillo. "On the relation between fuzzy closing morphological operators and fuzzy consequence operators induced by fuzzy preorders". Fuzzy Sets and Systems (2012).
J. Farjas, D. Sánchez-Rodríguez, H. Eloussifi, R.C. Hidalgo, P. Roura, S. Ricart, T. Puig, X. Obradors. "Can we trust on the thermal analysis fo metal organic powders for thin film preparation?" MRS Proceedings (2012).
Sergio Ardanza-Trevijano, María Jesús Chasco, Xabier Domínguez and Mikhail Tkachenko. "Precompact noncompact reflexive Abelian groups". Forum Mathematicum. 24, 289–302. 2012.
MJ. Chasco, X. Domínguez, J. Trigos. "Some cases of preservation of the Pontryagin dual by taking dense subgroups". Topology and its Applications. Vol. 158. PP. 1836-1843. 2011.
Lydia Außenhofer, María Jesús Chasco, Dikran Dikranjan, Xabier Domínguez "Locally minimal topological groups 2". Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Volume 380, Issue 2, Pages 552-570 (agosto 2011)
M.J. Chasco, X. Domínguez y V. Tarieladze "Schwartz groups and convergence of characters". Topology and its Applications. Volume 158, Issue 3, 484-491. Febrero 2011.
L. Aubenhofer, MJ. Chasco, D. Dikranjan y X. Domínguez "Locally minimal topological groups 1". Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. Volume 370. Issue 2. Octubre 2010. Pages 431-452
Ricardo López-Ruiz, Héctor Mancini, Xavier Calbet. "A Statistical Measure of Complexity", arXiv:1009.1498v1 [nlin.AO] (2010). Chapter to appear in the e-Book "Recent Advances in Generalized Information Measures and Statistics", Kowalski, Rossignoli & Curado (Eds.), Ed. Bentham Science, 2010.
G. Vidal and H. Mancini "Hiperchaotic Synchonization" I.J.B.C. Vol. 20, 3, 885-896 (2010).
H. Mancini “New trends, dynamics and scales in pattern formation”(Preface) European Physical Journal, Special Topics 146, v-viii (2007)
A. de la Torre & J. Burguete. " Slow Dynamics in a Turbulent Von Kármán Swirling Flow" PRL, 99, 054101 (2007).
L. Ausenhofer, M. J. Chasco, X. Domínguez and V. Tarieladze. "On Schwartz groups". Studia Math. 181, 199-210. ISSN: 0039-3223(p) 1730-6337(e). (2007).
Goñi, J. Esteban, F.J. Vélez de Mendizábal, N. Sepulcre, J. Ardanza-Trevijano Moras, Sergio Villoslada, Pablo“Protein interaction network analysis reveals the importance of proteins with low degree of connectivity in neurodegenerative diseases”. .Proceedings AISB'06. Adaptation in Artificial and Biological Systems- Network Analysis in Natural Sciences and Engineering, 1 902956 96 7.
Boccaletti, S.; Mendoza, C.; Bragard, J. “Anomalous synchronization of spatially extended chaotic systems in the presence of asymmetric coupling”. En Fluctuation and Noise Letters-an interdisciplinary scientific journal on random processes in physical, biological and technological systems. . Vol. 5 (2). pp. 251-258, (2005).
Bragard, J.; Boccaletti, S.; Mendoza, C. “Synchronization of spatially extended chaotic systems with asymmetric coupling”. En Brazilian Journal of Physics. 2005. Vol. 35 (2B). pp. 411-417, (2005).
Bragard, J.; Montbrio, E.; Mendoza, C.; Boccaletti, S.; Blasius, B. “Defect-enhanced anomaly in frequency synchonization of asymmetrically coupled spatially extended systems”. En Phys. Rev. E. 2005. Vol. 71 (2). pp. 25201, (2005).
Ardanza-Trevijano, S.; Chasco, M.J. “The Pontryagin duality of sequential limits of topological Abelian groups”. En J. Pure Appl. Algebra. 2005. Vol. 202, 1-3. pp. 11-21, (2005).
