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Artículos publicados en el Laboratorio de Medios Granulares durante el año 2025:

• A.J. Batista-Leyva, D. Hernández-Delfin, Karol Asencio, R.C. Hidalgo, D. Maza. “Granular convection in a monolayer induced by asymmetric horizontal oscillations”. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. Volume 660, 15 February 2025, 130355.


• M Maza-Cuello, D. Maza. "Efficient transport controlled by biharmonic frictional driving". 09 October 2024, in the 11 October 2024 issue of Physical Review Letters (Vol. 133, No. 15). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.133.158201

• A.D. Flippov, P. Sharma, F. Helmendah, J.A. Dijksman, R.C. Hidalgo. “Fibre bundle models as a framework for the detachment dynamics of soft probabilistic fasteners”. Front. Phys., 13 August 2024. Sec. Interdisciplinary Physics. Volume 12 – 2024. Frontiers | Fibre bundle models as a framework for the detachment dynamics of soft probabilistic fasteners

• Bo Fan, Tivadar Pongó, Raúl Cruz Hidalgo, Tamás Börzsönyi. “Effect of Particle Shape on the Flow of an Hourglass”. Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 058201 – Published 31 July 2024. Effect of Particle Shape on the Flow of an Hourglass

• R.Caitano, A.J. Ramirez‑Pastor, E.E. Vogel, G. Saravia. “Competition analysis of grain fow versus clogging by means of information theory”. Granular Matter (2024) 26:77

• Wenchao Fang, Sheng Chen, Shuiqing Li, and Iker Zuriguel. “Clogging transition of granular flow in porous structures”. Phys. Rev. Research 6, 033046 – Published 10 July 2024. Clogging transition of granular flow in porous structures

• Muhammad Ahmed Hanif, Devaraj van der Meer, and Diego Maza. “Discharge of rice-shaped particles from a monolayer flat-bottom silo”. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 109, 064906 (2024)

• Laciel Alonso-Llanes, Angel Garcimartín, and Iker Zuriguel. “Single file motion of robot swarms". PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH 6, L022037 (2024)

• María Victoria Ferreyra, Luis A. Pugnaloni, and Diego Maza. “Self-similarity of pressure profiles during forced granular flows”. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 109, L012901 (2024). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.109.L012901

• Jing Wang, Bo Fan, Tivadar Pongó, Tamás Börzsönyi, Raúl Cruz Hidalgo, and Ralf Stannarius. “Force on a sphere suspended in flowing granulate”. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 108, L062901 (2023). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.108.L062901

• Bo Fan, Iker Zuriguel, Joshua A. Dijksman, Jasper van der Gucht, and Tamás Börzsönyi. “Elongated particles discharged with a conveyor belt in a two-dimensional silo”. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 108, 044902 (2023). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.108.044902

• Iñaki Echeverría-Huarte, Alexandre Nicolas. “Body and mind: Decoding the dynamics of pedestrians and the effect of smartphone distraction by coupling mechanical and decisional processes». Transportation Research Part C 157 (2023) 104365.

• Rodrigo Caitano, Angel Garcimartín, and Iker Zuriguel. “Anchoring Effect of an Obstacle in the Silo Unclogging Process". Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 098201 – Published 31 August 2023

• A.A. Torres, R. Caitano, A.J. Ramírez-Pastor. « A technique for the estimation of percolation thresholds in lattice systems: Application to a problem of granular flow through an orifice ». Physica A : Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. Volume 625, 1 Septembre 2023, 128992.

• A. F. Vallone, R. O. Uñac, D. Maza, A. M. Vidales. «On the dynamics of a liquid bridge between a sphere and a vertically vibrated solid Surface». Granular Matter (2023) 25:28.

• Nuno A. M. Araújo, Liesbeth M. C. Janssen, Thomas Barois, Guido Boffetta, Itai Cohen, Alessandro Corbetta, Olivier Dauchot, Marjolein Dijkstra, William M. Durham, Audrey Dussutour, Simon Garnier, Hanneke Gelderblom, Ramin Golestanian, Lucio Isa, Gijsje H. Koenderink, Hartmut Löwen, Ralf Metzler, Marco Polin, C. Patrick Royall, Andela Saric, Anupam Sengupta, Cécile Sykes, Vito Trianni, Idan Tuval, Nicolas Vogel, Julia M. Yeomans, Iker Zuriguel, Alvaro Marin and Giorgio Volpe. “Steering self-organisation through confinement”. Soft Matter. 2023. DOI: 10.1039/d2sm01562e

Igor Emanuel Goncalves De Oliveira; Rodrigo Caitano Barbosa Da Silva; Pedro Hugo de Figueiredo; Jose Ferraz. “Anomalous diffusion on a two-particle quantum walk”. 2022 SBFoton International Optics and Photonics Conference (SBFoton IOPC). DOI: 10.1109/sbfotoniopc54450.2022.9992352

D. Hernández-Delfin, D. R. Tunuguntla, T. Weinhart, R. C. Hidalgo, and A. R. Thornton. “Shape matters: Competing mechanisms of particle shape segregation”. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 106, 054614 (2022).

