
Nested Applications


Purpose Strength Model®

Identifies the main variables for developing a purposeful organization and how to diagnose its level

Nested Applications

Nested Applications


The Purpose Strength Model ® developed by professors from Unav, IESE and UIC, is a model that identifies the main variables for developing a purposeful organization.


The core of the model consists of assessing the extent to which an organization has a purpose that is implemented and shared by all employees (people know it, have it internalized and see how their day-to-day work contributes to its development) and, based on this, see what consequences it has at the individual and collective level. It also identifies the factors on which the organization can act to enhance the generation of a shared purpose and the variables that will condition the organization-shared purpose impact. Thanks to the research developed, we are updating the model.
+ Info: Lleo, A., Rey, C., & Chinchilla, N. (2019). Measuring the Purpose Strength. In Purpose-driven Organizations (pp. 119-130). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.



Nested Applications

Nested Applications


After supplementing the Purpose Strength Model ® with valid and reliable measurement instruments, we provide an organizational diagnostic on the implementation of your purpose by collecting the opinions of managers and employees on each of the model's variables.

We present the results, contrasting the opinions of managers and employees against a benchmark, proposing an action plan to help organizations implement their purpose and unleash their full potential.


Presentación de resultados

Nested Applications