Vaschenko, G.; Brizuela, F.; Brewer, C.; Grisham, M.; Mancini, H.L.; Menoni, C.; Marconi, M.; Rocca, J.; W. Chao, J.A. Liddle, E. H. Anderson, D.T. Attwood, A. V. Vinogradov, I. A. Artioukov, Y.P. Pershyn and V. V. Kondratenko. “Nanoimaging with a compact extreme-ultraviolet laser”. Optics Letters. 30,16, pp. 2095-2097, (2005).
I. Zuriguel, J.F. Boudet, Y. Amarouchene and H. Kellay. "Role of Fluctuation-Induced Interactions in the Axial Segregation of Granular Materials". PRL 95, 258002 (2005).
Zuriguel, I.; Garcimartín, A.; Maza, D.; Pugnaloni, L.; Pastor, J.M. “Jamming during the discharge of granular matter from a silo”. Phys. Rev. E. 2005. Vol. 71. pp. 051303, (2005).
Brizuela, F.; Vaschenko, G.; Brewer, C.; Grisham, M.; Menoni, C.; Mancini, H.L.; Marconi, M.; Rocca, J.; Weilun Chao, J.; Liddle, A.; Anderson, E.; Attwood, D.; Vinogradov, A.; Artioukov , I.; Pershyn, Y.; Kondratenko, V. “Nanometer-scale imaging with compacto soft x-ray”. En Soft X-Ray Lasers and Applications VI. Edit. Ernst E. Fill. (2005).
Maza, D.; Wolluscheck, C.; Mancini, H.L. “Pattern formation in a mass transfer convective experiment”. En Experimental Chaos 8ª ECC. Edit. American Institute of Physics,(2004).
S. Madruga and C. Pérez-García. “Hexagonal patterns in a model for rotating convection”. Int. J. Of Bif. And Chaos. 14, 1.107-117, (2004).
B. Peña, C. Pérez-García and M. Bestehorn. “Modulated standing waves resulting from a Hopf-Wave interaction in a chemical model”. Int. Journal of Bif. And Chaos. 14, 11, (2004).
H. Mancini and D. Maza. “Pattern formation without heating in an evaporative convection experiment” Europhys. Lett. 66. 8/2-8/8, (2004).
W. González-Viñas, H. Mancini "An introduction to Materials Science". Princeton University Press. (2004).
B. Peña and C. Pérez-García. “Time periodic forcing of Turing patterns in the Brusselator model” Instabilities and Nonequilibrium Structures VII & VIII. Kluwer academic publishers. 305-311, (2003).
Díaz Calavia E.J., Elizalde Soba P., Teijeira Alvarez J.M., Berraondo López P., Ortuño Fernández Pedreño F., Pérez Cajaraville. “Filtrado del ruido del ECG”. XXI Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica. CASEIB 2003..(6) Libro de Actas. ISBN 84-688-3819-5. Mérida (Badajoz). pp 223-226.
Díaz Calavia Emilio J., Teijeira Alvarez José M., Elizalde Soba Pedro, Berraondo López Pedro, Pérez Cajaraville Juan, Ortuño Fernández-Pedreño Felipe. “Limpieza de la función ECG”. 3er Congreso Internacional de Cardiología por Internet (TCVC). Federación Argentina de Cardiología http://www.fac.org.ar/tcvc/areastl/tlbio.htm, http://www.fac.org.ar/tcvc/llave/tl209/tl209.htm (2003).
S. Madruga, C. Pérez-García, and G. Lebon, “Thermocapillary-buoyant convection in laterally heated liquid layers in Nonlinear Dynamics in Fluids” F. Marqués and A. Meseguer, eds., CIMNE Editions, Barcelona, 2003.
W.González-Viñas and H.L.Mancini. “Ciencias de los Materiales” Publicaciones digitales S.A., Sevilla ISBN 84-607-3949-X, (2002). S. Madruga and C. Perez-García. “Instabilities within a model of rotating convection”. Entropie 239-240,41-44, (2002).
S.Madruga, C.Perez-García, and G. Lebon “Thermocapillary-bouyant convection in laterally heated liquid layers”. Rencontre du Non-Linéaire 2002, Y. Pomeau et R. Ribotta Eds, Paris Onze Editions, pp 135-140. Orsay, Francia (2002).