Tivadar Pongó, Tamás Börzsönyi, Raúl Cruz Hidalgo. "Discharge of elongated grains in silos under rotational shear". Physical Review E 106, 034904 (2022). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.106.034904

Tivadar Pongó, Bo Fan, Dariel Hernández-Delfin, János Török, Ralf Stannarius, Raúl Cruz Hidalgo, Tamás Börzsönyi. "The role of the particle aspect ratio in the discharge of a narrow silo". New Journal of Physics 24 103036 (2022). DOI: 10.1088/1367-2630/ac9923

Iñaki Echeverría-Huarte, Zhigang Shi, Angel Garcimartín, and Iker Zuriguel. “Pedestrian bottleneck flow when keeping a prescribed physical distance”. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 106, 044302 (2022). DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.106.044302

D. Hernández-Delfín, T. Weinhart, R.C. Hidalgo. "Self-diffusion of spherocylindrical particles flowing under non-uniform shear rate". Soft Matter, Issue 17, 2022. 

Iñaki Echeverría Huarte, Alexandre Nicolas, Raúl Cruz Hidalgo, Angel Garcimartín, Iker Zuriguel. Spontaneous emergence of counterclockwise vortex motion in assemblies of pedestrians roaming within an enclosure. Scientific Reports.(2022) 12:2647.

I. Fonceca, R. C. Hidalgo, D. Maza. "Motion of a sphere in a viscous fluid towards a wall confined versus unconfined conditions". Granular Matter (2022).​​​​​

Gella, D., Yanagisawa, D., Caitano, R. et al. On the dual effect of obstacles in preventing silo clogging in 2D. Commun Phys 5, 4 (2022).

Kiwing To, Yi-Kai Mo, Tivadar Pongó, and Tamás Börzsönyi. "Discharge of elongated grains from silo with rotating bottom". Phys. Rev. E 103, 062905 (2021).

Daniel R. Parisi, Alan G. Sartorio, Joaquín R. Colonnello, Angel Garcimartín, Luis A. Pugnaloni, and Iker Zuriguel. «Pedestrian dynamics at the running of the bulls evidence an inaccessible region in the fundamental diagram”. PNAS 2021 Vol. 118 No. 50 e2107827118.

R. Caitano, B. V. Guerrero, R. E. R. González, I. Zuriguel, and A. Garcimartín “Characterization of the Clogging Transition in Vibrated Granular Media”. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 127, 148002 (2021)

Rodolfo Blanco‑Rodríguez, Raúl Cruz Hidalgo, Gabriel Pérez‑Ángel, Diego Maz. "Critical numerical analysis of quasi‑two‑dimensional silo‑hopper discharging". Granular Matter (2021).

D. Gella, D. Maza, and I. Zuriguel. "Granular internal dynamics in a silo discharged with a conveyor belt". J. Fluid Mech. (2021), vol. 925, A24, doi:10.1017/jfm.2021.663

A Vamsi Krishna Reddy, K Anki Reddy, Iker Zuriguel and Hioraki Katsuragi. "Clogging phenomena in a system of asymmetric dumbbells". J. Stat. mech. (2021) 06201.

Dmitry Puzyrev, Raúl Cruz Hidalgo, David Fischer, Kirsten Harth, Torsten Trittel, and Ralf Stannarius. “Cluster dynamics in dense granular gases of rod-like particles”. EPJ Web of Conferences 249, 04004 (2021)

Tivadar Pongó, Dmitry Puzyrev, Kirsten Harth, Ralf Stannarius, and Raúl Cruz Hidalgo. “Continuously heated granular gas of elongated particles”. EPJ Web of Conferences 249, 04004 (2021)

A Garcimartín, BV Guerrero, A Nicolas, RC Barbosa da Silva and I Zuriguel. "On the broad tails in breaking time distributions of vibrated clogging arches". EPJ Web of Conferences 249, 03009 (2021). Powders and Grains 2021.

D Puzyrev, D Fisher, K Harth, T Trittel, RC Hidalgo, E Falcon, M Noirhomme, E Opsomer, N Vandewalle, Y Garrabos, C Lecoutre, F Palencia and R Stannarius. "Visual analysis of density and velocity profiles in dense 3D granular gases". Scientific Reports (2021) 11:10621.

D. Méndez, R.C. Hidalgo, D. Maza. "The role of the hopper angle in silos: experimental and CFD analysis". Granular Matter (2021) 23:34.

I. Echeverría-Huarte, A. Garcimartín, D.R. Parisi, R.C. Hidalgo, C. Martín-Gómez, I. Zuriguel. "Effect of physical distancing on the speed–density relation in pedestrian dynamics". Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, Volume 2021, April 2021

Jing Wang, Bo Fan, Tivadar Pongó, Kirsten Hartha, Torsten Trittela, Ralf Stannarius, Maja Illig, Tamás Börzsönyi, Raúl Cruz Hidalgo. "Silo discharge of mixtures of soft and rigid grains". Soft Matter (2021)

Tivadar Pongó, Viktória Stiga, JánosTörök, Sára Lévay, Balázs Szabó, Ralf Stannarius, Raúl Cruz Hidalgo and Tamás Börzsönyi. "Flow in an hourglass: particle friction and stiffness matter". New Journal of Physics. 23 (2021) 023001

I. Echeverría-Huarte, A. Garcimartín, R.C. Hidalgo, C. Martín-Gómez, I. Zuriguel. "Estimating density limits for walking pedestrians keeping a safe interpersonal distancing". Scientific Reports volumen 11, article number 1534 (2021)

I. Zuriguel, A. Garcimartín and R. C. Hidalgo (Eds.). “Traffic and  Granular Flow 2019”, Springer Proceedings in Physics Vol. 252. Ed. Springer (Cham, Switzerland). ISBN 978-3-030-55972-4. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-55973-1.

