
Enrique Iturralde, University of Mexico

Enrique IturraldeEnrique Iturralde is a Master in Sociology and a professor at the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (FCPyS UNAM). Currently he is a PhD student in Political Science, with a focus on Communication Sciences and a specialty in New Technologies, within the same institution. He teaches subjects such as Argumentation and written expression; Language, culture and power; and Political Communication and socio-digital networks. His research interests include the ethnographic digital analysis of social interactions within the Internet and the construction of online identities.


The arrival of Internet and Information and Communication Technologies enabled a multidirectional communication that can strengthen the construction of societies based on dialogue; but they also became vehicles for propagating contents and incendiary behaviors that are considered the least rational counterpart of the web. The project Trolling and hate speech as online identity validation practices in Facebook users, seeks to analyze how Mexican Internet users use trolling and other controversial behaviors to build a self-referential image for interrelates with others.

Period of stay

April 2019- October 2019


Prof. Javier Serrano Puche


Digital unav-Center for Internet Studies and Digital Life is open to visiting researchers, from all fields of digital research. These scholars take part in the activities of Digital unav and are encouraged to actively participate in our research work throughout their stay. Through discussions, seminars, lectures and other events, visiting researchers may exchange views with our team of researchers, directors and partners of Digital unav to get to know different research perspectives and to actively network with the research community.

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