L. Marié, M. Bourgoin, F. Petrelis, J. Roy, J. Burguete, A. Chiffaudel, F. Daviaud, S. Fauve, P. Odier, J. F. Pinton “Water experiments related to the “von Kármán Sodium” dynamo proyect, S. Bocaletti et al. Eds. American Institute of Physics 622 pp 453-464, (2002).
S. Boccaletti, J. Kursths, M.G. Rosenblum and D. L. Valladares, “The Synchronization of Chaotic Sytems”, Phys. Rep. 366, 1. (2002).
B. Peña and C. Pérez García. “Conventional and Unconventional Turing Patterns”, Rencontre du non-linéaire, 2001.
M.J. Chasco and E. Martín-Peinador. “On strongly reflexive topological groups”. Applied General Topology, 2,2, (2001)
J. Burguete, S. Casado, W. González-Viñas, H.L. Mancini et S. Boccaletti. “Génération des défauts topologiques dans une expérience de convection de Bénard-Marangoni”. Rencontre du Non-Linéaire, 2001.
B. Peña and C. Pérez-García “Phase Instabilities of Distorted Hexagonal Patterns”. In Int. Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 11, 2771-2777, (2001)
S. Madruga, S. Boccaletti, M. A. Matias “Effect of a variable delay in delayed dynamical systems“,Int. J. of Bif. and Chaos, issue11 p. 2875-2880, (2001).
M.L. Ramón, D.M. Maza, H.L. Mancini, A.M. Mancho and H. Herrero “Hexagonal Structure in Intermediate Aspect Ratio Bénard-Marangoni Convection”, Int. J. of Bif. and Chaos, p 2779-2788. 11, (2001).D.L. Valladares,
F. M. Carusela and S. Boccaletti “Intermittent Lag Synchronization in a Pair of coupled Chaotic Oscillators”, Int. Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 11, 10, 2699-2704, (2001).
D.L. Valladares, S. Boccaletti, H. Mancini and Celso Grebogi “Signal dropout reconstruction in communicating with chaos”, Int. Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, vol. 11, pag. 2621. (2001).
I.P.Mariño, D.L. Valladares, C. Greboggi, S. Boccaletti and E. Rosa Jr. “Communication With Chaos: Reconstructing Information-Carrying Signals”, en Space Time Chaos: Characterization, Control and Synchronization, p. 273-291 editado por S. Boccaletti, J. Burguete, W. González-Viñas and H.L. Mancini. (World Sci. Pub., Singapore, 2001).
D. Maza, A. Vallone, S. Boccaletti and H. Mancini. “Phase Synchronization In Chaotic Convection” en Space Time Chaos: Characterization, Control and Synchronization, p. 211-221, editado por S. Boccaletti, J. Burguete, W. González-Viñas and H.L. Mancini. (World Sci. Pub., Singapore, 2001).
B. Peña, C. Pérez-García. and B. Echebarría. “Stability Of Hexagonal Patterns In A Generalized Swift-Hohenberg Equation” en Space Time Chaos: Characterization, Control and Synchronization, p. 123-136, editado por S. Boccaletti, J. Burguete, W. González-Viñas and H.L. Mancini. (World Sci. Pub., Singapore, 2001).
S. Madruga, S. Boccaletti and M.A. Matías “Delayed Dynamical Systems With Variable Delay”, en Space Time Chaos: Characterization, Control and Synchronization, p. 113-122, editado por S. Boccaletti, J. Burguete, W. González-Viñas and H.L. Mancini. (World Sci. Pub., Singapore, 2001).
S. Madruga, S. Boccaletti, M. A. Matias “Effect of a variable delay in delayed dynamical systems“. Int. J. of Bif. and Chaos, 11 p. 2875-2880, (2001).
S. Boccaletti, J. Burguete, W. González-Viñas, H.L. Mancini and D.L.Valladares. “Special Issue on Space-Time Chaos I” Int. J. of Bif. and Chaos, 11, Issue 10 (Octubre 2001).EDITORES
S. Boccaletti, J. Burguete, W. González-Viñas, H. L. Mancini and D.L.Valladares. “Special Issue on Space-Time Chaos II” Int. J. of Bif. and Chaos, Issue 11, (Noviembre 2001).EDITORES
S. Boccaletti, J. Burguete, W. González-Viñas, H.L. Mancini and D.L. Valladares eds. Space-Time Chaos: Characterization, Control And Synchronization. World Scientific, Singapore (2001).EDITORES
L. Marié, J. Burguete, A. Chiffaudel, F.Daviaud, D.Ericher, C. Gasquet, F. Petrelis, S. Fauve, M. Bourgoin, M. Moulin, P. Odier, J.F. Pinton, A. Guigon, J.B. Luciani, F. Namer, J. Leorat “MHD in Von Kàrmàn swirling flows”, In Dynamo and Dynamics, a Mathematical Challenge, P.Chossat et al.Eds, Kluwer Academic Publishers Holanda, 35-50, (2001).