D. Hernández-Delfin, T. Pongó, K. To, T. Börzsönyi, and R. C. Hidalgo. "Particle flow rate in silos under rotational shear".  Phys. Rev. E 102, 042902 (2020).

Claudio Feliciani, Iker Zuriguel, Angel Garcimartín, Diego Maza y Katsuhiro Nishinari. "Systematic experimental investigation of the obstacle effect during non-competitive and extremely competitive evacuations". Scientific Reports volumen 10, Article number: 15947 (2020)

Iker Zuriguel, Ángel Garcimartí. "Statistical Mechanics of Clogging".  Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science. 2020.

J.R. Darias, D. Gella, M.E. Fernández, I. Zuriguel, D.Maz. "The hopper angle role on the velocity and solid-fraction profiles at the outlet of silos".  Powder Technology 366 (2020) 488–496.

Diego López, Dariel Hernández-Delfin, Raúl C. Hidalgo, Diego Maza, and Iker Zuriguel. "Clogging-jamming connection in narrow vertical pipes". PHYSICAL REVIEW E 102, 010902(R) (2020)

Mathieu Souzy, Iker Zuriguel and Alvaro Marin. "Transition from clogging to continuous flow in constricted particle suspensions". PHYSICAL REVIEW E 101, 060901(R) (2020)

I. Echeverría-Huarte, I. Zuriguel, and R. C. Hidalgo. "Pedestrian evacuation simulation in the presence of an obstacle using self-propelled spherocylinders". PHYSICAL REVIEW E 102, 012907 (2020)

Kai Huang, Dariel Hernández-Delfin, Felix Rech, Valentin Dichtl, Raúl Cruz Hidalgo. "The role of initial speed in projectile impacts into light granular media". Scientific Reports 2020. 10:3207.

Iker Zuriguel, Iñaki Echeverría, Diego Maza, Raúl C. Hidalgo, César Martín-Gómez, Angel Garcimartín. "Contact forces and dynamics of pedestrians evacuating a room: The column effect". Safety Science 121 (2020) 394-402.

Diego Gella, Diego Maza, Iker Zuriguel. "Granular flow in a silo discharged with a conveyor belt". Powder Technology 360 (2020) 104e111.

D. Gella, I. Zuriguel, J. Ortín. "Multifractal Intermittency in Granular Flow through Bottlenecks". PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 123, 218004 (2019).

Iker Zuriguel, Diego Maza, Alvaro Janda, Raúl Cruz Hidalgo, Angel Garcimartín. "Velocity fluctuations inside two and three dimensional silos". Granular Matter (2019) 21:47.

B. V. Guerrero, B. Chakraborty, I. Zuriguel, and A. Garcimartín. "Nonergodicity in silo unclogging: Broken and unbroken arches". PHYSICAL REVIEW E 100, 032901 (2019).

Juliane Adrian, Martyn Amos, Mitra Baratchi, Mira Beermann, Nikolai Bode, Maik Boltes, Alessandro Corbetta, Guillaume Dezecache, John Drury, Zhijian Fu, Roland Geraerts, Steve Gwynne, Gesine Hofinger, Aoife Hunt, Tinus Kanters, Angelika Kneidl, Krisztina Konya, Gerta Koster, Mira Kupper, Georgios Michalareas, Fergus Neville, Evangelos Ntontis, Stephen Reicher, Enrico Ronchi, Andreas Schadschneider, Armin Seyfried, Alastair Shipman, Anna Sieben, Michael Spearpoint, Gavin Brent Sullivan, Anne Templeton, Federico Toschi, Natalie van der Wal, Frank van Schadewijk, Cornelia von Kruchten, Nanda Wijermans, Zeynep Yucel, Francesco Zanlungo, Iker Zuriguel. "A Glossary for Research on Human Crowd Dynamics". Collective Dynamics 4, A19:1–13 (2019).

Diego López-Rodríguez, Diego Gella, Kiwing To, Diego Maza, Angel Garcimartín, and Iker Zuriguel. "Effect of hopper angle on granular clogging". PHYSICAL REVIEW E 99, 032901 (2019).

D. Maza, J.M. Schins. “Harmonically driven slider: Markovian dynamics between two limiting attractors”. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 119 (2019) 237–242.

Artículos publicados en el Laboratorio de Medios Granulares durante el año 2018.

R. C. Hidalgo, A. Goñi-Arana, A. Hernández-Puerta, I. Pagonabarraga Flow of colloidal suspensions through small orifices PHYSICAL REVIEW E 97, 012611 (2018) Role of particle size in the kinematic properties of silo flow.

