Being from a different country, especially one as far as the Philippines, I was always going to have to take my time to adjust to living in another country. The adjustment period, for anyone, is a daunting process, especially when you don't even speak the language of the country you are going to. This is why I was so thankful for the IFP program, not only because it gave me the right amount of time to adjust and discover what I wanted, but also because it allowed me to somewhat grasp the language, at least the basics, allowing me to have a good basis for the further development of my Spanish.
Caye Alessandro Francisco Rabat
Philippines (Diseño 21-25)
El IFP es un programa que ayuda a los estudiantes internacionales a adaptarse e integrarse en la universidad. A mí me ayudó a decidirme a estudiar un grado en la Universidad de Navarra y más concretamente Psicología, una carrera que conocí gracias a las clases a las que asistí durante el curso.
Manuela Saldarriaga
Colombia (Psicología 21-25)
As someone who didn't study Spanish at all in my home nation, and as someone who doesn't take naturally to new languages, IFP was exactly the experience I needed to conquer my ignorance and begin studying Philosophy here at the Universidad de Navarra. The teachers are nice and easy-going but tough and the methods are exactly what a new student needs to advance rapidly in Spanish. Outside of classes, IFP has a lot of activities to help a student learn about Spanish culture and become integrated in the community here at Navarra. Lastly, IFP´s rigorous testing program makes sure a student is ready to learn in Spanish. It goes over all the various parts of language and tests them all, reading, writing, listening, speaking, and mediation, which forces the student to sift information and present it.