L. Marié, A. Chiffaudel, F.Daviaud, J. Burguete, F. Petrelis, S. Fauve, M. Bourgoin, P. Odier, J.F. Pinton, A. Guigon, F. Namer, J.B. Luciani “ Measures MHD dans l’expérience Von Kàrmàn sodium”, Colloque Chaos Temporel et espatio-temporel. Université du Havre. Le Havre. Francia, 3, (2001).
C. Pérez-García. "Motors biomoleculars", pp.87-102 en “Física i Vida. Homenatge a Francesc Salvà i Campillo". D. Jou iJ. E. Llebot (eds.), Col.lecció Aula de Ciència i Cultura, vol. 12,Fundació Caixa de Sabadell. Sabadell, (2001).
C. Pérez-García. "L'elasticitat del DNA i de la titina", pp 103 – 112 en “Física i Vida. Homenatge a Francesc Salvà i Campillo". D. Jou iJ. E. Llebot (eds.), Col.lecció Aula de Ciència i Cultura, vol. 12,Fundació Caixa de Sabadell. Sabadell, (2001).
E. Díaz Calavia, P. Berraondo López, J. Perez Cajaraville, P. Elizalde Soba, F. Ortuño Sanchez-Pedreño, J.M. Teijeira Alvarez. “Alta sensibilidad de métodos de la dinámica no lineal en el análisis de electrocardiogramas”. CASEIB 2001 p274-276. Ed. Instituto de Salud Carlos III. Madrid, (2001).
P. Berraondo López, J. Perez Cajaraville, P. Elizalde Soba, F. Ortuño Sanchez-Pedreño, J.M. Teijeira Alvarez, E. Díaz Calavia. “Alta sensibilidad de métodos de la dinámica no lineal en el análisis de electrocardiogramas”. Física Médica. Vol 2 Sp. Sp 1. p 46-47, (2001).
P. Berraondo López, J. Perez Cajaraville, P. Elizalde Soba, F. Ortuño Sanchez-Pedreño, J.M. Teijeira Alvarez, E. Díaz Calavia. “Dinámica no lineal en el análisis de electrocardiogramas”. Física Médica. Vol 2 Sp. Junio de 2001 Sp 1.
González Viñas, W.; Mancini, H. L. “Ciencia de Materiales”. Pamplona. Newbook ediciones, (2000).
P.L. Ramazza, S. Ducci, S. Boccaletti and F.T. Arecchi “Localized versus delocalized patterns in a nonlinear optical interferometer” en j. Opt. B: quantum Semiclas. Opt, 2: 399, (2000).
M. L. Ramón, R. Meucci, M. Ciofini, A. Labate y L. Calero. “Pattern selection and stabilization in an annular CO2 laser” en Eur. Phys. J. D., 11: 137-141, (2000).
F.T. Arecchi and S. Boccaletti “Adaptive strategies for recognition and control of chaos” en Chaos and Noise in Biology and Medicine, ed. by M. Barbi and S. chillemi, World Scientific Series on Biophysics and byocybernetics, pág. 99, (2000).
F.T. Arecchi, S. Boccaletti, S. Ducci, E. Pampaloni, P.L. Ramazza and S. Residori “The liquid crystal light valve with optical feedback: a case study in pattern formation” en J. of Nonlin. Opt. Physics and Materials, 9: 183, (2000).
J. Bragard, P.L. Ramazza, F.T. Arecchi, S. Boccaletti & L. Kramer. “Domain segregation in a two-dimensional system in the presence of drift”. Phys. Rev. E. 61. Págs. R6045-R6048, (2000).