B. V. Guerrero, L. A. Pugnaloni, C. Lozano, I. Zuriguel, and A. Garcimartín

Slow relaxation dynamics of clogs in a vibrated granular silo PHYSICAL REVIEW E 97, 042904 (2018) Role of particle size in the kinematic properties of silo flow.
A. Nicolas, A. Garcimartín, I. Zuriguel Trap Model for Clogging and Unclogging in Granular Hopper Flows PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 120, 198002 (2018) Role of particle size in the kinematic properties of silo flow.
D.R. Parisi, C.R. Hidalgo, I. Zuriguel Active particles with desired orientation flowing through a bottleneck SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 8:9133 (2018) Role of particle size in the kinematic properties of silo flow.

S. Aumaitre, R. P. Behringer, A. Cazaubiel, E. Clement, J. Crassous, D. J. Durian, E. Falcon, S. Fauve, D. Fischer, A. Garcimartin, Y. Garrabos, M. Hou, X. Jia, C. Lecoutre, S. Luding, D. Maza, M. Noirhomme, E. Opsomer, F. Palencia, T. Poschel, J. Schockmel, M. Sperl, R. Stannarius, N. Vandewalle, and P. Yu

An instrument for studying granular media in low-gravity environment


Role of particle size in the kinematic properties of silo flow.

D. Gella, I. Zuriguel, D. Maza

Decoupling Geometrical and Kinematic Contributions to the Silo Clogging Process

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 121, 138001 (2018)

Role of particle size in the kinematic properties of silo flow.
R. C. Hidalgo, B. Szabó, K. Gillemot, T. Börzsönyi, and T. Weinhart Rheological response of nonspherical granular flows down an incline PHYSICAL REVIEW FLUIDS 3, 074301 (2018) Role of particle size in the kinematic properties of silo flow.
S. Arietaleaniz, P. Malgaretti, I. Pagonabarraga, R. C. Hidalgo Rheological behavior of colloidal suspension with long-range interactions PHYSICAL REVIEW E 98, 042603 (2018) Role of particle size in the kinematic properties of silo flow.

A. Garcimartín, D. Maza, J.M. Pastor, D.R. Parisi, C. Martín-Gómez, I. Zuriguel

Redifining the role of obstacles in pedestrian evacuation New Journal of Physics 20 (2018) 12305 Role of particle size in the kinematic properties of silo flow.

Artículos publicados en el Laboratorio de Medios Granulares durante el año 2017.

G. A. Patterson, P. I. Fierens, F. Sangiuliano Jimka, P. G. König, A. Garcimartín, I. Zuriguel, L. A. Pugnaloni, and D. R. Parisi Clogging Transition of Vibration-Driven Vehicles Passing through Constrictions Physical Review Letters 119, 248301 (2017) Role of particle size in the kinematic properties of silo flow.

A. Garcimartín, J. M. Pastor, C. Martín-Gómez, D. Parisi, and I. Zuriguel

Pedestrian collective motion in competitive room evacuation

Scientific Reports, 7, 10792 (2017)

Role of particle size in the kinematic properties of silo flow.

K. Asencio, M. Acevedo, I. Zuriguel, and D. Maza

Experimental Study of Ordering of Hard Cubes by Shearing

Phys. Rev. Lett. 119, 228002 (2017)
Role of particle size in the kinematic properties of silo flow.
D. Gella, D. Maza, I. Zuriguel Role of particle size in the kinematic properties of silo flow. Physical Review E 95, 052904 (2017). Role of particle size in the kinematic properties of silo flow.
R.C. Hidalgo, D.R. Parisi, I. Zuriguel. Simulating competitive egress of noncircular pedestrians. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 95, 042319 (2017). Simulating competitive egress of noncircular pedestrians.
M. Madrid, K. Asencio and D. Maza

Silo discharge of binary granular mixtures

PHYSICAL REVIEW E 96, 022904 (2017)

Silo discharge of binary granular mixtures
Ignacio Íñigo-Marcoa, Miguel Valencia, Laura Larrea, Ricardo Bugallo, Mikel Martínez-Goikoetxea, Iker Zuriguel, and Montserrat Arrasate E46K α-synuclein pathological mutation causes cell-autonomous toxicity without altering protein turnover or aggregation PNAS 1703420114 (2017) E46K α-synuclein pathological mutation causes cell-autonomous toxicity without altering protein turnover or aggregation
D. Gella, D. Maza, I. Zuriguel, A. Ashour, R. Arévalo, R. Stannarius Linking bottleneck clogging with flow kinematics in granular materials: The role of silo width PHYSICAL REVIEW FLUIDS 2, 084304 (2017) Linking bottleneck clogging with flow kinematics in granular materials: The role of silo width
D. Gella, D. Maza, I. Zuriguel Influence of particle size  in silo discharge EPJ WEB OF CONFERENCES 140, 03021. POWDERS & GRAINS Influence of particle size  in silo discharge
D.López-Rodríguez, I. Zuriguel, D.Maza Clogging of granular material in vertical pipes discharged at constant velocity EPJ WEB OF CONFERENCES 140, 03021. POWDERS & GRAINS Clogging of granular material in vertical pipes discharged at constant velocity
K. Asencio, I.Zuriguel, D.Maza Twisting, an alternative strategy to compact granular materials EPJ WEB OF CONFERENCES 140, 03021. POWDERS & GRAINS Twisting, an alternative strategy to compact granular materials
I.Zuriguel, A.Janda, R.Arévalo, D.Maza, A.Garcimartín Clogging und unclogging of many-particle systems passing through a bottleneck EPJ WEB OF CONFERENCES 140, 03021. POWDERS & GRAINS Clogging und unclogging of many-particle systems passing through a bottleneck
B.Guerrero, C.Lozano, I.Zuriguel, A.Garcimartín Dynamics of breaking arches under a constant vibration EPJ WEB OF CONFERENCES 140, 03021. POWDERS & GRAINS Dynamics of breaking arches under a constant vibration
A.Garcimartín, I.Larrea, C.Lozano, I.Zuriguel Cluster splitting in granular segregation driven by horizontal shaking EPJ WEB OF CONFERENCES 140, 03021. POWDERS & GRAINS Cluster splitting in granular segregation driven by horizontal shaking
R.C.Hidalgo, S.M.Rubio-Largo, F.Alonso-Marroquin, T.Weinhart Non-spherical granular flows down inclined chutes EPJ WEB OF CONFERENCES 140, 03021. POWDERS & GRAINS Non-spherical granular flows down inclined chutes
S. M. Rubio-Largo, D. Maza, R. C. Hidalgo. Large-scale numerical simulations of polydisperse particle flow in a silo. Comp. Part. Mech. 2016. DOI 10.1007/s40571-016-0133-4. Large-scale numerical simulations of polydisperse particle flow in a silo.
Iker Zuriguel, Jorge Olivares, José M. Pastor, César Martín-Gómez, Luis M. Ferrer, Juan J. Ramos and Angel Garcimartín. Effect of obstacle position in the flow of sheep through a narrow door. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 94, 032302 (2016). Effect of obstacle position in the flow of sheep through a narrow door.
R. C. Hidalgo, D. Serero, and T. Pöschel. Homogeneous cooling of mixtures of particle shapes. PHYSICS OF FLUIDS 28, 073301 (2016). Homogeneous cooling of mixtures of particle shapes
Bruno V. Guerrero, Vladimir I. Idler and Ivan J. Sánchez. Influence of Air on the Bouncing Dynamics of Shallow Vibrated Granular Beds: Kroll’s Model Predictions. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2016, 55, 5287−5297. Influence of Air on the Bouncing Dynamics of Shallow Vibrated Granular Beds: Kroll’s Model Predictions
G. Lu, · R. C. Hidalgo,· J. R. Third, · C. R. Müller. Ordering and stress transmission in packings of straight and curved spherocylinders. Granular Matter. (2016) 18:34. Ordering and stress transmission in packings of straight and curved spherocylinders
A. Garcimartín, D.R. Parisi, J.M. Pastor, C. Martín-Gómez, I. Zuriguel. Flow of pedestrians through narrow doors with different competitiveness. J. Stat. Mech. (2016) 043402 . Flow of pedestrians through narrow doors with different competitiveness.
P.A. Gago, D. Maza, L.A. Pugnaloni. Ergodic–nonergodic transition in tapped granular systems: The role of persistent contacts. Papers in Physics, vol. 8, art. 080001 (2016). Ergodic–nonergodic transition in tapped granular systems: The role of persistent contacts.
S.M. Rubio-Largo, F. Alonso-Marroquin, T. Weinhart, S. Luding, R.C. Hidalgo. Homogeneous cooling state of frictionless rod particles. Physica A 443 (2016) 477–485. Homogeneous cooling state of frictionless rod particles.
R. Arévalo, I. Zuriguel. Clogging of granular materials in silos: effect of gravity and outlet size.. Soft Matter (2016). Clogging of granular materials in silos: effect of gravity and outlet size..
J.M. Pastor, A. Garcimartín, P.A. Gago, J.P. Peralta, C. Martín-Gómez, L.M. Ferrer, D. Maza, D.R. Parisi, L.A. Pugnaloni, I. Zuriguel. Experimental proof of faster-is-slower in systems of frictional particles flowing through constrictions. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 92, 062817 (2015). Experimental proof of faster-is-slower in systems of frictional particles flowing through constrictions.
S.M. Rubio-Largo, A. Janda, I. Zuriguel , D. Maza and R.C. Hidalgo. Granular flow through an orifice: solving the free fall arch paradox. Proceedings of the 4th International conference on Particle-Based Methods, 28th-30th September (2015), Barcelona, Spain. "Particles 2015", E. Oñate, M. Bischoff, D.R.J. Owen, P. Wriggers and T. Zohdi (eds); pp: 71-80 (2015) Granular flow through an orifice: solving the free fall arch paradox.
A. Janda, I. Zuriguel, A. Garcimartín, D. Maza Clogging of granular materials in narrow vertical pipes discharged at constant velocity. Granular Matter (2015). Clogging of granular materials in narrow vertical pipes discharged at constant velocity.
S.M. Rubio-Largo, A. Janda, D. Maza, I. Zuriguel, R.C. Hidalgo. Disentangling the Free-Fall Arch Paradox in Silo Discharge. Physical Review Letters 114, 238002 (2015). Disentangling the Free-Fall Arch Paradox in Silo Discharge.