C. Pérez-García and B. Echebarría. “Bénard Cells: A Centennial Puzzle”, in Instabilities and Nonequilibrium Structures VI, E. Tirapegui et al., eds. (Kluwer, Dordrecht, Holland, 2000).
H. Herrero y A. M. Mancho. “Numerical modeling in Chebyshev collocation methods applied to stability analysis of convection problems” en Applied Numerical Mathematics, 33 (1-4): 161-166, (2000).
A.M. Mancho y H. Herrero. “Instabilities in a laterally heated liquid layer” en Phys. of Fluids, 12 (5): 1044-1051, (2000).
Dattoli, G.; Lorenzutta, S.; Mancho, A. M.; Torre, A. “Generalized polynomials and associated operational identities”. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. Nº 108: 209-218, (1999).
González Viñas, W.; Mancini, H. L.. “Ciencia de los Materiales”. Pamplona. Newbook ediciones, (1999).
F.T.Arecchi, S. Boccaletti and P.L. Ramazza “Pattern Formation and Competition in Nonlinear Optics” en Physics Reports, 318 (1), (1999).
G. Dattoli, S. Lorenzutta, A. M. Mancho y A. Torre. “Generalized polynomials and associated operational identities” en J. Computational And Applied Mathematics, 108 (1-2): 209-218, (1999).
A. Giaquinta, S. Boccaletti, M. Boccaletti and F.T. Arecchi “Investigating the fractal properties of geological fault systems: The main Ethiopian Rift case” en Geophysics Review Letters, 26: 1633, (1999).
P.L. Ramazza, S. Boccaletti, S. Ducci and F.T. Arecchi “Transport induced pattern selection in a nonlinear optical systems”, en J. of Nonlinear Optical Phys. And Materials, 8: 1, (1999).
M. Ciofini, A. Labate, R. Meucci, S. Boccaletti and F.T. Arecchi “Takens-Bogdanov bifurcation in optical patterns” en Proceedings of the 4th Experimental Chaos Conference (Edited by M. Ding, W. Ditto L. Pecora, M. Spano and S. Vohra), World Scientific, pág. 91, (1999).
Henar Herrero. “Utilidades para bifurcaciones en problemas de convección”. Serie Monografías. Edita Instituto de Física, Universidad de Navarra. (1999).
P.L. Ramazza, S. Boccaletti, A. Giaquinta, E. Pampaloni, S. Soria and F.T. Arecchi. “Pattern Formation in a Nonlinear Optical System: the Effects of Nonlocality” en Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 10: 693, (1999).
Pérez-García; C. Echebarría, B. “Bénard instability, one century later”. En Des Phénomènes critiques au chaos (colloque scientifique à la mémoire de Pierre Bergé). P. Manneville editor, pp.: 113-120, (1998).
Maza, D.; Mancini, H.; Boccaletti, S.; Genesio R. and Arecchi F.R.. “Control of Amplitude Turbulence in Delayed Dynamical Systems”. En Int. J. of Bifurcation and Chaos. Nº 8 (9): 1843-1848, (1998).
C. Pérez-García, B. Echebarría and M. Bestehorn. “Thermal Properties in Surface-Tension-Driven Convection”. Phys. Rev. E, 57. 1 475-481, (1998).
María Jesús Chasco, Nguyen Duy Tien and V.L. Tarieladze. “Some Remarks on Random Series in Banach Spaces”. Acta Mathematica Vietnamica, 28.1 129-141, (1998).
M.J. Chasco and E. Martín-Peinador. “Pontryagin Reflexive Groups are not Determined by their Continuous Characters”. Rocky Mountain J. of Mathematics. 28. 1. 155-160, (1998).
M. J. Chasco . “Ponrtryagin duality for Metrizable Groups”. Arch. Math. 70. 22-28, (1998).
González-Viñas y H.L. Mancini. Ciencia de los Materiales. Parte I, W. Número de Páginas:99. Newbook Ediciones (1998).
W. González-Viñas y H.L. Mancini. Ciencia de los Materiales. Parte II, Número de Páginas: Newbook Ediciones 77 (1998).
J.M. Teijeira, C. Montes, E. Díaz, S. González Barón. “Potenciales evocados visuales (PEV). Perspectivas actuales”. Rev. Neurol, 26. 151. 451-458, (1998).