C. Lozano, I. Zuriguel, A. Garcimartín Stability of clogging arches in a silo submitted to vertical vibrations. Physical Review E. 91, 062203 (2015) Stability of clogging arches in a silo submitted to vertical vibrations
S.M. Rubio-Largo, P.G. Lind, D. Maza, R.C. Hidalgo Granular gas of ellipsoids: analytical collision detection implemented on GPUs. Computational Particle Mechanics. (2015). Granular gas of ellipsoids: analytical collision detection implemented on GPUs.
C. Lozano, I. Zuriguel, A. Garcimartín, T. Mullin. Granular Segregation Driven by Particle Interactions. Physical Review Letters 114, 178002 (2015). Granular Segregation Driven by Particle Interactions.
Paula A. Gago, Diego Maza, Luis A. Pugnaloni. Relevance of system size to the steady-state properties of tapped granular systems. Physical Review E 91, 032207 (2015). Relevance of system size to the steady-state properties of tapped granular systems.
A. Garcimartín, J.M. Pastor, L.M. Ferrer, J.J. Ramos, C. Martín-Gómez, I. Zuriguel. Flow and clogging of a sheep herd passing through a bottleneck. Physical Review E 91, 022808 (2015). Flow and clogging of a sheep herd passing through a bottleneck.
I. Zuriguel. Invited review: Clogging of granular materials in bottlenecks. Papers in Physics, vol. 6, art. 060014 (2014).
Fernando Alonso-Marroquíın, Jonathan Busch, Coraline Chiew, Celia Lozano, Alvaro Ramírez-Gómez. Simulation of counterflow pedestrian dynamics using spheropolygons. Physical Review E 90, 063305 (2014).
Iker Zuriguel, Daniel Ricardo Parisi, Raúl Cruz Hidalgo, Celia Lozano, Alvaro Janda, Paula Alejandra Gago, Juan Pablo Peralta, Luis Miguel Ferrer, Luis Ariel Pugnaloni, Eric Clément, Diego Maza, Ignacio Pagonabarraga y Angel Garcimartín. Clogging transition of many-particle systems flowing through bottlenecks Scientific Reports (2014).
E. Altshuler, H. Torres, A. González-Pita, G. Sánchez-Colina, C. Pérez-Penichet, S. Waitukaitis and R. C. Hidalgo. Settling into dry granular media in different gravities Geophysical Research Letters. (2014)
Richard D. P. East, Philippa McGuinness, Finn Box, Tom Mullin, Iker Zuriguel Granular segregation in a thin drum rotating with periodic modulation Physical Review E 90, 052205 (2014)
A. Garcimartín, I. Zuriguel, J.M. Pastor, C. Martín-Gómez, D.R. Parisi Experimental evidence of the “Faster Is Slower” effect Transportation Research Procedia 2 ( 2014 ) 760 – 767,Proceedings of the Conference on Pedestrian and EvacuationDynamics 2014 (PED2014), TU Delft (The Netherlands), 21-24 oct. 2014.
M. Acevedo, I. Zuriguel, D. Maza, I. Pagonabarraga, F. Alonso-Marroquin, R. C. Hidalgo Stress transmission in systems of faceted particles in a silo: the roles of filling rate and particle aspect ratio Granular Matter. 16:411–420. 2014.
S. Ardanza-Trevijano, I. Zuriguel, R. Arévalo, D. Maza. Topological analysis of tapped granular media using persistent homology Physical Review E 89, 052212. 2014.
Roberto Arévalo, Iker Zuriguel, Diego Maza, Ángel Garcimartín. Role of driving force on the clogging of inert particles in a bottleneck. Phys. Rev. E 89, 042205. 2014.
F. Alonso-Marroquin, J. Busch, A. Ramirez and C. Lozano. A Discrete Spheropolygon Model for Calculation of Stress in Crowd Dynamics. Traffic and Granular Flow, 2013 (Springer)
Celia Lozano,Alvaro Janda, Diego Maza, Angel Garcimartin, Iker Zuriguel Disminución de la probabilidad de atascos por la presencia de un obstaculo cerca de la salida Revista de Edificación. Nº 41-42, pags. 102-107 (2013)
R.C. Hidalgo, C. Lozano, I. Zuriguel, A. Garcimartín. Force analysis of clogging arches in a silo. Granular Matter, 15:841–848. (2013)
E. Altshuler, J.M. Pastor, A. Garcimartín, I. Zuriguel and D. Maza. Vibrot, a Simple Device for the Conversion of Vibration into Rotation Mediated by Friction: Preliminary Evaluation. Plos One. Volume 8. Issue 8. e67838. 2013.
C. Lozano, I. Zuriguel, A. Janda, A. Garcimartín, R. Arévalo, and D. Maza. Silo clogging reduction by placing an obstacle above the outlet. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media, 8-12 July 2013, Sydney, Australia; "Powders and Grains 2013"; A. Yu, K. Dong, R. Yang, and S. Luding (eds); AIP Conf. Proc. 1542; pp: 698-701 (2013).
A. Garcimartín, C. Lozano, G. Lumay, and I. Zuriguel. Avoiding clogs: The shape of arches and their stability against vibrations. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media, 8-12 July 2013, Sydney, Australia; "Powders and Grains 2013"; A. Yu, K. Dong, R. Yang, and S. Luding (eds); AIP Conf. Proc. 1542; pp: 686-689 (2013).
R. C. Hidalgo, T. Kanzaqui, T. Alonso-Marroquin and S. Luding. On the Use of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) for Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Spherical Particles. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media, 8-12 July 2013, Sydney, Australia; "Powders and Grains 2013"; A. Yu, K. Dong, R. Yang, and S. Luding (eds); AIP Conf. Proc. 1542; pp: 169-172 (2013).
S. Chen, F. Alonso-Marroquin, J. Busch, R. C. Hidalgo, C. Sathianandan, A. Ramírez-Gómez and P. Mora. Scaling Laws in Granular Flow and Pedestrian Flow. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media, 8-12 July 2013, Sydney, Australia; "Powders and Grains 2013"; A. Yu, K. Dong, R. Yang, and S. Luding (eds); AIP Conf. Proc. 1542; pp: 157-160 (2013).
D. Maza, A. Janda, S.M. Rubio-Largo, I. Zuriguel and R. C. Hidalgo. Velocity and density scaling at the outlet of a silo and its role in the expression of the mass flow rate. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media, 8-12 July 2013, Sydney, Australia; "Powders and Grains 2013"; A. Yu, K. Dong, R. Yang, and S. Luding (eds); AIP Conf. Proc. 1542; pp: 674-677 (2013).
A. Janda, I. Zuriguel, J. Bienzobas, A. Garcimartín and D. Maza. Pipe transport in underground mining: An experimental approach. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media, 8-12 July 2013, Sydney, Australia; "Powders and Grains 2013"; A. Yu, K. Dong, R. Yang, and S. Luding (eds); AIP Conf. Proc. 1542; pp: 710-713 (2013).
R. C. Hidalgo, M. Acevedo, I. Zuriguel, I. Pagonabarraga and D. Maza. Influence of the feeding rate on the packing properties of faceted particles. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media, 8-12 July 2013, Sydney, Australia; "Powders and Grains 2013"; A. Yu, K. Dong, R. Yang, and S. Luding (eds); AIP Conf. Proc. 1542; pp: 895-898 (2013).
R. Arévalo, L. A. Pugnaloni, D. Maza and I. Zuriguel. Tapped granular packings described as complex networks. Philosophical Magazine, 2013.
Javier Bienzobas. Explotación Sostenible de Canteras y Minas. Revista Costos Perú Nº 227. (p. 45 a 49).
Kornél Kovács, R. C. Hidalgo, I. Pagonabarraga, and Ferenc Kun. Brittle-to-ductile transition in a fiber bundle with strong heterogeneit. Physical Review E 87, 042816 (2013).
R. Arévalo, L.A. Pugnaloni, I. Zuriguel y D. Maza. Contact network topology in tapped granular media. Physical Review E 87, 0222203 (2013).
M. Acevedo, R. C. Hidalgo, I. Zuriguel, D. Maza, and I. Pagonabarraga. Influence of the feeding mechanism on deposits of square particles. Physical Review E 87, 012202 (2013).
I. Zuriguel, A. Janda, A. Garcimartín, C. Lozano, R. Arévalo and D. Maza. Silo Clogging Reduction by the Presence of an Obstacle. Phys. Rev. Lett. 107 (2011), 278001.
T. Kanzaki, M. Acevedo, I. Zuriguel, I. Pagonabarraga, D. Maza and R.C. Hidalgo. Stress distribution of faceted particles in a silo after its partial discharge. Eur. Phys. J. E 34 (2011), 133.
A. Garcimartín, I. Zuriguel, A. Janda and D. Maza. Fluctuations of grains inside a discharging two-dimensional silo. Phys. Rev. E 84 (2011), 031309.
L. A. Pugnaloni, José Damas, I. Zuriguel and D. Maza. Master curves for the stress tensor invariants in stationary states of static granular beds. Implications for the thermodynamic phase space. Papers in Physics 3 (2011), 030004.
L. A. Pugnaloni, I. Sánchez, Paula A. Gago, José Damas, I. Zuriguel and D. Maza. Towards a relevant set of state variables to describe static granular packings. Phys. Rev. E 82 (2010) 050301(R).
A. Garcimartín, I. Zuriguel, L.A. Pugnaloni and A. Janda. Shape of jamming arches in two-dimensional deposits of granular materials. Phys. Rev. E 82 (2010), 031306.
R. C. Hidalgo, I. Zuriguel, D. Maza and I. Pagonabarraga. Granular packings of elongated faceted particles deposited under gravity. J. Stat. Mech. (2010) P06025.
T. Kanzaqui, R. C. Hidalgo; D. Maza and I. Pagonabarraga. Cooling dynamics of a granular gas of elongated. Journal of Statistical Mechanics (2010).
I. Sánchez, G. Gutiérrez, I. Zuriguel and D. Maza. Sinking of light intruders in a shaken granular bed. Phys. Rev. E 81 (2010), 062301.
R. Arévalo, I. Zuriguel, S. Ardanza-Trevijano and D. Maza Third order loops of contacts in a granular force network. Int. J. Bif. Chaos 20, (2010) 897–903.
R. Arévalo, I. Zuriguel and D. Maza. Topology of the force network in the jamming transition of an isotropically compressed granular packing Phys. Rev. E 41 (2010), 041302.
R. C. Hidalgo, I. Zuriguel, D. Maza and I. Pagonabarraga. Role of Particle Shape on the Stress Propagation in Granular Packings. Phys. Rev. Lett. 103 (2009),118001.
I. Zuriguel, A. Janda, A. Garcimartín and D. Maza. Flow rate in the discharge of a two-dimensional silo. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media, 13-17 July 2009, Golden, Colorado, US; "Powders and Grains 2009", Masami Nakagawa and Stefan Luding (eds); Springer, 2009; pags: 637-640.
A. Janda, D. Maza, A. Garcimartín, E. Kolb, J. Lanuza and E. Clément. Unjamming a granular hopper by vibration Europhys. Lett. 87 (2009), 24002.
C. Mankoc, A. Garcimartín, I. Zuriguel, D. Maza and L. A. Pugnaloni. Role of vibrations in the jamming and unjamming of grains discharging from a silo. Phys. Rev. E 80 (2009), 011309.
R. Arévalo, I. Zuriguel and D. Maza. Topological properties of the contact network of granular materials. Int. J. Bif. Chaos 19 (2009), 695.
I. Zuriguel, J. Peixinho and T. Mullin. Segregation pattern competition in a thin rotating drum. Phys. Rev. E 79 (2009), 051303.
A. Janda, R. Harich, I. Zuriguel, D. Maza, P. Cixous and A. Garcimartín. Flow-rate fluctuations in the outpouring of grains from a two-dimensional silo. Phys. Rev. E 79 (2009), 031302.
A. Janda, I. Zuriguel, A. Garcimartín, L. A. Pugnaloni and D. Maza. Jamming and critical outlet size in the discharge of a two-dimensional silo. Europhys. Lett. 84 (2008), 44002.
I. Zuriguel, T. Mullin and R. Arévalo. Stress dip under a two-dimensional semipile of grains. Phys. Rev. E 77 (2008), 061307.
I. Zuriguel and T. Mullin. The role of particle shape on the stress distribution in a sandpile. Proc. R. Soc. A 464 (2008), 99-116.
R. Arévalo, A. Garcimartín and D. Maza. A non-standard statistical approach to the silo discharge. Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 143 (2007), 191-197.
R. Arévalo, A. Garcimartín and D. Maza. Anomalous diffusion in silo drainage. Eur. Phys. J. E 23 (2007), 191–198.
A. Garcimartín, J.M. Pastor, R. Arévalo and D. Maza. Convection in a vibrated granular layer. Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics 146 (2007), 331–340.
I. Zuriguel, T. Mullin and J.M. Rotter. Effect of Particle Shape on the Stress Dip Under a Sandpile. Phys. Rev. Lett 98 (2007), 028001.
C. Mankoc, A. Janda, R. Arévalo, J. M. Pastor, I. Zuriguel, A. Garcimartín and D. Maza. The flow rate of granular materials through an orifice. Gran. Matt. 9 (2007), 407–414. Erratum
(appeared on Gran. Matt. 10 (2008), 469).
J.M. Pastor, D. Maza, I. Zuriguel, A. Garcimartín and J.F. Boudet. Time resolved particle dynamics in granular convection. Physica D 232 (2007), 128-135.