M. J. Chasco and S. Chobanyan. “On Rearrangements of Series in Locally Convex Spaces”. Michigan Math. J. 44 607-617, (1997).
Echebarría, B., Krmptic, D. and C. Pérez-García. “Resonant interactions in Bénard-Marangoni convection in cylindrical containers”. Physica D, 99. 487-502.,(1997).
Ponce-Dawson, S. and Mancho, A. M. “Collections of Heteroclinic Cycles in the Kuramoto-Sivashinski equation”. Physica D, 100. 231-256, (1997).
Laaziz, Y., Cennouna, A., Elazhari, M.Y., Ramiro-Bargueño, J., Outzourhit, A., Chahboun, N., and Ameziane, E.L. “A method for monitoring the ghickness of semiconductor and dielectric thin films: application to the determination of large-area thickness profiles”.Thin Solid Films, (1997)
E.J. Díaz-Calavia, G. Ezpeleta, C. Varela, P. Berraondo, P.M. Elizalde and A. Cordero. “New Algorithm to calculate the Corelation dimension in the Nonlinear Analysis of Physiological Signals”. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing 35, Supp. Part.1 481-481(1997)
G. Ezpeleta, C. Varela, P. Berraondo, P.M. Elizalde, A. Cordero and E.J. Díaz Calavia. “Comparison between Conventional and Nonlinear Analysis of the ECG in the Diagnosis of the Valvular Mitral Prolapse”. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 35. Supp. Part.1 489-489. (1997)
G. Ezpeleta, C. Varela, P. Berraondo and E.J. Díaz-Calavia. “Convectional and Nonlinear Analysis of the ECG”. J. Physiol. Biochem. (Revista española de Fisiología) 53. 1 53-53. (1997).
E.J. Díaz Calavia, G. Ezpeleta, C. Varela y P. Berraondo. “Algoritmo para Análisis de funciones fisioógicas”. DECUS (CD Rom), (1997).
E.J. Díaz Calavia, G. Ezpeleta, C. Varela y P. Berraondo. “Análisis no lineal en el diagnóstico precoz de enfermedades cardíacas”. Libro de Comunicaciones del XI Congreso Nacional de Física Médica 59-63 ,(1997).
E.J. Díaz Calavia, G. Ezpeleta, C. Varela y P. Berraondo. “Análisis del ECG normal y patológico mediante la transformada de Gabor” . Libro de Comunicaciones del XI Congreso Nacional de Física Médica 59-63 ,(1997).
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M. Huerta, D. Krmpotic, G.B. Mindlin, H.Mancini, D. Maza y C. Pérez-García.”Pattern Dynamics in a Bénard-Marangoni Convection Experiment”. Physica D, 96. 200-208, (1996).
D. Maza, B. Echebarría, C. Pérez-García and H. Mancini. “Bénard-Marangoni Convection in Small Aspect Ratio Containers”. Phys. Scripta , T67. 82-85, (1996).
Michael Bestehorn. “Numerical results of 3D convection in a binary mixture for a postive separation ratio”. Physica D 61, 59-66, (1996).
H. Herrero, J. Millán-Rodríguez y C. Pérez-García. “Derivation of the Amplitude Equation for a Hydromagnetic Convective Problem”. Z. Phys. B, 99. 457-463, (1995).
C. Pérez García, J. Burguete, D. Maza y H. Mancini . Travelling Convective Patterns with a Localized Heating Chaos and complexity Ed. Frontieres. 333-336, CL (1995).
Ricardo López-Ruiz, H.L.Mancini y X. Calbet . “A Statistical Measure of Complexity”. Physics Lett. A 209. 321-326. (1995).
J. Millán Rodríguez, M. Bestehorn, C. Pérez-García, Rudolf Friedrich and Marc Neufeld.“Defect Motion in Rotating Fluids” Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 4, 530, (1995).
J. Fernández Vela and C. Pérez-García. “Oscillatory instabilities in binary mixtures for positive separation ratio”. Int. Journal of Bif. And chaos. 4, 5. 1333-1336, (1994).
Henar Herrero and Hermann Riecke. “Front structures in a real Ginzburg-Landau equation coupled to a mean field”. Int. Journal of Bif. And chaos. 4, 5. 1343-1346, (1994).
J. Millán-Rodríguez, M. Bestehorn, R. Friedrich, M. Neufeld and C. Pérez-García. “Motion of defects in rotating convection”, Chaos, 4 (2): 369-376, (1994).
T. Ondarçuhu, G. Mindlin, H. Mancini and C. Pérez-García. “The chaotic evolution of patterns in Bénard-Marangoni convection with square symmetry”, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter, 6: A427-A432, (1994).
D. Maza, J. Burguete and H.L. Mancini “Experimental results on defects in one-dimensional heating patterns”. Int. Journal of Bif. and Chaos 4, 5, 1353-1356, (1994).
Juan Millán-Rodríguez, “Influence of defects in the hexagon-roll transition in convective layers”. Int. Journal of Bif. and Chaos 4, 5, 1357-1361, (1994).
H. Herrero, C. Pérez-García and M. Bestehorn. “Stability of fronts separating domains with different symmetries in hydrodynamical instabilities”, Chaos, 4 (1): 15-20, (1994).
J. Martínez-Mardones, R. Tiemann and W. Zeller. “Amplitude equation in polymeric fluid convection”. Int. Journal of Bif. And Chaos, 4, 5, 1347-1351, (1994).
C. Pérez García, H. Herrero y J. Millán-Rodríguez . “Pinning Effects in Pattern Formation”, Fluctuation Phenomena: Disorder and Nonlinearity . World Scientific. 154-161, CL,(1994).
David Jou Mirabent, Josep Enric Llebot Rabagliati and Carlos Pérez-García “FÍSICA PARA CIENCIAS DE LA VIDA”. McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 8448118170, (1994).
C. Pérez-García, J. Millán-Rodriguez, H. Herrero and M. Bestehorn. “ A generalized swift-hohenberg model for several convective problems” Eds. E. Tirapegui and W. Zeller. Instabilities and Nonequilibrium Structures IV, 225-234, (1993).
J. Martínez-Mardones, R. Tiemann, W. Zeller. “Amplitude equations for viscoelastic convective fluids”. Eds. E. Tirapegui and W. Zeller. Instabilities and Nonequilibrium Structures IV, 317-324, (1993).
A. Garcimartín, H.L. Mancini and C. Pérez-García. “The fragmentation of a drop falling in a fluid: geometry and velocity”. Eds. E. Tirapegui and W. Zeller. Instabilities and Nonequilibrium Structures IV, 273-279, (1993).
Michael Bestehorn and Carlos Pérez-García. “Pattern formation in extended continuous systems”. Growth Patterns in Physical Sciences and Biology, edited by J. M. García-Ruiz et al., Plenum Press, New York, (1993).
C. Pérez-García, S. Ciliberto and E. Pampaloni “Transition between different symmetries in convection”, in Instabilities and Nonequilibrium Structures III, E. Tirapegui and W. Zeller, 291-300. (1992).
M. Bestehorn and C. Pérez-García. “Study of a model of thermal convection in cylindrical containers”. Physica D, 61, 67-76, (1992).
J. Martínez-Mardones and C. Pérez-García. “Bifurcation Analysis and Amplitude Equations for Viscoelastic Convective Fluids”. IL NUOVO CIMENTO, 14D, N.9, (1992).
E. Pampaloni, C. Pérez-García, L. Albavetti and S. Ciliverto. “Transition from hexagons to rolls in convection in fluids under non-Boussinesq conditions”. J. Fluid Mech. 234, 393-416 (1992).
M. Bestehorn and C. Pérez-García. “Modulated Rolls and Travelling Waves in a Secondary Convective Instability”. Europhys. Lett. 16, 3, 225-230 (1991).
S. Ciliberto, E. Pampaloni and C. Pérez-García “The Role of Defects in the Transition Between Different Symmetries in Convective Patterns”. Journal of Statistical Physics, 64, 5/6, (1991).
F.T. Arecchi, P.K. Buah-Bassuah and C. Pérez-García. “Fragment Formation in the Break-Up of a Drop Falling in a Miscible Liquid”. Europhys. Lett., 15,4, 429-434 (1991).
C. Pérez-García and Graciela Carneiro. “Linear stability analysis of Bénard-Marangoni convection in fluids with a deformable free surface”. Phys. Fluids, 3, 2, (1991).