Diego Maza Estudio experimental de la conveción granular. 2007
I. Zuriguel, J.M.N.T. Gray, J. Peixinho and T. Mullin. Pattern selection by a granular wave in a rotating drum. Phys. Rev. E 73 (2006), 061302.
R. Arévalo,L. A. Pugnaloni and D. Maza. Identification of arches in 2D granular packing. Phys. Rev. E 74 (2006), 021303.
I. Zuriguel, J.-F. Boudet, Y. Amarouchene and H. Kellay. Role of Fluctuation-Induced Interactions in the Axial Segregation of Granular Materials. Phys. Rev. Lett. 95 (2005), 258002.
I. Zuriguel, A. Garcimartín, D. Maza, L.A. Pugnaloni and J.M. Pastor. Jamming during the discharge of granular matter from a silo. Phys. Rev. E 71 (2005), 051303.
Anteriores a 2004
I. Zuriguel, L.A. Pugnaloni, A. Garcimartín and D. Maza. Jamming during the discharge of grains from a silo described as a percolating transition. Phys. Rev. E 68 (2003), 030301.
A. Garcimartín, D. Maza, J.L. Ilquimiche and I. Zuriguel. Convective motion in a vibrated granular layer. Phys. Rev. E 65 (2002), 031303.
A. Garcimartín, C. Mankoc, A. Janda, R. Arévalo, J.M. Pastor, I. Zuriguel and D. Maza Flow and jamming of granular matter through an orifice To be published in Traffic and Granular Flow 07 (Springer)



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